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Table of Contents
PART I: Perspectives on Emotions
1 Approaches to Understanding Emotions
What Is an Emotion? First Ideas
Nineteenth-Century Founders
Philosophical and Literary Approaches
Brain Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology
Empirical Inspirations for a New Science of Emotion
What Is an Emotion? A Framework
The Emotional Realm: Emotions—Moods—Dispositions
To Think About and Discuss
Further Reading
2 Evolution of Emotions
Elements of an Evolutionary Approach
An Evolutionary History of Human Emotions
Evolution of Symbolic Representation and Language
Emotions as Bases of Human Relationships
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3 Cultural Understandings of Emotions
An Island Society
Cross-cultural Approaches to Emotion
The Construction of Emotions in the West
Sexual Love in the West
Integrating Evolutionary and Cultural Approaches
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Further Reading
PART II: Elements of Emotions
4 Communication of Emotions
Five Kinds of Nonverbal Behavior
Facial Expressions of Emotion
Vocal Communication of Emotion
Tactile Communication of Emotion
Emotional Expression and the Coordination of Social Interaction
Cultural Variation in Emotional Expression
Communication of Emotion in Art
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Further Reading
5 Bodily Changes and Emotions
Early Theorizing About Emotion and Bodily Changes
Emotion and the Autonomic Nervous System
Emotion and the Neuroendocrine System
Emotion and the Immune System
Bodily Changes and Emotional Experience
Embodiment, Cognition, and Social Interaction
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6 Appraisal, Experience, Regulation
Appraisal and Emotion
Primary Appraisals, Good and Bad
Secondary Appraisals
A Third Phase of Appraisal: Verbal Sharing
Words and concepts
Emotional Experience
Regulation of Emotions
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Further Reading
7 Brain Mechanisms and Emotion
Historical Approaches to the Neuroscience of Emotion
Emotion‐Related Appraisals and Subcortical Processes in the Brain
Bodily Awareness and Subjective Feeling: The Anterior Insular Cortex
From Conceptualization to Empathic Understanding: Cortical Processes in the Brain
The Search for Emotion‐Specific Patterns of Brain Activation
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PART III: Emotions and Social Life
8 Development of Emotions in Childhood
Theories of Emotional Development
Emotional Expression
Recognition of Emotions
Regulation of Emotions
Biological Contributions to Temperament
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Further Reading
9 Emotions in Social Relationships
Emotions Within Intimate Relationships
Emotions in Friendships
Emotions in Hierarchical Relationships
Emotion and Group Dynamics
Emotional Intelligence
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10 Emotions and Thinking
Passion and Reason
Emotions Prioritize Thoughts, Goals, and Actions
Emotion and Mood in Economic Behavior
Affect Infusion, and Affect as Information
Styles of Processing
Effects of Moods and Emotions on Cognitive Functioning
Emotions and the Law
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PART IV: Emotions and the Individual
11 Individual Differences in Emotionality
Emotionality Over the Life Span
Attachment and Emotionality
Parental Behaviors Beyond Attachment
Beyond Parenting: Influences of Siblings, Peers, and the Broader Social Context
Programs That Optimize Emotional Development
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Further Reading
12 Psychopathology of Emotions in Childhood
Emotions and Psychopathology
Prevalence of Psychopathology in Childhood
The Relationship Between Risk Factors and Psychopathology
Risk Factors
Trajectories of Disorders
Interventions for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
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Further Reading
13 Emotional Disorders in Adulthood
Depression and Anxiety
Psychiatric Disorders: Symptoms and Prevalence
How Disorders Are Caused
Gene–Environment Interactions
Emotional Predispositions and Emotional Disorders
Vulnerability Factors
Recurrence, Recovery, and Prolongation of Disorders
Neurophysiology of Depression and Anxiety
Beyond Depression and Anxiety
To Think About and Discuss
Further Reading
14 A Meaningful Life
A Significant Event
Meaning in Life
Psychological Therapy with Others and by Oneself
Mindfulness, Ancient and Modern
Consciously Making Sense of Emotions
Emotions in Literature
Emotion and Free Will
Emotion and Meaning in the Social World
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Author Index
Subject Index
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