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Imperial Library
Part One: To Strive
1. A Brave Concept
2. The Beleaguered Land
3. The Dead Sea
4. The Hostile Sea
5. Running the Gaunltet
6. An Alien Wind
7. Ethiopian Interlude
8. Gate of Tears
9. Meadows of Gold
10. Islands Forbidden and Forgotten
11. Indian Ocean Paradise
Part Two: To Seek
12. A Round of Cyclones
13. The Crystal Coast
14. From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
15. Round the Cape of Good Hope
16. Another Ocean Crossing
17. A Good Run Ashore
18. The Amazing Amazon
19. Hard Times
20. Bloody But Unbowed
21. Penal Paradise
22. West Indies Peepshow
Part Three: To Find
23. Of Cabbages and Kings
24. Columbia—In and Out
25. A Forgotten Colony
26. Small Boat: Big Ditch
27. Straining at the Leash
28. A Near Disaster
29. A Real-Life Devil’s Island
30. Against the Humboldt
31. Harking Back a Bit
32. Callao!
33. Kindered Spirits
34. A Splendid Creation
35. Among The Condors
36. Another Year: Another World
37. Where Angels Fear to Tread
38. The Floating Islands
39. Sailing on the Roof of the World
40. The Island of the Sun
41. Another Splendid Reception
42. Strange Encounters
43. Dances and Skeletons
44. A Trip to Town
45. Touch and Go
Part Four: And Not To Yield
46. A Race Against Nature
47. High Comedy
48. Through The Clouds
49. Out of the Frying Pan
50. Into the Fire!
51. The Green Hell
52. The Valley of the Shadow
53. Beside the Green Pastures
54. The Crucified Land
55. Where the Ocean Meets the Pampas
56. El Supremo
57. The Wild Paraná
58. Some Bottle! Some Cork!
59. Triumph—And Disaster
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