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Imperial Library
Part One: Interpretation
Chapter One: What Is Legal Interpretation?
1. Definition of Legal Interpretation
2. The Limits of Interpretation
3. Basic Problems in Interpretation
4. Systems of Interpretation in Law
5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Interpretive Rules
6. The Status and Sources of Interpretive Rules
7. Laws of Interpretation, Jurisprudence, and General Hermeneutics
Chapter Two: Non-Interpretive Doctrines
1. The Essence of Non-Interpretive Doctrines
2. Filling in a Gap in a Legal Text
3. Resolving Contradictions Normatively
4. Correcting Mistakes in the Language of a Text
5. Deviating from the Language of the Text to Avoid Absurdity
6. Cy Pres Performance
7. From Interpretive Theory to Purposive Interpretation
Part Two: Purposive Interpretation
Chapter Three: The Essence of Purposive Interpretation
1. “Purposive Interpretation”: Terminology
2. Fundamentals of Purposive Interpretation
Chapter Four: The Semantic Component of Purposive Interpretation
1. Interpretive Theory and Semantic Theory
2. Types of Language
3. Canons of Interpretation
Chapter Five: The Purposive Component of Purposive Interpretation
1. The Essence of Purpose
2. Multiple Purposes
Chapter Six: Subjective Purpose: Authorial Intent
1. The Essence of Subjective Purpose
2. Abstract Purpose and Concrete Purpose
3. Subjective Purpose and the Problem of Multiple Authors
4. Sources of Subjective Purpose
5. Subjective Purpose as a Presumption about the Text’s Purpose
Chapter Seven: Objective Purpose: Intent of the Reasonable Author; Intent of the System
1. The Essence of Objective Purpose
2. Sources of Objective Purpose: Internal and External
3. Presumptions of Objective Purpose
4. Contradictions between Purposive Presumptions
Chapter Eight: The Purposive Component: Ultimate Purpose
1. The Weight of Subjective and Objective Purpose in Determining Ultimate Purpose
2. Type of Text: Will, Contract, Statute, and Constitution
3. Type of Text: The Effect of a Text’s Age on Its Ultimate Purpose
4. Type of Text: Distinguishing Texts by Scope of Issues Regulated
5. Type of Text: Changes in Regime Character and Society’s Fundamental Assumptions
6. Type of Text: Texts Based on Rules and Texts Based on Standards
7. Type of Text: Content of the Provision
8. The Effect of Type of Text on Ultimate Purpose
9. Formulating Ultimate Purpose
Chapter Nine: Discretion as a Component in Purposive Interpretation
1. The Essence of Judicial Discretion
2. Situations of Judicial Discretion
Chapter Ten: The Theoretical Basis for Purposive Interpretation
1. The Need to Justify a System of Interpretation
2. Social Support for Purposive Interpretation
3. Jurisprudential Support for Purposive Interpretation
4. Hermeneutic Considerations in Favor of Purposive Interpretation
5. Constitutional Considerations in Favor of Purposive Interpretation
Chapter Eleven: Purposive Interpretation and Its Critique of Other Systems of Interpretation
1. Purposive Interpretation and Subjective Systems of Interpretation
2. Purposive Interpretation and Objective Systems of Interpretation: Textualism, “Old” and “New”
3. Purposive Interpretation and Pragmatism
4. Purposive Interpretation and Dworkin’s System of Interpretation
5. Purposive Interpretation and Free Interpretation
6. Critique of Purposive Interpretation and Some Responses
Part Three: Interpretation in Law
Chapter Twelve: The Interpretation of Wills
1. The Uniqueness of a Will and How It Affects Interpretation
2. The Language of a Will
3. The Purpose of a Will
Chapter Thirteen: The Interpretation of Contracts
1. The Uniqueness of a Contract and How It Affects Interpretation
2. Contract Theory and Contractual Interpretation
3. The Purpose of a Contract
4. The Subjective Purpose of a Contract
5. Sources of Subjective Purpose
6. The Objective Purpose of a Contract
7. Presumptions for Identifying Objective Purpose
8. The Ultimate Purpose of a Contract
Chapter Fourteen: Statutory Interpretation
1. The Uniqueness of a Statute and How It Affects Interpretation
2. The Subjective Purpose of a Statute
3. Subjective Purpose Learned from the Language of a Statute
4. Subjective Purpose Learned from Sources External to the Statute: Legislative History
5. The Objective Purpose of a Statute
6. Sources of Objective Purpose
7. Presumptions of Objective Purpose
8. The Ultimate Purpose of a Statute
Chapter Fifteen: Constitutional Interpretation
1. The Uniqueness of a Constitution and How It Affects Interpretation
2. The Language of a Constitution
3. The Subjective Purpose of a Constitution
4. The Objective Purpose of a Constitution
5. Sources of Objective Purpose
6. The Ultimate Purpose of a Constitution
Appendix 1 The Structure of Legal Interpretation
Appendix 2 Purposive Interpretation
Appendix 3 Weighting Subjective and Objective Purposes
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