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Imperial Library
1. The origin, or where we come from
2. The manifestation of everything through seven phases or proportions
3. Manifestation of everything through five dimensions
4. Human body is the outcome of the manifestation of all the proportions and dimensions
5. The dual nature of the emanation of God: the oblivion and the awakening
6. Organic life as the foundation of the human body
7. Human body as the foundation of personality
8. The complete personality as the foundation of the soul
9. The organic world as the stage for the drama of the personality
10. Personality as the personification of the Divine
11. Divine as the foundation of the soul
12. The presence of the Divine as a testimony
13. The mechanical manifestation of the organic world
14. The manifestation of the organic world as the basis for consciousness
15. The circle of creation: inorganic world, organic world and man
16. On the incarnations of souls before the organic life on Earth
17. The division of souls: the young, developed and highly developed
18. Souls get ready for a human life by shaping all other forms of life
19. Soul being born in a body
20. The beginning of oblivion
21. Communication between mind and soul
22. Why the soul is always good
23. Why some people are not good
24. The decline of soul – the opposite point on the circle of Divine manifestation
25. Some of the characteristics and problems of young souls
26. Some of the characteristics and problems of the medium developed souls
27. Some characteristics and problems of highly developed souls
28. Some of the observations of the young, medium and the highly developed souls
29. Everyday life of Bringers of the light
30. Planets condition the organic world
31. Soul and karma
32. Soul and science
33. Soul and religion
34. Three kinds of work: physical, intellectual and intending
35. Work on oneself
36. Man’s testimony of the presence of the Divine
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