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Imperial Library
Title Page
Acknowledgments, Revised Edition
Acknowledgments, First Edition
26. Amid the Three Islands Sun Wukong seeks a cure; With sweet dew Guanshiyin revives a tree.
27. The cadaver demon three times mocks Tripitaka Tang; The holy monk in spite banishes Handsome Monkey King.
28. At Flower-Fruit Mountain a pack of fiends hold assembly; At the Black Pine Forest Tripitaka meets demons.
29. Free of his peril, River Float arrives at the kingdom; Receiving favor, Eight Rules invades the forest.
30. A deviant demon attacks the true Dharma; The Horse of the Will recalls Mind Monkey.
31. Zhu Eight Rules provokes the Monkey King to chivalry; Pilgrim Sun with wisdom defeats the monster.
32. On Level-Top Mountain the sentinel brings a message; At Lotus-Flower Cave Wood Mother meets disaster.
33. Heresy deludes the True Nature; Primal Spirit helps the Native Mind.
34. The demon king’s plotting entraps Mind Monkey; The Great Sage, ever adroit, wangles the treasures.
35. Heresy uses power to oppress the proper Nature; Mind Monkey, bagging treasures, conquers deviate demons.
36. When Mind Monkey is rectified, the nid?nas cease; Smash through the side door to view the bright moon.
37. The ghost king visits Tripitaka Tang at night; Wukong, through wondrous transformation, leads the child.
38. The child queries his mother to learn of deviancy and truth; Metal and Wood, reaching the deep, see the false and the real.
39. One pellet of cinnabar elixir found in Heaven; A king, dead three years, lives again on Earth.
40. The child’s playful transformations confuse the Chan Mind; Ape, Horse, Spatula gone, Wood Mother, too, is lost.
41. Mind Monkey is defeated by fire; Wood Mother is captured by demons.
42. The Great Sage diligently calls at South Sea; Guanyin with compassion binds the Red Boy.
43. An evil demon at Black River captures the monk; The Western Ocean's dragon prince catches the iguana.
44. The dharma-body in primal cycle meets the force of the cart; The mind, righting monstrous deviates, crosses the spine-ridge pass.
45. At the Three Pure Ones Abbey the Great Sage leaves his name; At the Cart Slow Kingdom the Monkey King shows his power.
46. Heresy flaunts its strength to mock orthodoxy; Mind Monkey in epiphany slays the deviates.
47. The holy monk’s blocked at night at Heaven-Reaching River; Metal and Wood, in compassion, rescue little children.
48. The demon, raising a cold wind, sends a great snow fall; The monk, intent on seeing Buddha, walks on layered ice.
49. Tripitaka meets disaster and sinks to a water home; To bring salvation, Guanyin reveals a fish basket.
50. Nature follows confused feelings through lust and desire; Faint spirit and moved mind meet a demon chief.
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