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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Caryl Chessman, Writer
Author's Note
Part One: Facilis Est Descensus Averni
1: Death by Legal Execution
2: Hell's Anteroom
3: The Twig
4: The Twig Is Bent
5: And Bent Still More
6: Fear!
7: The Inevitable Implosion
8: “It's Better to Be Anything than Afraid.”
9: Conquest, and the Wall
10: “Sonny Boy, Keep on Like You're Going . . . ”
11: A Reformation Factory
12: I Can Kill!
13: And He Ran Faster
14: “Apparently You Didn't Learn Your Lesson.”
Part Two: Cuilibet In Arte Sua Perito Est Credendum
15: A Peculiar Art
16: “A Being Darkly Wise, and Rudely Great”
17: The Fool and the Madman Were One
18: But This Wasn't Fiction
19: The Dark Night's Children
20: A Game of Cops and Robbers
21: The Game Grows Grimmer
22: The Beginning of the End
23: Deus Ex Machina—with a Twist
24: Operation Adolf
25: The Pull of the Orbit
26: Stone Walls Do a Prison Make
27: “O Villain, Villain, Smiling, Damned Villain!”
Part Three: Damnant Quod Non Intelligunt
28: Three Times and Out?
Vote Death For “Criminal Genius”
29: A Fool for a Client
30: “What Do You Think about It Now, Sucker?”
31: Something New in the Way of Villains
32: “The Check on Chessman”
33: This Thing Called Judicial Justice
34: “Kill Him if You Can.”
35: A Victory None Would Comprehend
36: An Awakening
37: The Return from Outer Darkness
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