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Title Page
Table of Contents
Foreword (Anna Todd, @imaginator1D)
Part 1: Getting Started
1. Why Wattpad Works (Benjamin Sobieck, @BenSobieck)
2. How Wattpad Works (Kevin Fanning, @kfxinfinity)
3. The Writing Process and Wattpad (Neilani Alejandrino, @sweetdreamer33)
4. Preparing Your Writing for Wattpad (H.J. Nelson, @hjnelson)
5. Design a Great Wattpad Cover for Less than the Price of Lunch (Jakayla Toney, @Ms_Horrendous)
6. Creating Usernames and Crafting a Wattpad Identity (Katie Hart, @Lilohorse)
Part 2: Crafting Your Platform
7. Taking the Leap: Publishing Your Story (M.C. Roman, @MCRomances)
8. When and Why to Change a Story (Jordan Lynde, @XxSkater2Girl16xX)
9. Interacting with Readers: Your Other Job as a Writer (Lauren Palphreyman, @LEPalphreyman)
10. Turbocharge Storytelling with Multimedia (Jenny Rosen, @jr0127)
11. 10 Secrets to Getting Reads, Votes, and Comments (Debra Goelz, @BrittanieCharmintine)
12. Plug Into Other Social Media Platforms to Maximize Wattpad (Rachel Meinke, @knightsrachel)
13. Network With Other Wattpad Writers to Build Communities (Kelly Anne Blount, @KellyAnneBlount)
14. Writing Outside of English (Ariana Godoy, @cold_lady19)
15. Fanfiction: Wattpad’s Wild Frontier (Noelle N., @hepburnettes)
Part 3: Building Your Writing Career
16. Define Success, or It’ll Define You (Benjamin Sobieck, @BenSobieck)
17. Using Wattpad to Leverage Success in Traditional Publishing (Sara Sargent)
18. Selling Books Available Outside of Wattpad (A.V. Geiger, @adam_and_jane)
19. Wattpad as a Tool for Advocacy (Tahlie Purvis, @TahliePurvis)
20. The Wattpad Stars Program (Tim Johnson, @Tim)
21. From Wattpad to Hollywood (Tim Johnson, @Tim)
22. Win or Lose, Contests Offer Big Opportunities (Amber K Bryant, @amberkbryant)
23. Writing for Wattpad Campaigns (Darly Jamison, @Monrosey)
24. The Wattys: One Award to Rule Them All (Kara Barbieri, @Pandean)
25. Wattpad Labs: Redefining Storytelling with Tap By Wattpad (Jo Watson, @JoWatson_101)
Part 4: Inspiration
26. Words of Wisdom for Wattpad Writers (Benjamin Sobieck, @BenSobieck)
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