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Imperial Library
Introduction: What is a Barbarian?
1 Mythical and Semi-Mythical Resistance: Aeneas to Tarquin the Proud
Aeneas: From Barbarian to Trojan-Italian
Alba Longa
Romulus and Remus
The Reign of Romulus (Traditionally 753–715 BC)
The Kings of Rome
Lars Porsenna versus the Early Heroes of Rome
2 Brennus: The Gaul Who Sacked Rome
Wine and Barbarity
Battle of the Allia
Brennus’ Sack of Rome
Brennus’ Defeat and Death
When Was Rome Sacked?
3 The Plebs: Barbarous Insiders and Internal Resistors
Struggling for Plebeian Equality in the Fifth Century BC
Struggling for Plebeian Equality after Brennus’ Sack of Rome
4 Pyrrhus of Epirus: Cadmean and Pyrrhic Victories
Italy and Epirus
Pyrrhus’ Rise to Prominence
Italy Turns to Pyrrhus; Pyrrhus Turns to Italy
Maleventum/Beneventum and Home
5 Hannibal at the Gates
Rome and Carthage Before the Wars
The First Punic War
Hannibal Takes Control
The Second Punic War
Post-war Hannibal
6 Graecia Capta: Resistance in the Greek East – Philip V, Antiochus III and Perseus of Macedon
Barbarism in the Greek and Macedonian World
Philip V and the First Two Macedonian Wars
Antiochus III ‘the Great’ of Syria
Perseus of Macedon: Third Macedonian War
146 BC: Carthage (and Corinth) Must Be Destroyed!
Captured Greece and the ‘De-barbarisation’ and Corruption of Rome
7 Viriathus: Iberian Shepherd, Hunter and Warrior
The Romans in Hispania
The Fiery War (Second Lusitanian War) Part 1: Viriathus on the Offensive
The Fiery War Part 2: Viriathus on the Defensive
Betrayal and Death
8 Jugurtha: The Struggle to Free Africa from Rome
In the Beginning . . .
First Campaigns: Roman Failures
Metellus’ Campaigns: Indecisive Roman Success
Marius versus Jugurtha: Victory for Rome at Last
9 The Cimbri and the Teutones: A Germanic Threat to Italy
The Cimbri and the Teutones
The Germanic Incursions
Marius to the Rescue
10 The Italian War: Resistance and Rebellion in Italy
Unrest in Italy
Champions and Opponents of the Italians
The Italian (‘Social’) War
11 Spartacus: The Gladiator Who Challenged Rome
He’s Spartacus
Slave Revolts Against Rome
Spartacus Breaks Out
72 BC: Rome Sends in the Consuls; Rome Sends in Crassus
73 BC: Spartacus versus Crassus
12 Mithridates VI: The ‘Poison King’ of Pontus
Mithridates Becomes King of Pontus
Mithridatic Imperialism
The First Mithridatic War
The Second Mithridatic War
The Third Mithridatic War
13 The Parthian Shot: Crassus at Carrhae
The First Triumvirate
Parthia and the Parthians
Crassus on the Offensive
The Battle of Carrhae
14 Vercingetorix: Rebellion in Gaul
Rome and the Gauls
Vercingetorix’s Rebellion
15 Cleopatra VII: The Whore Queen of Incestuous Canopus
The Ptolemies of Egypt
Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar
Cleopatra and Mark Antony
Cleopatra and Octavian
16 Arminius: Bring Me Back My Legions!
Augustus versus the Barbarians
Germania and Germani
Arminius, Varus and the Saltus Teutoburgiensis
Arminius versus Germanicus
Arminius versus the Germans
17 Boudicca: Queen of the Iceni, Scourge of Rome
Britannia: A Distant, Mysterious, Barbaric Country
British Barbarians Conquered (1)
Boudicca’s Revolt
British Barbarians Conquered (2)
18 Judaea Capta: Revolts in Judaea
Barbarian Jews
The Great Jewish Revolt
Bar Kokhba: The Redemption of Israel
19 Decebalus: Genocide in Dacia
Domitian and the Chatti
Domitian and Decebalus
Decebalus and Trajan
20 Parthia, Persia and Palmyra
The Demise of Parthia
Shapur I ‘the Great’
Zenobia: The Most Lovely and Most Heroic of Her Sex
The Barbarisation of the Roman Army
Shapur II ‘the Great’
21 Fritigern: The Gothic Hannibal
The ‘Barbarian Conspiracy’ in Britain
Fritigern the Goth: The Hannibal of the North
Land for Peace
22 Alaric the Goth: Sacker of Rome
The Rise of Alaric the (Visi)Goth
The Great Invasion
Alaric: The Sacker of Rome
23 Attila the Hun: Born to Shake the Nations
The Huns
Attila the Hun
Attila versus the Eastern Roman Empire
Attila versus the Western Roman Empire
24 Barbarian Warlords: Gaiseric and the Fall of Rome
Vandalism and the Vandals
Into the Roman Empire
Gaiseric: Into Africa
The Fall of Rome
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