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Title Page
My Own Journey
What You Will Learn in This Book
Part I. The Challenge of Reaching Outside Your Comfort Zone
Chapter 1. Why Reaching Outside Your Comfort Zone Is So Hard
The Authenticity Challenge: “This Isn’t Me at All”
The Likeability Challenge: “People Won’t Like This Version of Me”
The Competence Challenge: “People Can Tell I’m Not Good at This”
The Resentment Challenge: “Why Do I Have to Do This in the First Place?”
The Morality Challenge: “I’m Not Sure I Should Be Doing This”
All These Emotions Make It Hard to Be Effective
Chapter 2. Our Amazing Capacity to Avoid
Tactic #1: Full-On Avoidance
Tactic #2: Do the Task, but Only Partway—and Not So Well
Tactic #3: Procrastinate
Tactic #4: Pass the Buck
A Vicious Cycle of Avoidance
Part II. How to Successfully Reach Outside Your Comfort Zone
Chapter 3. Conviction: The Critical Importance of Having a Deep Sense of Purpose
Purpose Has Many Sources
Chapter 4. Customization: Finding Your Own Personal Way of Performing the Task
The Many Tools of Customization
Customize the Words You Use
Customize Your Body Language
Customize the Timing
Use Props
Customize the Context
Chapter 5. Clarity: The Power of Honest Perspective
Clarity as an Antidote to Avoidance
Clarity as a Normalizer to Distorted Thinking
Clarity Sounds Great, but How Do You Make It Happen?
Step Away
Refer to Yourself in the Third Person
Practicing Self-Reflection
Finding Clarity Through Someone Else’s Eyes
Your Own Recipe
Chapter 6. The Surprising Benefits of Taking a Leap
The Incredibly Powerful Effect of Simply Giving It a Try
Discovery #1: This Isn’t So Bad After All!
Discovery #2: I Can Do This (And I’m Better at It Than I Thought)!
Part III. How to Make Your New Behavior Stick
Chapter 7. Building Resilience
Resource #1: A Thoughtful and Effective Practice Routine
Practice in Situations That Provide a “just Right” Challenge
Practice in Settings That Give a Realistic Preview of What You’ll Ultimately Experience
Create Forcing Mechanisms to “avoid Avoidance”
Resource #2: A Mind-Set That Supports Learning and Experimentation
Notice, Appreciate, and Internalize Your Small Wins
Think of Changing Behavior as a Journey—and Take Heed of the Mile Markers Along the Way
Resource #3: A Healthy Support System
Chapter 8. The Myths and Realities
Part IV. Practical Tools: Applying Reach to Your Own Life
What Are Your Avoidance Strategies?
1. Avoid the Task Entirely
2. Do the Task Only Partway
3. Procrastinate
4. Pass the Buck (And Have Someone Else Do It)
Unlocking Your Sources of Personal Conviction
Learning to Customize Your Behavior
Customizable Element #1: Your Dialogue
Customizable Element #2: Your Body Language
Customizable Element #3: Timing
Customizable Element #4: Props
Customizable Element #5: The Context
Developing Clarity
About the Author
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