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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Introduction: Why Be a Lunatic?
My Father, the Moon, and Me
Types of Telescope
Beyond Borders
An Iconic Influence
Moon 101: The Basics
Why Is the Moon Called the Moon?
The Moon’s Physical Characteristics
Size Matters
Weighing It Up
The Lunar Landscape
The Highlands
The Maria
Other Lunar Features
Wrinkle Ridges
Regolith: The Moon’s “Soil”
What Lies Beneath
What Is the Moon Made Of? (Clue: Not Cheese!)
An Alien Environment
Gravitational Field
Magnetic Field
How Long Is a Day on the Moon?
Are There Seasons on the Moon?
How Was the Moon Formed?
Moon Capture
Seeded from Our Earth
Collision Theory
The Dark Side of the Moon
Libration: Seeing What Lies Behind
Moon Past: The Moon in Our Culture
A Brief History of Moongazing
Five People
En-hedu-ana: Astronomer Priestess of the Moon Goddess
Thales Predicts a Solar Eclipse
Ibn Yunus: Ahead of His Time
Galileo Galilei Builds a Telescope
Galileo and the Church
Wáng Zhēnyí Listens to the Moon
Five Places
Warren Field
The Knowth Complex
The Callanish Stones
Lunar Standstill
Ziggurat of Ur
Temple of the Moon
Five Artifacts
Aurignacian Lunar Calendar
Ishango Bone
Ugarit Clay Tablet
Antikythera Mechanism
The First Moon Drawing
Five Poems
“Midnight Poem” by Sappho of Lesbos
“Drinking Alone in the Moonlight” by Li Po
“A Hymn to the Moon” by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
“Child Moon” by Carl Sandburg
“The Woman in the Moon” by Carol Ann Duffy
Five Folktales and Science-Fiction Stories
Wan Hu
Bahloo the Moon
A True Story by Lucian of Samosata
Somnium by Johannes Kepler
The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells
Does the Moon Make Us Mad?
Five Works of Art
The Crucifixion and Other Paintings by Jan van Eyck
Sketches of the Moon by Leonardo da Vinci
An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump by Joseph Wright of Derby
Moonscape by Roy Lichtenstein
Over the Moon: An Optical Illusion by Rob Gonsalves
Moon Present: A Sharper Focus
The Raw Power of the Moon
Moon on the Move
Supersize Moon, Supersize Tides
The Stuff of Life
Emerging from the Tides
The Wandering Moon
Why Is the Moon Speeding Up?
Not Enough Hours in the Day?
Small Moon, Long Nights
Resetting the Clock
A World at Right Angles
Observing the Moon
Ideal Viewing Conditions
Dark Adaptation
Comfortable Viewing
The Moon with the Naked Eye
Phases of the Moon
Why Do We See the Moon During Daylight?
The High Seas
Contemplating Craters
Earthshine: Ghost Moon
Total Solar Eclipses: A Cosmic Coincidence
Partial Solar Eclipse
Annular Solar Eclipse
Hybrid Solar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipses: Strange and Eerie
Why Aren’t There More Eclipses?
Low in Sky, Big Moon
Lunar Highlights with Binoculars
Additional Sights to See with Binoculars
Lunar Highlights with an Amateur Telescope
Mountain Ranges
The Apollo Landing Sites
Reaching for the Moon: The Moon Landings and the Space Race
A Brief History of Missions to the Moon: The Luna and Apollo Programs
Current Missions to the Moon: The Last Ten Years
Moon Future: What Lies Ahead?
When Will We Return to the Moon?
The Future of Science on the Moon
Minimal Atmosphere
De-twinkling the Stars
Radio Silence
Low Gravity: Bigger Telescopes
Light-Free Craters
A Time Capsule in the Sky
Maggie’s Three Eras of Space, and How Commercialization Will Get Us Out There
The Future of Commerce on the Moon
Lunar Power
An Ethical Dilemma
Space Tourism
Proposed Moon Bases
Pros and Cons of Establishing a Base on the Moon vs. Mars vs. the Mystery Third Option
Living on the Moon
Who Owns the Moon?
The Moon, Mars, and Beyond?
Conclusion: Looking Outward
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