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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Abbreviated Titles
Haunting Ourselves in Her Words
Open Eyes: An Introduction
Margaret Atwood: Branding an Icon Abroad
“A Slightly Uneasy Eminence”: The Celebrity of Margaret Atwood
Eyes Wide Shut: Atwood, Bill C-32, and the Rights of the Author
“Les talents de la voisine”: Margaret Atwood and Quebec
P.K. Page and Margaret Atwood: Continuity in Canadian Writing
Negotiations with the Living Archive
Writing History, from The Journals of Susanna Moodie to The Blind Assassin
Atwood and the “Autobiographical Pact”—for Reingard Nischik
Earlier Novels
“Saying Boo to Colonialism”: Surfacing, Tom Thomson, and the National Ghost
A Silhouette of Madness: Reading Atwood’s Surfacing
“It looked at me with its mashed eye”: Animal and Human Suffering in Surfacing
Having It Both Ways? Romance, Realism, and Irony in Lady Oracles Adulterous Affairs
How Can a Feminist Read The Handmaid’s Tale? A Study of Offred’s Narrative
“Lurid Yet Muted”: Narrative and the Sabotage of Dissident Voice in Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace
A Contemporary Psychologist Looks at Atwood’s Construction of Personality in Alias Grace
Atwood and Class: Lady Oracle, Cat’s Eye, and Alias Grace
Short Fiction and Poetry
Funny Bones Are Good Bones: Atwood and Humour
“Back from the Dead”: Journeys to the Underworld in Wilderness Tips
“It’s still you”: Aging and Identity in Atwood’s Poetry
“Com[ing] Through Darkness”: Margaret Atwood’s “I”-Opening Lyricism
Power Politics/Power Politics: Atwood and Foucault
The Two-Headed Opus
Incandescence: “the power of what is not there” in Margaret Atwood’s Morning in the Burned House
Eye-Openers: Photography in Margaret Atwood’s Poetry
The Blind Assassin and Oryx and Crake
Negotiating with the Looking Glass: Atwood, Her Protagonists, and the Journey to the Dead
The Body of/as Evidence: Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin, and the Feminist Literary Mystery
The Dead Are in the Hands of the Living: Memory Haunting Storytelling in Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin
Margaret Atwood and the Critical Limits of Embodiment
Frankenstein’s Gaze and Atwood’s Sexual Politics in Oryx and Crake
The Representation of the Absent Mother in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake
Resistance in Futility: The Cyborg Identities of Oryx and Crake
Oryx and Crake: Atwood’s Ironic Inversion of Frankenstein
Atwood’s Global Ethic: The Open Eye, The Blinded Eye
Propositions from a (Reap)praising Margaret Atwood Conference
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