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Imperial Library
1. Embodied-Brain Systems Science
Clustering Latent Sensor Distribution on Body Map for Generating Body Schema
Improvement of EMG Pattern Recognition by Eliminating Posture-Dependent Components
Quantification of Temporal Parameters for Tripedalism
Proposal of a Stance Postural Control Model with Vestibular and Proprioceptive Somatosensory Sensory Input
Simultaneous Localization, Mapping and Self-body Shape Estimation by a Mobile Robot
Objective Measurement of Dynamic Balance Function by the Simultaneous Measurement of the Center of Gravity (COG) and Center of Pressure (COP)
Development of a Master–Slave Finger Exoskeleton Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
Temporal Structure of Muscle Synergy of Human Stepping Leg During Sit-to-Walk Motion
2. Field Robot
Fast and Accurate Crop and Weed Identification with Summarized Train Sets for Precision Agriculture
Supervised Autonomy for Exploration and Mobile Manipulation in Rough Terrain
Behavior-Based Collision Avoidance Using a Cylinder-Coordinate Octree
An Integrated Robotic System for Autonomous Brake Bleeding in Rail Yards
3. Flying Robot
I Believe I Can Fly—Gesture-Driven Quadrotor Control Based on a Fuzzy Control System
ROS-Gazebo Supported Platform for Tag-in-Loop Indoor Localization of Quadrocopter
The Project PRISMA: Post-Disaster Assessment with UAVs
An Automatic Collision Avoidance Approach to Assist Remotely Operated Quadrotors
4. Hand
Shared Control with Flexible Obstacle Avoidance for Manipulator
An RGB-D Visual Application for Error Detection in Robot Grasping Tasks
Sensorless In-Hand Caging Manipulation
Development of New Cosmetic Gloves for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand by Using Thermoplastic Styrene Elastomer
5. Human Robot Interaction
Cloud-Based Task Planning for Smart Robots
Tracking Control of Human-Following Robot with Sonar Sensors
Active Sensing for Human Activity Recognition by a Home Bio-monitoring Robot in a Home Living Environment
6. Legged Robot
An Underactuated Biped Robot Guided via Elastic Elements: EKF-Based Estimation of Ankle Mechanical Parameters
Higher Jumping of a Biped Musculoskeletal Robot with Foot Windlass Mechanism
A Motion Planning Architecture for Conveyance Tasks with a Quadruped Robot
7. Localization and Path Planning
A Simple and Efficient Path Following Algorithm for Wheeled Mobile Robots
Localization Issues for an Autonomous Robot Moving in a Potentially Adverse Environment
Vector-AMCL: Vector Based Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization for Indoor Maps
A Virtual Force Guidance Law for Trajectory Tracking and Path Following
A 2D Voronoi-Based Random Tree for Path Planning in Complicated 3D Environments
3D FieldLut Algorithm Based Indoor Localization for Planar Mobile Robots Using Kinect
A Feature-Based Mutual Information and Wavelet Method for Image Fusion
8. Measurement
An Intelligent RGB-D Video System for Bus Passenger Counting
A Powerful and Cost-Efficient Human Perception System for Camera Networks and Mobile Robotics
Influence of Stimulus Color on Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials
Accelerated Adaptive Local Scanning of Complicated Micro Objects for the PSD Scanning Microscopy: Methods and Implementation
9. Medical Engineering
Development of a Robotic Thumb Rehabilitation System Using a Soft Pneumatic Actuator and a Pneumatic Artificial Muscles-Based Parallel Link Mechanism
An fMRI Study on Vibration Stimulation Synchronized Mirror Therapy
Robot Patient Imitating Paralysis Patients for Nursing Students to Learn Patient Transfer Skill
10. Multi-robot Systems
A Self-reconfigurable Robot M-Lattice
Adaptive Synchronized Formation Control Considering Communication Constraints
A Distributed Self-healing Algorithm for Global Optimal Movement Synchronization of Multi-robot Formation Network
Consensus of Discrete-Time Linear Networked Multi-agent Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation
Partitioning Strategies for Multi-robot Area Coverage with No Communication
Max-Sum for Allocation of Changing Cost Tasks
11. Robot Control
LuGre Model Based Hysteresis Compensation of a Piezo-Actuated Mechanism
Sample-Data Control of Optimal Tracking for a Class of Non-linear Systems via Discrete-Time State Dependent Riccati Equation
Real-Time Flight Test Track Filtering and Association Using Kalman Filter and QDA Classifier
Simulation of Time Delay Compensation Controller for a Mobile Robot Using the SMC and Smith Predictor
Differential Wheeled Robot Navigation Based on the Smoothing A* Algorithm and Dead-Reckoning
Adaptive Impedance Control for Docking of Space Robotic Arm Based on Its End Force/Torque Sensor
A Robotic Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation System for Flying Objects Contact in Space
Particle Filter on Episode for Learning Decision Making Rule
12. Robot Design
Efficient Measurement of Fibre Orientation for Mapping Carbon Fibre Parts with a Robotic System
A Honeycomb Artifacts Removal and Super Resolution Method for Fiber-Optic Images
Water-Surface Stability Analysis of a Miniature Surface Tension-Driven Water Strider Robot
Mechanism Allowing a Mobile Robot to Apply a Large Force to the Environment
13. Robot Learning
Self-improving Robot Action Management System with Probabilistic Graphical Model Based on Task Related Memories
View-Based Teaching/Playback with Photoelasticity for Force-Control Tasks
Discovering the Relationship Between the Morphology and the Internal Model in a Robot System by Means of Neural Networks
14. Robot Navigation
Combining Feature-Based and Direct Methods for Semi-dense Real-Time Stereo Visual Odometry
Outdoor Robot Navigation Based on View-Based Global Localization and Local Navigation
Using OpenStreetMap for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation
A Lane Change Detection and Filtering Approach for Precise Longitudinal Position of On-Road Vehicles
15. Robot Vision
Synchronous Dataflow and Visual Programming for Prototyping Robotic Algorithms
Depth-Based Frontal View Generation for Pose Invariant Face Recognition with Consumer RGB-D Sensors
Lighting- and Occlusion-Robust View-Based Teaching/Playback for Model-Free Robot Programming
16. Robotic Arm
Development of a Portable Compliant Dual Arm Robot
Design, Analysis and Simulation of a Device for Measuring the Inertia Parameters of Rigid Bodies
Development of a Myoelectric Hand Incorporating a Residual Thumb for Transmetacarpal Amputees
17. Robotics for ITER Remote Handling
Structural Design of Multi-joint Foldable Robot Manipulator for Remote Inspection in Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST)
The Design of Pipe Cutting Tools for Remote Handling in Maintenance Manipulator for Tokamak
Optimal Trajectory Planning for Manipulators with Flexible Curved Links
Predictive Display for Telerobot Under Unstructured Environment
Control System Design and Implementation of Flexible Multi-joint Snake-Like Robot for Inspecting Vessel
Research on the Tokamak Equipment CAsk (TECA) for Remote Handling in Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST)
3D SLAM for Scenes with Repetitive Texture Inside Tokamak Chamber
Design and Implementation of Wormlike Creeping Robot System Working at the Bottom of the Nuclear Fusion Vessel
18. Sensor Network
Indoor Positioning System Based on Distributed Camera Sensor Networks for Mobile Robot
Precise and Reliable Localization of Intelligent Vehicles for Safe Driving
A Unified Controller for the Connectivity Maintenance of a Robotic Router Networks
The Elderly’s Falling Motion Recognition Based on Kinect and Wearable Sensors
Online Adjusting Task Models for Ubiquitous Robotic Systems
Improved Skeleton Estimation by Means of Depth Data Fusion from Multiple Depth Cameras
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