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Imperial Library
‘Twas always so...
The Answer
Eyes Wide Shut
PART ONE: Demolishing the official story
1 Lord of the Flies
The Web
The mushroom technique
Spider bloodlines
Bloodline Satanism
Permanent Government
Global mind game
2 Rule by psychopaths
The Bush crime family [see also the Clintons]
Dark secrets galore
Redwood rituals
Skull and Bones drug network
Prescott Bush, funder of Hitler, and Rockefeller ‘race-purity'
Funding the Russian Revolution
Father George—the psychopath’s psychopath (one of so many)
The Gulf War
'Nuke 'em, kill 'em all’
Burying the truth
Evil begets evil
3 The Gofer Gang
Bush drug family
Buffoon in the White House (not the first or last)
'Big Dick'
Big Dick and big business
Snouts in the trough
Donald Rumsfeld—Integrity not a specialty
Other psychopaths
4 Play it again, scam
Oklahoma bombing
Provable lie
Rubble trouble
Clear prior knowledge
Father Bush and the Iraqi connection
Waco revisited
Pearl Harbor—the first 9/11
Gulf of Tonkin
5 What didn’t happen
American Airlines Flight 11
United Airlines Flight 175
American Airlines Flight 77
6 House of cards
NORAD and Cheyenne Mountain
This defence network could not respond on 9/11?
'Most unique installation'
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
What the hell happened to normal procedure?
What should have happened
Hijack procedure
What about no-fly zones?
The whole system went AWOL
The NORAD tapes
Military special operations commander was head of FAA ‘security’
Calculated confusion
Why not Andrews?
Another astonishing 'coincidence'- the wargame 'exercise drills'
A closer look at Eberhart
Groundhog Day
Cheney tracks ‘missing plane’ from White House ‘bunker’
7 Where were you on 9/11?
Where was Myers?
No fighters were scrambled? What?? Cue Dan
What a [coordinated] shambles
Where was Rumsfeld?
Where was Bush?
'There’s one terrible pilot'
The lie about Scare Force One
Why no evacuation?
Where was Big Dick’?
Clarke’s bombshell
8 Contradictions, anomalies and mystery men
Hijacking the 'hijackers'?
Booze-drinking, cocaine-snorting ‘Muslim hijackers’
Where are the Hijackers’?
'Ask the FBI’
Why so few passengers?
'Ringleader' Atta
'Mr Nice Guy' or not?
Doubles all round
‘Atta’ everywhere
'Quick—we'll miss it'
Camera shy
Yet another miracle (they keep on coming)
Venice-City of Mirages
Trained by the United States?
Able Danger
Expert scepticism
9 Searching the maze (with smoke and mirrors)
2001 in 1962
No pilot necessary
Remote-control and DARPA
Missing evidence (a common theme)
Clearly there's something seriously wrong with the official narrative wherever you look. Still, no problem, no worries. What happened on those four flights and who was in the cockpits can be revealed by the information secured by their black boxes (orange, not actually black). Aircraft have two black boxes: The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) which records the plane's speed, height, course and mechanical operation; and the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) which retains at least the last 30 minutes of cockpit conversations and activity. Black boxes are designed to survive fantastic impact and heat, but even with two in each plane we are told that those in the World Trade Center aircraft did not survive and were lost while the Cockpit Voice Recorder was destroyed in 'Flight 77'. Information allegedly gleaned from flight data black boxes for 'Pentagon' Flight 77 and 'Pennsylvania' Flight 93 do not support the official story of what happened peddled by the US government as I will detail. The cockpit
Selling the impossible
Pilots against 9/11 nonsense
9/11 planes have never been officially identified
Wrong engines? Military planes?
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No—it's Superscam
Hani Hanjour: Puddle-jump incompetent
Little 'hijackers', big pilots
10 ‘Plane strikes the Pentagon’ -or did it?
Questions without answers—official ones, anyway
It was Flight 77? Okay, prove it
An expert view
Pentagon witnesses
Black box re-run
Evidence for a missile strike
11 What happened to Flight 93?
Little ‘hijackers’ and big passengers. WTF?
So what really happened?
Protecting the lie
Flight 93 shot down?
The mystery 'white jet'
FBI witness tyranny
12 ‘Hijackers’ and ‘phone calls’
Video ‘proof'?
The phone calls
Impossible phone calls
Olson calls did not happen
'Let's roll’?
‘Strange calmness’ and no hijack drill
Double cross
Planes still flying after they ‘crashed’??
Psychopathic liars
13 How did the mighty fall?
Hiding the truth from day one
‘Caused by fire'? What a joke
Destroying the cover-story
Free-fall speed
'Boom, boom, boom’
Building 7: 'Pull it'.
Building 7 was a planned demolition—end of story
Giuliani’s bunker
How was it done?
Tesla knew
Dust to dust and more dust
What caused this?
14 Prior knowledge and cover-up
Casino prophets
Designer cover stories
Federal Ban on Investigation (FBI)
FBI made the bomb for 1993 attack
The shocking irony of John O’Neill
The 9/11 Commission—all hide and no seek
Gatekeeper Zelikow
Re-writing History
Protecting the military—again
Where was Winfield?
‘It never occurred to us’
15 'Bin laden did it!'
Get your villain in early
Bin laden and Father Bush
‘Bandar Bush’
Osama—hero then villain
The West—the real home of terrorism
Bin Laden-movie star
Wag the Dog 'confession'
Bloke in a hat
Seeing is believing?
Bin Laden is dead—but when?
You only die twice
PART TWO: Who really did it - and so much more
16 The Sequence
‘Jewishness’ and 'Zionism’ are not interchangeable
On the road to 9/11
Ultra-Zionism seizes power
JINSA pincer
The Blueprint
We have lift-off
'We need a 9/11'
Clark’s confirmation
Out of the mouths of babes and psychopaths
Ticking of the list
Terrified of the truth
17 The dominoes fall
‘Anti-Semite’ defence system
Soros Spring
Soros lays the trap
Mission accomplished (well, some of it)
Dominoes topple
Encourage what you want—punish what you don’t
All planned long ago
Soros and his [Twitter] storm troopers
Breathtaking bias
Minsky's blueprint
Ultra-Zionism and the far right
18 Thou shalt not speak its name
Silencing the truth-tellers
Designer language
The Protection Racket
New definition of 'anti-Semitism’ silencing dissent
We will silence them
Ultra-Zionist censorship network
Manipulation on a fantastic scale
Southern Very Rich Israel Center ‘plantation’
SPLC and the FBI
Censorship Valley
Anti-Free Speech Defame People league
Silence the kids-silence everyone
Undercover revelations
We must destroy them
Israel’s American spy network
Paying the piper...
'The Pledge’ (pinch yourself, you’re not dreaming)
Covering all bases
Crashing dissent
19 Everywhere you look
Buying Blair
Castrating Corbyn
Gaining Momentum? Or gaining control?
One party state and the climate of fear
Israel’s 'take-down’ policy
‘Conspiracy theorist'=‘anti-Semite'
Speaking from experience
Manchester (no class) United
Man and dog with banner
‘Apartheid is not racism’
Bobbies for Israel
Home town repetition
Hate-group network
Banned from Australia
Tide is turning
20 What the censors dont want you to know
The Khazar conversion
Khazar diaspora
There was no ‘exile’ and is no ‘race’
Overwhelming evidence
The Death Cult
Enter Jacob Frank
The Red-Shields
Sabbatian-Frankist Illuminati and the creation of Marxism
‘Progressive’ Marxism
Sabbatian-Frankist political correctness
From the Inside
Infiltration a speciality
Sabbatian-Frankist Jesuits
America calling
Sabbatian-Frankist 'Russian' Revolution
Sabbatian-Frankist Red Army
Sabbatian-Frankist Islam
Crown Prince Psychopath
Exposing The Web
21 Completing the job
Sabbatian-Frankist Zionism
Balfour (Rothschild) ‘delares’
World-changing war
Following Protocol
Heading for 'home'
Funding Hitler
Revisionist Zionism (terrorism)
Einstein’s condemnation
Deir Yassin and other outrages
By war thou shall take what thy want
Suffer little children
Gaza—a scar on the face of humanity
Breaking the Silence
22 Atlantic Crossing
'The Team' picks itself
The People pick the President?
Draining the swamp
Kosher Nostra
Kosher Nostra and Trump
Control of money and information
Shoot the messenger—stop the message
Ultra-Zionist censorship wherever you look
SiliCON Valley
The ‘hate-speech’ scam
Time for us all—Jewish and non-Jewish—to call it out
And so back to 9/11
23 Just a coincidence?
War by deception
Extraordinary scale and reach
Breathtaking hypocrisy
A history of attacking Americans
How the West was stung
Ultra-Zionist domination
Terrorists in charge
Synchronicity or what?
Lucky Larry—Lucky Frank
‘High-flying Israelis’
The cover-up
The Israeli US spy ring (and what else?)
Massive US Mossad network
Mossad and 9/11 'hijackers'—the Florida connection
Nassau patsies?
Bollyn’s experience
24 Just a coincidence? (2)
Intel Inside
Israel: Breaking a PROMIS
Israeli tech-matrix
Israeli tech innovator and trained assassin on Flight 11
Ptech and 9/11
The Ultra-Zionist connection
Ptech MITRE and 9/11
In-your-face cover-up
FBI—Federal Blocking of Investigation
Mendelson’s remote control
Hawks and Dov
Lights, camera¯action!
25 Just a coincidence? (3)
Ultra-Zionism and WTC ‘security’
The grip tightens
Calling them ‘home’?
Ultra-Zionist airport ‘security’
Chertoff your back
So transparently corrupt
Smelling the evidence
The Mossad/Asia connection
Contempt for 9/11 victims and families
Covering all bases
History repeating (yet again)
Ultra-Zionist-controlled 9/11 Commission
Ultra-Zionist ‘Bin laden’ videos
Yeah who does benefit?
Elephant on the sofa
It is NOT a ‘Jewish plot'
Definition defined
26 Eyes wide OPEN
'Jewish' cover story
Protocol prophecies
Different sources—same story
Sabbatian-Frankist coup d’etat
King of the World
Importance of 'the mob’
Essential fake 'liberals’
In search of a ‘saviour’
Control the tech—control the world
Mind hack
The end of men
Why they are called SECRET societies
‘Smart Grid’—the Endgame
The 'Internet of Things’
Smart cities
Just a search engine? Just a social media site?
Behavior control
27 Eyes wide OPEN (2)
Endgame technology—5G
See no evil
No escape
Israel and 5G
In his own words
'Turning the world blue'
Many faces of the Death Cult
Vaccine madness
Vaccines and DNA
Vaccines meet the Smart Grid
Transgender hysteria
Synthetic masculine-deleted humanity
Information control
So there we are...
Fear of the Maverick
Consequences don’t matter—only the truth and freedom does
Nazi censorship out of control
Intel Israel inside—again
Renegades are dangerous (to the Death Cult)
Other work by David Icke
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