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Imperial Library
Memory is the basis of intelligence and knowledge – no memory, no knowledge or intelligence.
Chapter 1: What is Memory?
Have you ever wondered what memory is?
The Life of Memory
Phases of Memory
The Different Stages and Types of Memory
Sensory Memory
Short-Term Memory
Long-Term Memory
Implicit memory is sub-divided into three
Chapter 2: The Importance of Memory
Here is Why Memory is so Important
Working Memory
Why Do We Forget?
So, why do we forget and what makes us forget?
Chapter 3: Why is it Beneficial to Have a Photographic Memory?
What is Photographic Memory?
The Benefits of a Photographic Memory
Why Should You Improve Your Memory?
The Role of Memory in Learning
Content factors influencing information coding for memory
Environmental factors influencing information coding for memory
Subjective factors influencing information coding for memory
Chapter 4: Methods of Developing Photographic Memory
Memory Improvement Techniques for Beginners
Psychopharmacology and its relation to memory
Advanced methods and techniques for memory improvement
Advanced Memory Improving Techniques
Method 1: The Major System
Method 2: The Memory Palace
Method 3: The Memory Peg System
Method 4: The Dominic System
Method 5: Person-Action-Object (PAO) System
Method 6: Military/Dark Room Method
Chapter 5: Daily Hacks for Remembering Things in Every Situation Possible
Meditate to Calm Your Mind and Improve Working Memory
Physical Exercise Is Good for Memory
Sleep More to Consolidate Your Memories
Write down What You Want to Memorize
Eat Berries for Better Long-Term Memory
Do Not Multi Task While Learning or Studying
Drink Coffee to Improve Your Memory Consolidation
Challenge and Exercise the Brain.
Eliminating Depression and Anxiety
Eat a Brain Boosting Diet
Stay Busy
Keep Stress in Check
Mind your Health
Espouse Lifelong Learning
Be a Good Listener
Chapter 6: Why the Memory Palace Method Is so Effective
The Origins and Development of the Memory Palace Technique
The Five Steps of the Loci or Memory Palace Method
Types of Memory Palaces
The Advantages of the Memory Palace
Chapter 7: Helpful Memory Exercises
Exercises for Memorizing by Observation
Exercises for Memorizing Ideas and Thoughts by Association
Requirements for Effective Brain and Memory Enhancing Exercises
Memory Exercise Should Be Goal Specific
Stay Focused and Motivated
It Must Teach You Something New Every Time
It Must Be Challenging
It Must Be One That Advances in Difficulty
It Should Be Fun and Rewarding
Why do we forget?
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