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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Notice
Foreword to the Paperback Edition
1. The Human
1. Science Versus Humanism
2. The Mirage of Conscious Evolution
3. Disseminated Primatemaia
4. Why Humanity will Never Master Technology
5. Green Humanism
6. Against Fundamentalism – Religious and Scientific
7. Science’s Irrational Origins
8. Science as a Remedy for Anthropocentrism
9. Truth and Consequences
10. A Pascal for the Enlightenment
11. Humanism Versus Naturalism
12. Straw Dogs
2. The Deception
1. At the Masked ball
2. Schopenhauer’s Crux
3. Nietzsche’s ‘Optimism’
4. Heidegger’s Humanism
5. Conversing with Lions
6. ‘Postmodernism’
7. Animal Faith
8. Plato and the Alphabet
9. Against the cult of Personality
10. The Poverty of Consciousness
11. Lord Jim’s Jump
12. Our Virtual Selves
13. Mr Nobody
14. The Ultimate Dream
15. The Experiment
3. The Vices of Morality
1. Porcelain and the price of life
2. Morality as Superstition
3. The Unsanctity of Human life
4. Conscience
5. The Death of Tragedy
6. Justice and Fashion
7. What Every well-bred Englishman Knows
8. Psychoanalysis and Moral Luck
9. Morality as an Aphrodisiac
10. A Weakness for Prudence
11. Socrates, Inventor of Morality
12. Immoral Morality
13. The Fetish of Choice
14. Animal Virtues
4. The Unsaved
1. Saviours
2. The Grand Inquisitor and Flying fish
3. In Praise of Polytheism
4. Atheism, the last Consequence of Christianity
5. Homer’s Vultures
6. In Search of Mortality
7. Dying Animals
8. Krishnamurti’s Burden
9. Gurdjieff’s ‘work’ and Stanislavski’s ‘Method’
10. The Aerodrome
11. Nikolai Fedorov, Bolshevism and the Technological Pursuit of Immortality
12. Artificial Paradises
13. Gnosticism and the Cybernauts
14. Inside the Phantomat
15. The Mirror of Solitude
16. The Coast Opposite Humanity
5. Non-Progress
1. De Quincey’s Toothache
2. The Wheel
3. An Irony of History
4. The Discreet Poverty of the Former Middle Classes
5. The end of Equality
6. A Billion Balconies Facing the sun
7. Twentieth-century anti-capitalists, the Phalanstery and the Medieval Brethren of the free Spirit
8. Mesmerism and the new Economy
9. A Theory of Consciousness
10. Memories in Stones
11. The Myth of Modernisation
12. Al Qaeda
13. The Lesson of Japan
14. Russia in the Vanguard
15. ‘Western Values’
16. Future war
17. War as play
18. Yet Another Utopia
19. Posthuman Evolution
20. The soul in the Machine
6. As it is
1. The Consolations of Action
2. Sisyphus’s Progress
3. Playing with fate
4. Turning back
5. Simply to see
Further Reading
Also by John Gray
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