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Imperial Library
April 28, 2012: When life comes to a grinding halt...
May 1, 2012: Dear child…
May 2, 2012: Taking our first steps towards genetic fatherhood…
May 7, 2012: Dear child: the journey has begun...
May 11, 2012: Embarking on the next step...
May 14, 2012: Coitus interruptus...
May 15, 2012: Move aside: urgent semen delivery...
May 18, 2012: Waiting for news from the doctors...
May 20 2012: Surrogacy: the ethics or a fool's attempt at sanity...
May 23, 2012: Today is a good day!!!
May 24, 2012: The bureaucracy of becoming a parent...
May 25, 2012: Surrogacy: an emotional roller coaster...
May 27, 2012: We have a winner…
May 31, 2012: Surrogacy: Acronyms and legal stuff...
June 5, 2012: I am hurt...
June 10, 2012: Surrogacy: status report...
July 9, 2012: Surrogacy: Flying to India to make a “donation”
July 10, 2012: Surrogacy: First day with the agency, paperwork, and scrutiny
July 11, 2012: Surrogacy: making a deposit…
July 12, 2012: India: land of contrasts, from infanticide and feticide to surrogacy
July 14, 2012: Surrogacy: meeting the surrogate mother...
July 25, 2012: Surrogacy: Day X
July 27, 2012: Day 3 - Implantation
July 27, 2012: Setback before we got started…
July 30, 2012: The difficult questions of life and parenthood…
July 31, 2012: Abortion - Adoption - IVF - Surrogacy: the dotted line
August 2, 2012: Seeing life through different glasses...
August 7, 2012: It's the waiting that is the worst...
August 14, 2012: First pregnancy test…
August 16, 2012: to be…. or not to be… pregnant...
August 16, 2012: we are pregnant!!!
August 18, 2012: We have a heart beat!
August 30, 2012: Our first ultrasound...
September 4, 2012: Worrying…
September 5, 2012: First image
September 11, 2012: How a herniated disk is good news…
September 12, 2012: We are not alone...
September 18, 2012: We lost the twin…
September 19, 2012: Swedish womb transplants: right or wrong?
September 21, 2012: Time flies...
September 30, 2012: Second trimester in reach…
October 6, 2012: Crossing the chasm
October 14, 2012: Are intended parents despicable monsters?
October 16, 2012: New baby pics…
October 17, 2012: The devil is in the details…
October 24, 2012: Waiting, not my strong suit…
October 29, 2012: The challenge of a “long distance pregnancy”
November 11, 2012: We're in the fifth month and our thoughts are all over the place…
December 5, 2012: Life is keeping us busy…
December 16, 2012: What is family…
December 21, 2012: Time to buy stuff… Or is it?
December 26, 2012: Never a dull moment
January 8, 2013: Thinking of our child in India…
January 10, 2013: Good news and rumors all in one week
January 12, 2013: The most stupid questions I have to answer…
January 19, 2013: More worries and heaps of legal proceedings…
January 25, 2013: D-day creeping closer…
February 1, 2013: Little by little, day by day…
February 10, 2013: Entering the final stretch…
February 17, 2013: New troubles in paradise
February 19, 2013: Changing perspectives: kids on flights
February 20, 2013: 29 days of worrying left (unless…)
February 28, 2013: The ethics of it all
March 10, 2013: Getting nervous…
March 15, 2013: Counting days, hours...
March 19, 2013: Back in India with two days to go…
March 20, 2013: Hours to go…
March 22, 2013: Our son is born…
March 24, 2013: From DINK to Dad in less than four days…
March 27, 2013: One week of being a parent…
April 3, 2013: Our child, a beacon of hope for a brighter future for humanity
April 8, 2013: Let the bureaucratic wars begin…
April 10, 2013: Indian corruption adding new hurdles to our journey home…
April 17, 2013: Extortion, compliments of the Indian government…
April 21, 2013: We are at home!
May 6, 2013: Sascha is six weeks old and growing…
May 21, 2013: Our son is two months old today, an update…
May 29, 2013: Update on our journey to (legal) parenthood…
June 3, 2013: As a father…
June 4, 2013: Happy Birthday… Daddy!
July 10, 2013: Of books, kids & moms…
July 22, 2013: Happy Birthday, Sascha!
August 9, 2013: Almost full circle
August 30, 2013: Tips when traveling with a baby
September 17, 2013: Reaching the end of our journey… For now!
The hole in the ground
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