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Imperial Library
Title Page
General Introduction to the Library of Living Philosophers
Founder’s General Introduction to the Library of Living Philosophers
Advisory Board
Table of Contents
Part One: Intellectual Autobiography of Umberto Eco and “Why Philosophy?”
Sample of Eco’s Handwriting
Intellectual Autobiography of Umberto Eco
“Why Philosophy?” by Umberto Eco
Part Two: Descriptive and Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Umberto Eco with Replies
I. Medieval Studies
1. John Marenbon: Umberto Eco and Medieval Aesthetics
Reply to John Marenbon
2. Costantino Marmo: Eco’s Semiotics and Medieval Philosophy
II. Semiotics, Cognition, and Epistemology
3. David Boersema: Negotiation and Regulation: Eco on Knowing
Reply to David Boersema
4. Donald Phillip Verene: The Pursuit of the Pursuit of Truth
Reply to Donald Phillip Verene
5. Piero Polidoro: The Reasonable’s the Limit
6. Morana Alač: The Model Reader and the Mundanity of Reading Practices
III. Semiotics, Cognition, and the Philosophy of Language
7. Patrizia Violi: Encyclopedia: Criticality and Actuality
8. Claudio Paolucci: Eco, Peirce, and the Anxiety of Influence: The Most Kantian of Thinkers
9. Andrea Valle: Modes of Sign Production
10. Rossella Fabbrichesi: Eco, Peirce, and Iconism: A Philosophical Inquiry
Reply to Rossella Fabbrichesi
11. Jean Petitot: Semiotic Enargeia: A Tribute to Umberto Eco
12. Ernie Lepore and Matthew Stone: Eco, Metaphor, and Interpretation: A Cure for the Common Code
Reply to Ernie Lepore and Matthew Stone
IV. Translation
13. Siri Nergaard: Translation: A Question of Experience. On Umberto Eco’s Translation Theory
Reply to Siri Nergaard
14. Edoardo Crisafulli: Nomen Est Omen: Eco’s Reflections on Translation
Reply to Edoardo Crisafulli
V. Philosophy and the Semiotics of Literature
15. Walter Stephens: The Lover of Books: Eco’s Medieval and Early Modern Reading
Reply to Walter Stephens
16. Lubomír Doležel: Eco’s Narratology
17. Ulla Musarra-Schrøder: “Encyclopedia” and “Possible Worlds”: History, Fiction, and Falsification in the Novels of Umberto Eco
VI. Philosophy in the Novels
18. Norma Bouchard: Umberto Eco’s Semiotic Imaginary
Reply to Norma Bouchard
19. Helen Bennett: Reading Lessons in Foucault’s Pendulum
20. Lucio Angelo Privitello: “I Have Wandered in a Face . . .”
VII. Postmodernism and Mass Culture
21. Charles Jencks: Of Bowls, Magnetized Marbles, and Umberto Eco
Reply to Charles Jencks
22. Brian McHale: Five or Six Postmodernisms
Reply to Brian McHale
23. Lucrecia Escudero Chauvel: Cultural Studies, Ideology, and Media Texts
Part Three: Bibliography of the Writings of Umberto Eco
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