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Imperial Library
Title Page
The Revised Edition
The Position of the Latin Language in Linguistic History
A Brief Survey of Latin Literature
The Alphabet and Pronunciation
1 - Verbs; First and Second Conjugations: Present Infinitive, Indicative, and Imperative Active; Translating
2 - Nouns and Cases; First Declension; Agreement of Adjectives; Syntax
3 - Second Declension: Masculine Nouns and Adjectives; Apposition; Word Order
4 - Second Declension Neuters; Adjectives; Present Indicative of Sum; Predicate Nouns and Adjectives; Substantive Adjectives
5 - First and Second Conjugations: Future and Imperfect; Adjectives in -er
6 - Sum: Future and Imperfect Indicative; Possum: Present, Future, and Imperfect Indicative; Complementary Infinitive
7 - Third Declension Nouns
8 - Third Conjugation: Present Infinitive, Present, Future, and Imperfect Indicative, Imperative
9 - Demonstratives Hic, Ille, Iste; Special -īus Adjectives
10 - Fourth Conjugation and -īo Verbs of the Third
11 - Personal Pronouns Ego, Tū, and Is; Demonstratives Is and Īdem
12 - Perfect Active System of All Verbs
13 - Reflexive Pronouns and Possessives; Intensive Pronoun
14 - I-Stem Nouns of the Third Declension; Ablatives of Means, Accompaniment, and Manner
15 - Numerals; Genitive of the Whole; Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals; Ablative of Time
16 - Third Declension Adjectives
17 - The Relative Pronoun
18 - First and Second Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System; Ablative of Agent
19 - Perfect Passive System of All Verbs; Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives
20 - Fourth Declension; Ablatives of Place from Which and Separation
21 - Third and Fourth Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System
22 - Fifth Declension; Ablative of Place Where; Summary of Ablative Uses
23 - Participles
24 - Ablative Absolute; Passive Periphrastic; Dative of Agent
25 - Infinitives; Indirect Statement
26 - Comparison of Adjectives; Declension of Comparatives; Ablative of Comparison
27 - Special and Irregular Comparison of Adjectives
28 - Subjunctive Mood; Present Subjunctive; Jussive and Purpose Clauses
29 - Imperfect Subjunctive; Present and Imperfect Subjunctive of Sum and Possum Result Clauses
30 - Perfect and Pluperfect Subjunctive; Indirect Questions; Sequence of Tenses
31 - Cum Clauses; Ferō
32 - Formation and Comparison of Adverbs; Volō, Mālō, Nōlō; Proviso Clauses
33 - Conditions
34 - Deponent Verbs; Ablative with Special Deponents
35 - Dative with Adjectives; Dative with Special Verbs; Dative with Compounds
36 - Jussive Noun Clauses; Fīō
37 - Conjugation of Eō; Constructions of Place and Time
38 - Relative Clauses of Characteristic; Dative of Reference; Supines
39 - Gerund and Gerundive
40 - Ne, Num, and Nōnne in Direct Questions; Fear Clauses; Genitive and Ablative of Description
Locī Antīquī
Locī Immūtātī
Optional Self-Tutorial Exercises
Key to Exercises
Some Etymological Aids
Supplementary Syntax
Summary of Forms
English-Latin Vocabulary
Latin-English Vocabulary
Location of the Sententiae Antīquae
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