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Cover Page
Praise for Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?
Title Page
Introducing the Animal Liberation Front
Animal Liberation Front Guidelines
Introduction: Behind the Mask: Uncovering the Animal Liberation Front
I. The ALF: The Newest Liberation Movement
II. Direct Action and Democracy
III. Origins of the ALF
Migration to the US
IV. Philosophy and Structure of the ALF
V. The “Principled” Critique of the ALF
Semantic Quagmires: Defining “Violence” and “Terrorism”
Dilemmas and the Politics of Language
VI. The “Pragmatic” Critique of the ALF
Exploiters on the Run
VII. Rifts in the Movement
VIII. Against Hypocrisy
IX. About This Volume
Difference in Unity, Unity in Difference
X. Into the Future
Thirty Years of Direct Action
Animal Liberation—By “Whatever Means Necessary”
A Personal Overview of Direct Action in the United Kingdom and the United States
Legitimizing Liberation
At the Gates of Hell: The ALF and the Legacy of Holocaust Resistance
Exposing the Ethical Tension
The Ethical Challenge of Holocaust Resistance Fighters
The Ethical Challenge of the Animal Liberation Front
Exposing the Methods of Destruction
Holocaust Resistance, The ALF, and Direct Action Against a System of Destruction
Exposing Liberation
Abolition, Liberation, Freedom. Coming to a Fur Farm Near You
Missed Opportunities
Path to Liberation
Let Them Read Lies
The Aftermath
Mothers with Monkeywrenches: Feminist Imperatives and the ALF
ALF and Ecofeminism
ALF and Anarcha~Feminism
ALF and Radical Feminism
ALF and Feminist Ethics
Aquinas's Account of Anger Applied to the ALF
The Pleasure of Revenge
The Expressions and Effects of Anger
Kinds of Anger
The Cause of Anger
Identification with Others
Anger and Animal Rights Activism
Direct Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Touch the Earth
Take No Prisoners
Understanding the ALF: From Critical Analysis to Critical Pedagogy
Open Rescues: Putting a Face on the Rescuers and on the Rescued
The “Disappearance” of Animals in Western Culture
The Role of the ALF
United Poultry Concerns Forum On Direct Action for Animals
Undercover Investigations of Battery-Caged Hen Facilities
The Drama of Open Rescue
Open the Cages
From the Front Line to the Front Page—An Analysis of ALF Media Coverage
Our Little Civil War
Good Press, Bad Press?
Foie Gras: In the News, Off the Menus
Mink: To Free or Not to Free?
Should We “Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Bomb”?
If Somebody Dies, Does Our Movement?
ALF and Ronnie Go to Hollywood
Arming the Forces for the Media Ambush
How to Justify Violence
Direct Action: Progress, Peril, or Both?
Direct Action for Animals
Pros and Cons of the ALF
The Nonviolent Path
Lessons at Hegins
Comparing Movement Strategies
In the End
Afterword: Where We Go From Here
Defending Agitation and the ALF
Drawing Lines and Making Choices: Which Side Are You On?
Looking for Cues from Other Movements
Limitations in Extrapolating from Gandhi and King to Animal Rights
The Value of the ALF
Blow It Up
Taking Responsibility: Reflections on the Pragmatism of “Doing Time”
Freedom Cannot Wait
All Roads Lead to Liberation: Maintaining a United Front
Bricks And Bullhorns
The One-Two Punch
When Harry Met Sally
“SHAC Attack”
You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours
The Dreaded “T” Word
Friend or Foe?
Revolutionary Process and the ALF
ALF and ELF—Terrorism Is as Terrorism Does
The Rhetorical “Terrorist”: Implications of the USA Patriot Act on Animal Liberation
The Patriot Act, Title 18, and Animal Liberation
ALF and the Misnomer of “Terrorist”
Implications of the Patriot Act
It's War! The Escalating Battle between Activists and the Corporate-State Complex
A Specter Haunts Society: Animal and Earth Liberation
Patriot Games
“Shock and Awe” Attacks on Democracy
Lobbying for Tyranny: The Texas Eco-Terrorism McBill
Pump Up the Volume: The War of Words
Will the Real Terrorists Please Shut Up?
Post-Constitutional America
Creeping Fascism
One Struggle, One Fight
Afterword: The ALF: Who, Why, and What?
1: My Experience with Government Harassment
Feds Cry “Terrorism”
First Encounter
Feds Target Visible Warriors
Witch Hunts: The ALF Betrayed
FBI Terrorize Family and Friends
Closing In
Non-Cooperation: Our Best Defense
In the Crosshairs
Help the Underground Resistance
Stand Up For Your Rights
2: Letters from the Underground, Parts I and II
Part I: How I Came to Join the ALF
Overcome the Excuses
An Army of One
The First Action
Part II: Looking for Partners
Friends and Comrades
Critiquing the Action
Building Trust and Solidarity
3: Defining Terrorism
Semantic Chaos
The Exploitation of Language
Definitional Exclusion #1: The US and State-Sponsored Terrorism
Definitional Exclusion #2: Species Terrorism
For the animals, every second is a 9/11 attack.
What is Terrorism?
I. General Definitions
II. State and Political Definitions
III. Definitions of “Domestic Terrorism” and “Animal Rights and Ecological Terrorism”
IV. Definitions of “Bioterrorism” and “Agroterrorism”
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About the Authors
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