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Imperial Library
~ Part One ~ The Light Chapter
1. Smoke upon the Moors
2. The Secret of the Scythe and Stone
3. The Blood Hills
4. A Wizard and His Mule
5. The Hollow
6. Guardians of the Harvest
7. Alexia the Sage
8. The Canine Empire
9. A Bond Unbroken
10. Battle for Bridge Town
11. Vandal-Hearts
12. The Essence of Life and Mana
13. Revelations From Innocence
14. Astral’s Vow
15. Keeto Town
16. A Visit to the Elder’s House
17. The Retainers
18. Ministers of Peace
19. A Journey to Destiny
20. The Way of the Alchemist
21. Secret Memories
~ Part Two ~ The Wind Chapter
22. The Changing of the Seasons
23. The Vidian Civil Alliance
24. Purring Skies
25. A Garden of Untold Truths
26. Parting Ways
27. Ashes of the Past
28. The Lost Souls of Altus
29. The Heretic
30. Road to the Stone Zephyr
31. A Battle Beneath Eagles
32. The Temple of the Wind
33. The Foil of the Hunt
34. The Crystal of the Wind
35. Sins of the Father
36. Campfire and Conspiracy
37. A Gift from the Zuut
38. Those Who Never Relinquish Grudges
39. The Loyalty of Wolves
40. The Lonely Farmstead
41. Burning Sorrow
42. Regina and the Shard of Wind
43. Warminister
44. A Great Awakening
45. Amidst Copper Cobblestones
46. Steam-Powered Vengeance
47. The Only Way Peace May Return
48. War Rig Ajax
49. Fearless Skies
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