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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Editor’s Preface to the First Edition
Editor’s Preface to the Revised Edition
Author’s Preface to the First Edition
Author’s Preface to the Revised Edition
I. The City and Its People
II. The Church and Its Apostle
A. The Problem
B. A Proposed Reconstruction
1. The Occasion of 1 Corinthians
2. The Opposition
3. The Point(s) of Contention
4. The Source of Their False Spirituality
III. Some Critical Questions
IV. Theological Contributions
A. Eschatology
B. The Gospel and Ethical Life
C. The Church
Text, Exposition, and Notes
I. Introduction (1:1–9)
A. Salutation (1:1–3)
B. Thanksgiving (1:4–9)
II. In Response to Reports (1:10–6:20)
A. A Church Divided—Internally and against Paul (1:10–4:21)
1. The Problem—Division over Leaders in the Name of Wisdom (1:10–17)
2. The Gospel—A Contradiction to Human Wisdom (1:18–2:5)
a. God’s Folly—A Crucified Messiah (1:18–25)
b. God’s Folly—The Corinthian Believers (1:26–31)
c. God’s Folly—Paul’s Preaching (2:1–5)
3. God’s Wisdom—Revealed by the Spirit (2:6–16)
4. On Having the Spirit and Being Divided (3:1–4)
5. Correcting a False View of Church and Ministry (3:5–17)
a. Leaders Are Merely Servants (3:5–9)
b. The Church Must Be Built with Care (3:10–15)
c. Warning to Those Who Would Destroy the Church, God’s Temple in Corinth (3:16–17)
6. Conclusion of the Matter—All Are Christ’s (3:18–23)
7. The Corinthians and Their Apostle (4:1–21)
a. On Being a Servant and Being Judged (4:1–5)
b. The Marks of True Apostleship (4:6–13)
c. Appeal and Exhortation (4:14–21)
B. Immorality and Litigation: Test Cases of the Crisis of Authority and Gospel (5:1–6:20)
1. The Case of the Incestuous Man (5:1–13)
a. Paul’s Judgment—He Must Be Expelled (5:1–5)
b. Argument by Analogy—The Passover (5:6–8)
c. Correcting a “Misunderstanding” (5:9–13)
2. A Case of Litigation (6:1–11)
a. Shame on the Church (6:1–6)
b. Shame on the Plaintiff and Warning against the Wrongdoer (6:7–11)
3. On Going to the Prostitutes (6:12–20)
III. In Response to the Corinthian Letter (7:1–16:12)
A. Marriage and Related Matters (7:1–40)
1. To the Married (or Formerly Married)—Stay as You Are (7:1–16)
a. No Abstinence within Marriage (7:1–7)
b. Either Singleness or Marriage for Widowers and Widows (7:8–9)
c. No Divorce for Christian Partners (7:10–11)
d. No Divorce for Mixed Marriages (7:12–16)
2. The Guiding Principle—Remain as One Was When Called (7:17–24)
3. About the “Virgins” (7:25–40)
a. Singleness Is Preferable but Not Required (7:25–28)
b. Paul’s Reasons for Singleness (7:29–35)
c. But Marriage Is No Sin (7:36–40)
B. Food Sacrificed to Idols (8:1–11:1)
1. The Basis of Christian Conduct—Love, Not Knowledge (8:1–13)
a. The Way of Love and the Way of Knowledge (8:1–3)
b. The Content of the Way of Knowledge (8:4–6)
c. The Criterion—Care for Fellow Believers (8:7–13)
2. Paul’s Apostolic Defense (9:1–27)
a. In Defense of Paul’s Apostleship (9:1–2)
b. Paul’s Apostolic Rights (9:3–14)
c. Paul’s Apostolic Restraint (9:15–18)
d. Paul’s Apostolic Freedom (9:19–23)
e. Exhortation and Example (9:24–27)
3. Conclusion—No Going to the Temples (10:1–22)
a. The Example of Israel (10:1–5)
b. Application of the Example—Warning against Idolatry (10:6–13)
c. The Prohibition and Its Basis (10:14–22)
4. On the Eating of Marketplace Food (10:23–11:1)
C. Women and Men in Worship (11:2–16)
1. An Argument from Culture and Shame (11:2–6)
2. An Argument from Creation (11:7–12)
3. An Argument from Propriety (11:13–16)
D. Abuse of the Lord’s Supper (11:17–34)
1. The Problem—Abuse of the Less Privileged (11:17–22)
2. The Problem—Abuse of the Lord (11:23–26)
3. The Answer—Discern the Body (11:27–32)
4. The Answer—Wait for One Another (11:33–34)
E. On Spirit Gifting and Being People of the Spirit (12:1–14:40)
1. The Criterion—Jesus Is Lord (12:1–3)
2. The Need for Diversity (12:4–31)
a. Diversity in the Godhead and the Gifts (12:4–11)
b. The Body—Diversity in Unity (12:12–14)
c. A Twofold Application of the Metaphor (12:15–26)
d. Once More—The Fact of Diversity (12:27–31)
3. The More Excellent Way (13:1–13)
a. The Necessity of Love (13:1–3)
b. The Character of Love (13:4–7)
c. The Permanence of Love (13:8–13)
4. The Need for Intelligibility in the Assembly (14:1–25)
a. The “Greater Gift”—Prophecy (14:1–5)
b. Analogies That Argue for Intelligibility (14:6–13)
c. Application to the Believing Community (14:14–19)
d. Application for the Sake of Unbelievers (14:20–25)
5. The Ordering of Gifts (14:26–40)
a. The Ordering of Tongues and Prophecy (14:26–33)
b. Conclusion—Confrontation and Summary (14:36–40)
c. On Women Remaining Silent (14:34–35)
F. The Resurrection of Believers (15:1–58)
1. The Basis—The Resurrection of Christ (15:1–11)
2. The Certainty of Resurrection (15:12–34)
a. If Christ Has NOT Been Raised (15:12–19)
b. But Christ HAS Been Raised (15:20–28)
c. Ad hominem Arguments for Resurrection (15:29–34)
3. The Resurrection Body (15:35–49)
a. Analogies of Seeds and “Bodies” (15:35–44)
b. Analogy of Adam and Christ (15:45–49)
4. The Assurance of Triumph (15:50–58)
G. About the Collection (16:1–11)
1. Arrangements for the Collection (16:1–4)
2. Travel Plans—Paul’s and Timothy’s (16:5–11)
H. About the Coming of Apollos (16:12)
IV. Concluding Matters (16:13–24)
A. Concluding Exhortations (16:13–18)
B. Final Greetings (16:19–24)
Index of Subjects
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture References
Index of Early Extrabiblical Literature
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