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Imperial Library
Other Books By This Author
Title Page
c. 4 Billion BCE: Origin of Life
c. 3.9 Billion BCE: Last Universal Common Ancestor
c. 3.9 Billion BCE: Prokaryotes
c. 2.5 Billion BCE: Algae
c. 2 Billion BCE: Eukaryotes
c. 1.4 Billion BCE: Fungi
c. 570 Million BCE: Arthropods
c. 530 Million BCE: Medulla: The Vital Brain
c. 530 Million BCE: Fish
c. 450 Million BCE: Land Plants
c. 417 Million BCE: Devonian Period
c. 400 Million BCE: Insects
c. 400 Million BCE: Plant Defenses against Herbivores
c. 360 Million BCE: Amphibians
c. 350 Million BCE: Seeds of Success
c. 320 Million BCE: Reptiles
c. 300 Million BCE: Gymnosperms
c. 230 Million BCE: Dinosaurs
c. 200 Million BCE: Mammals
c. 150 Million BCE: Birds
c. 125 Million BCE: Angiosperms
c. 65 Million BCE: Primates
c. 55 Million BCE: Amazon Rainforest
c. 350,000 BCE: Neanderthals
c. 200,000 BCE: Anatomically Modern Humans
c. 60,000 BCE: Plant-Derived Medicines
c. 11,000 BCE: Wheat: The Staff of Life
c. 10,000 BCE: Agriculture
c. 10,000 BCE: Domestication of Animals
c. 8000 BCE: Coral Reefs
c. 7000 BCE: Rice Cultivation
c. 2600 BCE: Mummification
c. 2350 BCE: Animal Navigation
c. 400 BCE: Four Humors
c. 330 BCE: Aristotle’s The History of Animals
c. 330 BCE: Animal Migration
c. 320 BCE: Botany
77: Pliny’s Natural History
c. 180: Skeletal System
1242: Pulmonary Circulation
1489: Leonardo’s Human Anatomy
1521: Sense of Hearing
1543: Vesalius’s De humani corporis fabrica
1611: Tobacco
1614: Metabolism
1620: Scientific Method
1628: Harvey’s De motu cordis
1637: Mechanical Philosophy of Descartes
1651: Placenta
1652: Lymphatic System
1658: Blood Cells
1668: Refuting Spontaneous Generation
1669: Phosphorus Cycle
1670: Ergotism and Witchcraft
1674: Leeuwenhoek’s Microscopic World
1677: Spermatozoa
1717: Miasma Theory
1729: Circadian Rhythms
1733: Blood Pressure
1735: Linnaean Classification of Species
c. 1741: Cerebrospinal Fluid
1744: Regeneration
1759: Theories of Germination
1760: Artificial Selection (Selective Breeding)
1786: Animal Electricity
1789: Gas Exchange
1791: Nervous System Communication
1796: Paleontology
1798: Population Growth and Food Supply
1809: Lamarckian Inheritance
1828: Germ-Layer Theory of Development
1831: Cell Nucleus
1831: Darwin and the Voyages of the Beagle
1832: Anatomy Act of 1832
1833: Human Digestion
1836: Fossil Record and Evolution
1837: Nitrogen Cycle and Plant Chemistry
1838: Cell Theory
1840: Plant Nutrition
1842: Urine Formation
1842: Apoptosis (Programmed Cell Death)
1843: Venoms
1843: Homology versus Analogy
1845: Photosynthesis
1848: Optical Isomers
1849: Testosterone
1850: Trichromatic Color Vision
1854: Homeostasis
1856: The Liver and Glucose Metabolism
1857: Microbial Fermentation
1859: Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection
1859: Ecological Interactions
1859: Invasive Species
1861: Localization of Cerebral Function
1862: Biological Mimicry
1866: Mendelian Inheritance
1866: Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny
1866: Hemoglobin and Hemocyanin
1869: Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
1871: Sexual Selection
1873: Coevolution
1874: Nature versus Nurture
1875: Biosphere
1876: Meiosis
1876: Biogeography
1877: Marine Biology
1878: Enzymes
1880: Phototropism
1882: Mitosis
c. 1882: Thermoreception
1882: Innate Immunity
1883: Germ Plasm Theory of Heredity
1883: Eugenics
1884: Gram Stain
1885: Negative Feedback
1890: Germ Theory of Disease
1890: Animal Coloration
1891: Neuron Doctrine
1892: Endotoxins
1896: Global Warming
1897: Adaptive Immunity
1897: Associative Learning
1897: Ehrlich’s Side-Chain Theory
1898: Malaria-Causing Protozoan Parasite
1898: Viruses
1899: Ecological Succession
1899: Animal Locomotion
1900: Genetics Rediscovered
1900: Ovaries and Female Reproduction
1901: Blood Types
1902: Tissue Culture
1902: Secretin: The First Hormone
1904: Dendrochronology
1905: Blood Clotting
1907: Radiometric Dating
1907: Probiotics
1907: Why Does the Heart Beat?
1908: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
1910: Genes on Chromosomes
1911: Cancer-Causing Viruses
1912: Continental Drift
1912: Vitamins and Beriberi
1912: Thyroid Gland and Metamorphosis
1912: X-Ray Crystallography
1917: Bacteriophages
1919: Biotechnology
1920: Neurotransmitters
1921: Insulin
1923: Inborn Errors of Metabolism
1924: Embryonic Induction
1924: Timing Fertility
1925: Mitochondria and Cellular Respiration
1925: “The Monkey Trial”
1925: Population Ecology
1927: Food Webs
1927: Insect Dance Language
1928: Antibiotics
1929: Progesterone
1930: Osmoregulation in Freshwater and Marine Fish
1931: Electron Microscope
1935: Imprinting
1935: Factors Affecting Population Growth
1936: Stress
1936: Allometry
1937: Evolutionary Genetics
1938: Coelacanth: “The Living Fossil”
1939: Action Potential
1941: One Gene-One Enzyme Hypothesis
1942: Biological Species Concept and Reproductive Isolation
1943: Arabidopsis: A Model Plant
1944: DNA as Carrier of Genetic Information
1945: Green Revolution
1946: Bacterial Genetics
1949: Reticular Activating System
1950: Phylogenetic Systematics
1951: The Immortal HeLa Cells
1952: Cloning (Nuclear Transfer)
1952: Amino Acid Sequence of Insulin
1952: Pattern Formations in Nature
1952: Plasmids
1952: Nerve Growth Factor
1953: Miller-Urey Experiment
1953: The Double Helix
1953: REM Sleep
1953: Acquired Immunological Tolerance and Organ Transplantation
1954: Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
1955: Ribosomes
1955: Lysosomes
1956: Prenatal Genetic Testing
1956: DNA Polymerase
1956: Second Messengers
1957: Protein Structures and Folding
1957: Bioenergetics
1958: Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
1958: Bionics and Cyborgs
1959: Pheromones
1960: Energy Balance
1960: Chimpanzee Use of Tools
1961: Cellular Senescence
1961: Cracking the Genetic Code for Protein Biosynthesis
1961: Operon Model of Gene Regulation
1962: Thrifty Gene Hypothesis
1962: Silent Spring
1963: Hybrids and Hybrid Zones
1964: Brain Lateralization
1964: Animal Altruism
1966: Optimal Foraging Theory
1967: Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics
1967: Endosymbiont Theory
1968: Multi-Store Model of Memory
1968: Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis
1968: Systems Biology
1969: Cellular Determination
1970: Cell Cycle Checkpoints
1972: Punctuated Equilibrium
1972: Sustainable Development
1972: Parental Investment and Sexual Selection
1974: Lucy
1974: Cholesterol Metabolism
1974: Sense of Taste
1975: Monoclonal Antibodies
1975: Sociobiology
1976: Cancer-Causing Genes
1977: Bioinformatics
1978: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
1979: Biological Magnification
1980: Can Living Organisms Be Patented?
1982: Genetically Modified Crops
1983: HIV and AIDS
1983: Polymerase Chain Reaction
1984: DNA Fingerprinting
1986: Genomics
1987: Mitochondrial Eve
1987: Depletion of the Ozone Layer
1990: Domains of Life
1991: Sense of Smell
1994: Leptin: The Thinness Hormone
2000: Skin Color
2003: Human Genome Project
2005: Protist Taxonomy
2006: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
2009: Viral Mutations and Pandemics
2010: Deepwater Horizon (BP) Oil Spill
2011: Translational Biomedical Research
2011: Albumin From Rice
2012: Human Microbiome Project
2012: Epigenetics
2013: American Chestnut Tree Blight
2013: De-Extinction
2013: Oldest DNA and Human Evolution
Notes and Further Reading
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