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Imperial Library
Half Title
Title Page
Forward to the fourth edition and backward to the first!
How to use this book
Note on the philosophical pictures
Ten logical loops and paradoxical problems to get started with
1. The cow in the field
2. The raven
3. Descartes’ big problem
4. The hanging judge
5. The hairdresser of Hindu Kush
6. The tuck-shop dilemma
7. Protagoras’ problem
8. The unexpected exam
9. Sorites
10. A problem arranging ship battles
Eight tricky ethical dilemmas
11. Flight 999 to Shangri-La
12. The plank of Carneades
13. The dodgy donor clinic
14. The famous footbridge dilemma
15. A not-very classical musical dilemma
16. Whose baby?
17. Potentially a problem
18. Kidnapped by doctors! Episode I
19. Kidnapped by doctors! Episode II
20. The turtle
Half a dozen pesky numbers problems
21. The amazing run of luck
22. The infinite hotel
23. Zeno’s paradox of place
24. Poincaré’s problem
25. The mysterious triangle
26. The fern
Pretty ugly aesthetic problems
27. Fakes and forgeries
28. Flash Bagman
29. Problems buying stamps and potatoes
30. More problems buying stamps and potatoes
31. A matter of standards
32. The exploitative pictures
Heavy lifting personal problems
33. Swampy things
34. The X-perience Machine
35. The power of partiality
36. Against impartiality
37. The superior power of self-interest
38. The mind’s eye
39. The half-a-brain problem
40. Only John King
41. The materialisation of Katie
Paradoxical picture puzzles
42. The ‘blobs’ and ‘the colour disk illusion’
43. The cube and the triangle
44. Figure/ground reversal
45. The false leg
46. Band with a twist to it
Twelve traditional philosophy problems no one really cares about anyway
47. Unicorns’ horns
48. The King of France’s pate
49. Snow’s colour
50. Unmarried bachelors
51. The author of Waverley
52. Martian water
53. The millennium problem
54. Green and red
55. G.E. Moore’s problem
56. Kant’s problem
57. More Kant
58. The table
Famous thought experiments in science and philosophy that changed the way we see the world … a bit
59. Potty (thought) experiments
60. What happens after the sun goes out?
61. Galileo’s (gravitational) balls
62. Maxwell’s moving magnets
63. Einstein changes the train times
64. Schrödinger’s cat’s problem
65. Deep thought speaks for itself
66. Deeper thought
Some rather dodgy ethical problems
67. The dog and the professor I
68. The dog and the professor II
69. A relative problem
70. New Diktatia I
71. New Diktatia II
72. New Diktatia III
73. The dissonance of the $1 volunteers
74. The Devil’s chemists
More paradoxical pictures
75. Daytime – or night-time?
76. But will the waterfall?
77. The architect’s secret
78. Smaller and smaller
79. The three hares illusion
Fairly fundamental religious problems
80. The evangelist
81. The hate preacher
82–89 Problems raised by an annoying parishioner, on a wet Sunday afternoon, at the vicar’s tea party
Another dollop of maths to keep you perky
90. The battle for Fractal Farm
91. Lorenz’s waterywheel
92. Statistics in the firing line
93. Problems at the West Midlands grommet factory
Closing down problems
94. A fairly terminal problem for dull philosophers
95. Pain is good
96. Greed is good
97. Sleeping problems
98. The sleeping man
99. Simple universe
100. The problem of how to get to 101 (unsolved)
101. The problem of existence
Reading guide
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