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1: Science can't explain the complexity and order of life; God must have designed it to be this way.
2: God's existence is proven by scripture.
3: Some unexplained events are miraculous, and these miracles prove the existence of God.
4: Morality stems from God, and without God, we could not be good people.
5: Belief in God would not be so widespread if God didn’t exist.
6: God answers prayers; therefore, he must be real.
7: I feel a personal relationship with God, so I know that he is real.
8: It's safer to believe in God than be wrong and go to Hell.
9: God isn’t defined. God cannot be comprehended or described. One must simply have faith.
10: There's no evidence that God doesn't exist.
11: If there is no God, where did everything come from? Without God, there is no explanation.
12: My religion/God has helped me so much. How could it not be real?
13: God is love; God is energy.
14: The laws of logic prove the existence of God.
15: Believing in God provides meaning and purpose; without it, life would be meaningless.
16: So many people died for God/religion. Surely, it must be real.
17: Atheism has killed more people than religion, so it must be wrong!
18: You’ll become a believer when you are desperate for God’s help.
19: Smart people and renowned scientists like X, Y and Z believe in God, so it must be true.
20: How can we really know anything?
In Pursuit of God
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