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Imperial Library
A Note from the Editor
Who Is Elizabeth Clare Prophet?
Of Angels, Masters and Men—The Hierarchy of Heaven
Who Are the Ascended Masters?
Seven Masters Teach the Seven Paths to God
The Three Orders of Spiritual Beings
Cooperation between the Three Kingdoms
The Opportunity to Evolve Upward
The Plan of Victory: The Ascension, the Goal of Life
Profiles of the Ascended Masters
The Retreats of the Ascended Masters
The Web of Life
The Purposes of the Retreats of the Masters
Cities of the Brotherhood in the Etheric Realm
If the Retreats Are Real, Why Don’t We Remember Them?
Memories of the Retreats
What Is It Like to Be in an Ascended Master Retreat?
The Departments in the Heaven-World
The Radiation from the Retreats Is Felt in the World
Traveling to the Physical Locations of the Retreats
A “Visit” to Zadkiel’s Retreat
The Ancient Equation of Light and Darkness
The Universities of the Spirit
The Opening of the Doors of the Retreats of the Archangels
The Retreats of the Elohim
Traveling to the Retreats
A Sense of Self-Worth
There Are Still Physical Retreats
Descriptions of the Retreats of the Masters
Descriptions of the Retreats
Apollo and Lumina’s Retreat The Retreat of the Elohim of the Second Ray
The Arabian Retreat The Retreat of Jesus and Nada
Arcturus and Victoria’s Retreat The Retreat of the Elohim of the Seventh Ray
The Ascension Temple and Retreat at Luxor The Retreat of Serapis Bey
The Cathedral of Nature The Retreat of Kuthumi in Kashmir
The Cathedral of the Violet Flame
The Cave of Light The Retreat of the Great Divine Director in the Himalayas
The Cave of Symbols The Retreat of Saint Germain in the Rocky Mountains
Le Château de Liberté The Retreat of Paul the Venetian in Southern France
Cyclopea and Virginia’s Retreat The Retreat of the Elohim of the Fifth Ray
Djwal Kul’s Retreat in Tibet
El Morya’s Retreat in El Capitan, Yosemite Valley
Eriel’s Retreat in Arizona
The Etheric Cities
Gabriel and Hope’s Retreat The Retreat of the Archangels of the Fourth Ray
The Goddess of Purity’s Retreat over the Island of Madagascar
The Goddess of Purity’s Retreat over San Francisco
Hercules and Amazonia’s Retreat The Retreat of the Elohim of the First Ray
Heros and Amora’s Retreat The Retreat of the Elohim of the Third Ray
The Jade Temple, China
John the Beloved’s Retreat over the Arizona Desert
Jophiel and Christine’s Retreat The Retreat of the Archangels of the Second Ray
Kuthumi’s Retreat at Shigatse, Tibet
Lanello’s Retreat on the Rhine
Maitreya’s Retreat in the Himalayas
Maitreya’s Retreat over Tientsin, China
The Master of Paris’ Retreats
Meta’s Healing Retreat over New England
Orion’s Retreat in the Mountains of North America
Oromasis and Diana’s Retreat
The Palace of Light The Retreat of Chananda in the Himalayas
The Palace of White Marble
The Persian Retreat
Portia’s Retreat The Retreat of the Goddess of Justice over Ghana
Purity and Astrea’s Retreat The Retreat of the Elohim of the Fourth Ray
The Queen of Light’s Retreat over the Island of Sicily
The Rakoczy Mansion and the Temple of the Maltese Cross Retreats of the Great Divine Director and Saint Germain
Raphael and Mother Mary’s Retreat The Retreat of the Archangels of the Fifth Ray over Fátima
The Resurrection Temple The Retreat of Jesus and Mary over the Holy Land
The Retreat of the Blue Lotus The Retreat of Lord Himalaya
The Retreat of the Divine Mother
The Rocky Mountain Retreat for Teenagers
The Rose Temple Nada’s Retreat over New Bedford, Massachusetts
The Royal Teton Retreat Principal Retreat of the Great White Brotherhood in North America
The Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame The Retreat of Surya and Cuzco at Fiji
Shamballa Ancient Home of Sanat Kumara
The Shrine of Glory The Retreat of the Goddess of Light in the Andes
Tabor’s Retreat in the Rocky Mountains
The Temple of Comfort The Retreat of the Maha Chohan over Sri Lanka
The Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame The Retreat of the Archangels of the Third Ray
The Temple of Faith and Protection The Retreat of Archangel Michael and Faith
The Temple of Good Will The Retreat of El Morya at Darjeeling
The Temple of Illumination The Retreat of the God and Goddess Meru at Lake Titicaca
The Temple of Mercy Kuan Yin’s Retreat near Peking, China
The Temple of Peace The Retreat of the Elohim of the Sixth Ray
The Temple of Purification The Retreat of the Archangels of the Seventh Ray
The Temple of the Sun The Retreat of the Goddess of Liberty
The Temple of the Sun The Retreat of Helios and Vesta in the Center of the Sun
The Temple of Truth The Retreat of Hilarion
Uriel and Aurora’s Retreat The Retreat of the Archangels of the Sixth Ray
Vaivasvata Manu’s Retreat in the Himalayas
Victory’s Temple
The Western Shamballa Gautama Buddha’s Retreat in North America
Zarathustra’s Retreat
Conclusion: Bringing Heaven to Earth
An Ascended Master in the Making
The Retreats Are Real
Heaven on Earth
There Is Another Retreat
Charts and Maps
The Eight Rays and the Eight Chakras and the Beings Who Ensoul Them
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