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Table of Contents
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Beyond the Book
Where to Go from Here
Book I: What Do Catholics Believe?
Chapter 1: What It Means to Be Catholic
What Exactly Is Catholicism Anyway?
Knowing What the Catholic Church Teaches
Worshipping As a Catholic: The Holy Mass
Behaving Like a Catholic
Praying as a Catholic: Showing Your Devotion
Defining “The Church” and What Membership Means
Chapter 2: Having Faith in God’s Revealed Word
How Do You Know If You Have Faith?
Having Faith in Revelation
Backing Up Your Faith with Reason: Summa Theologica
Chapter 3: In the Beginning: Catholic Teachings on Creation and Original Sin
Making Something out of Nothing
Breathing Life into the World: Creationism or Evolution?
Angels and Devils: Following God or Lucifer
Witnessing the Original Sin
Anticipating What’s to Come: Moving toward the End of Creation
Chapter 4: Believing in Jesus
Understanding Jesus, the God-Man
The Gospel Truth: Examining Four Written Records of Jesus
Dealing with Heresy and Some Other $10 Words
Chapter 5: Who’s Who in Catholic Practice
Getting to Know the Pope
Who’s Next in the Ecclesiastical Scheme of Things
The Non-Ordained Ministers
Chapter 6: The Liturgical Year
Worshipping through the Temporal Cycle
Preparing for Christ Our Light: Advent and Christmas
Celebrating Christ Our Life: Lent, Holy Week, and Easter
Filling in the Gaps with Ordinary Time
Honoring Saints in the Sanctoral Cycle
Book II: Walking the Catholic Walk
Chapter 1: Worshipping Catholic Style
Getting Your Body and Soul into the Act
Understanding Some Symbols and Gestures
Sensing God
Come On In — The Water’s Fine
The Holy Eucharist
Coming of Age: Confirmation
Chapter 2: The Sacraments of Service and Healing
The Sacraments of Service and Community
The Sacraments of Mercy and Healing
Chapter 3: Obeying the Rules: Catholic Law
Following the Eternal Law of God
Playing by the Church’s Rules
Chapter 4: Loving and Honoring: The Ten Commandments
Demonstrating Love for God
Loving Your Neighbor
Coming Out Even Steven
Chapter 5: Being Good When Sinning Is So Easy
Cultivating Good Habits
The Seven Deadly Sins
Chapter 6: Standing Firm: The Church’s Stance on Some Sticky Issues
Celibacy and the Male Priesthood
Matters of Life and Death
Planning Your Family Naturally
Defending Traditional Family Life
Book III: Catholic Mass
Chapter 1: Understanding Mass and Its Foundations
Introducing the Catholic Mass
What Mass Means to Catholics
Different Catholics, Different Masses
Changes to the Mass Over the Years
Roots of Judaism within the Mass
New Testament: Origin of Christianity
Getting the Most Out of Mass
Running Through the Roles of Liturgical Ministers
Chapter 2: Ordinary Form of the Mass
Introductory Rites
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Discovering Variations in the Ordinary Form
Chapter 3: Extraordinary Form: Traditional Latin Mass
Introducing the Extraordinary Form of the Mass
A Rundown of the Entire Mass
Chapter 4: The Tools of the Catholic Mass
Liturgical Books
Liturgical Vestments
Liturgical Vessels, Altar Linens, and Artifacts
Chapter 5: The Look and Sound of Mass: Architecture, Art, and Music
Meeting in Sacred Spaces: Church Buildings
Architectural Styles
Music in Worship
Art in Churches
Book IV: Saints and Other Important Figures
Chapter 1: Understanding Sainthood, Angels, and the Blessed Virgin
Ordinary Saints versus Official Saints
The Canonization Process Then and Now
Intercession (Patron Saints)
Venerating the Saints
Following the Saints’ Examples
Understanding Angels (and Why Some Angels Are Considered Saints)
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Gabriel the Archangel
St. Raphael the Archangel
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Chapter 2: Starting at the Beginning: Apostles and Evangelists
St. Peter
St. Andrew
St. James the Greater
St. John the Evangelist
St. James the Less
St. Bartholomew
St. Thomas
St. Jude Thaddeus
St. Matthew
St. Matthias
St. Philip
St. Simon the Zealot
St. Mark
St. Luke
St. Paul
Chapter 3: Looking at Undecayed Saints (Incorruptibles)
St. Bernadette Soubirous
St. Catherine Laboure
St. Charbel Makhlouf
St. Francis de Sales
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
St. John Marie Vianney
St. Josaphat
St. Lucy Filippini
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
St. Philip Neri
St. Rose of Lima
St. Veronica Giuliani
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Zita
Chapter 4: Holy Martyrs
St. Agatha
St. Agnes
St. Blasé (Blaise)
St. Boniface
St. Cecilia
St. Denis
SS. Felicity and Perpetua
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
St. George
St. Hippolytus of Rome
St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. Irenaeus
St. Januarius
St. John the Baptist
St. John Fisher
St. Lucy
St. Maximilian Kolbe
St. Polycarp
St. Sebastian
St. Thomas Becket
St. Thomas More
Other Notable Martyrs
Chapter 5: Founding Fathers and Mothers
St. Alphonsus Ligouri
St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Benedict of Nursia
St. Clare of Assisi
St. Dominic de Guzman
St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Lucy Filippini
St. Philip Neri
St. Vincent de Paul
Chapter 6: Saintly Pastors
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Ansgar
St. Anthony, the Abbot
St. Anthony Claret
St. Anthony Zaccaria
St. Augustine of Canterbury
St. Bernadine of Siena
St. Bruno
St. Cajetan
St. Casimir
St. Charles Borromeo
St. Columban
St. Eusebius of Vercelli
St. Francis of Paola
St. Jerome Emiliani
St. John Baptist de la Salle
St. John Cantius (Kanty)
St. John of Capistrano
St. Josemaria Escriva
St. Martin of Tours
St. Nicholas of Bari
St. Patrick
St. Paul of the Cross
St. Vincent Ferrer
Chapter 7: Women in the Bible: Six Impactful Ladies
And Then There Was Woman: Eve
A Famous Mom: Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Befriending Jesus: Mary Magdalene
Meeting Ruth
Getting to Know Judith
Esther: Becoming a Queen
Book V: All About the Pope
Chapter 1: How the Pope Becomes Pope, and What Happens Next
Getting the Job
Is He Really Infallible?
Now That’s Job Security!
Where the Pope Hangs His Hat
Chapter 2: John Paul II: A Man for All Seasons
Being a Groundbreaker, Shepherd, and Reformer
Author, Author
Becoming a Philosopher-Theologian
Becoming a Philosopher-Theologian
Being a Shepherd (Bishop)
Moving Up the Ranks
Revisiting His Legacy
A People’s Pope: John Paul the Great?
Chapter 3: Pope Francis
In the Days before the Election: The Early Years of Pope Francis
The Unexpected Papacy
Making His Positions Official in Papal Encyclicals
Chapter 4: One Last Promotion: Popes Who Became Saints
Pope St. Peter
Pope St. Linus
Pope St. Clement I
Pope St. Alexander I
Pope St. Telesphorus
Pope St. Hyginus
Pope St. Zephyrinus
Pope St. Callixtus I
Pope St. Pontian
Pope St. Fabian
Pope St. Cornelius
Pope St. Lucius I
Pope St. Stephen I
Pope St. Sixtus II
Pope St. Dionysius
Pope St. Caius
Pope St. Marcellinus
Pope St. Melchiades
Pope St. Sylvester I
Pope St. Julius I
Pope St. Damasus
Pope St. Siricius
Pope St. Innocent I
Pope St. Boniface I
Pope St. Celestine I
Pope St. Sixtus III
Pope St. Leo I
Pope St. Hilarius
Pope St. Gelasius I
Pope St. John I
Pope St. Felix III (IV)
Pope St. Agapetus I
Pope St. Gregory I
Pope St. Boniface IV
Pope St. Martin I
Pope St. Vitalian
Pope St. Agatho
Pope St. Sergius I
Pope St. Gregory II
Pope St. Zacharias
Pope St. Paul I
Pope St. Leo III
Pope St. Paschal I
Pope St. Leo IV
Pope St. Nicholas I
Pope St. Gregory VII
Pope St. Celestine V
Pope St. Pius V
Pope St. Pius X
Other Saintly Popes of the Early Catholic Church
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