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Title Page
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List of Sidebars and Figures
Introduction: Beyond “Perspectives”: Faith and Learning Take Practice
Making the Familiar Strange: A Phenomenology of Cultural Liturgies
The End of Christian Education: From Worldview to Worship (and Back Again)
Elements of a Theology of Culture: Pedagogy, Liturgy, and the Church
Part 1: Desiring, Imaginative Animals: We Are What We Love
1. Homo Liturgicus: The Human Person as Lover
From Thinking Things to Liturgical Animals
From Worldviews to Social Imaginaries
From Spheres to Aims: Liturgical Institutions
2. Love Takes Practice: Liturgy, Formation, and Counter-formation
Thick and Thin Practices: Ritual Forces of Cultural Formation
Formation, Mis-formation, and Counter-formation: Liturgies Secular and Christian
3. Lovers in a Dangerous Time: Cultural Exegesis of “Secular” Liturgies 89
“Reading” Culture through the Lens of Worship
Consuming Transcendence: Worship at the Mall
Sacrificial Violence: The “Military-Entertainment Complex”
Excursus: On Patriotism
Cathedrals of Learning: Liturgies of the University
Apologetic Excursus: The Persisting Witness of Idolatry
Part 2: Desiring the Kingdom: The Practiced Shape of the Christian Life
4. From Worship to Worldview: Christian Worship and the Formation of Desire
The Primacy of Worship to Worldview
The Sacramental Imagination: Resisting Naturalism and Supernaturalism
Excursus: The Shape of Christian Worship
5. Practicing (for) the Kingdom: An Exegesis of the Social Imaginary Embedded in Christian Worship
Liturgical Time: Rhythms and Cadences of Hope
Call to Worship: An Invitation to Be Human
God’s Greeting and Mutual Greetings: Hospitality, Community, and Graced Dependence
Song: Hymning the Language of the Kingdom
The Law: Order, Norms, and Freedom for the Good
Confession and Assurance of Pardon: Brokenness, Grace, Hope
Baptism: Initiation into a Royal Priesthood, Constitution of a New People
The Creed: Situating Belief
Prayer: Learning the Language of the Kingdom
Scripture and Sermon: Renarrating the World
Eucharist: Supper with the King
Offering: Kingdom Economics of Gratitude
Sending as Witnesses: The Cultural Mandate Meets the Great Commission
Worship, Discipleship, and Discipline: Practices beyond Sunday
6. A Christian University Is for Lovers: The Education of Desire 215
A New Monasticism for the University: Why Christian Colleges Should Corrupt the Youth
Christian Education Takes Practice: Three “Monastic” Opportunities
Christian Worship as Faculty Development: From Christian Scholars to Ecclesial Scholars
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