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Praise for The Adventures of Duke LaGrange Series
The Adventures of Duke LaGrange Omnibus, Volume I
How to Pick Up Women with a Drunk Space Ninja
1. Cyborg Joe's
2. Three-Headed Ice Wombats
3. The Wrath of Sprinkles
4. The Gooey Bits
5. The Beeps and Blinks of Space Travel
6. Buttons Where There Weren't No Buttons
7. Boring Old Space
8. Soufflés
9. The Thing About Orbs
10. A Library with Less Sex
11. Ploob Kalarti
12. Vanity Killed the Neprian
13. Nineteen Paces
14. Change of Plans
15. Blindfolds
16. Ruptured Eardrums
17. Mr. Sharpshooter
18. Uu'k's Day Job
19. If a Person Has a Sword, Don't Call Him Stupid
20. A Good Night's Sleep
21. Universe's Best Ruler
22. Welcome to Shud’nut
23. A Skilled Politician
24. Uncle Lo’n
25. Neprian Wine
26. Missed Meeting
27. A Counter-Orb?
28. A Garden Fertilized with Cotton Candy
29. Fighting the Swamp
30. Nice to See You Again
31. A Thud in the Night
32. Valley of the Grundar
33. Camps
34. Smuggler's Door
35. For the Good Part of Neprius!
36. Just a Villain
37. Give Me Back My Sphere
38. Forty-Eight Minutes
39. Cyborg Joe's, Revisited
How to Win at Pit Fighting with a Drunk Space Ninja
1. Real Hero Stuff
2. Sol's Bail Bonds-O-Rama
3. Assistant Deputy Associate Director
4. Four I's
5. Cephalo-God
6. Crashing the Party
7. Chief Interrogator General
8. The Pondscum Tavern
9. Blops, Durphs, and Sabromms, Oh MY!
10. Light of God
11. Potato Lips
12. Ratings Killer
13. Randy and Zel
14. A Feisty Corner Man
15. The Snake and the Mutant Irishman
16. Records are Made to be Broken
17. Fight or Funeral
18. Good Conversation
19. Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to
20. Randy and Zel… Again
21. Maxx and The Rat
22. A Bit of Bad News
23. I Can't Lose
24. Semifinals
25. One More Adventure
26. The Main Event
27. Fair and Square... For the Most Part
28. A Cruel Reunion
29. Poor, Poor Duke LaGrange
30. The Third Piece
31. Race to the Warp Station
32. A Few Coins Short
33. Cosmic Flotsam
34. The Battle of Oldish Kelt
35. New LePaco City
36. The Flying Rot
37. A Starting Place
How to Save the Universe with a Drunk Space Ninja
1. T'ckuvu Prime
2. The Truth, in Moderation
3. Hefty and the Booze Man
4. You Stupid Orb
5. Shockingly Sound
6. A Chat
7. An Undeniable Right
8. The North Pole
9. A Shut Window
10. The Luckiest Man Alive
11. They're Going Where?
12. Whisky Cake
13. Back to School
14. The Master
15. The Traveler
16. Kiss My Ass-teroid
17. We Are All Blop
18. Everywhere's a Death Trap
19. The Treaty
20. Hope
21. Kill Them All!
22. Duck and Weave
23. Maxx and The Earthers
24. Phase Two
25. A Queen and Her Portal
26. A Queen and Her Even Bigger Portal
27. I Gave You That Knife
28. Inter-Dimensional Doomsday Device
29. Ninety-Nine
30. Sand
31. Of Penguins and Blenders
32. Another Round of Whisky
33. Welcome to Cyborg Joe’s... Again
34. That Primitive Rock
Deleted Scene
1. The Yon-Yor-Kaaba Four
The Official Unofficial History of The Adventures of Duke LaGrange
1. From Snow Crash to Jurassic Park III
2. Spiders and Ducks
3. It’s All Geek To Me
4. And Now There’s An Omnibus
The Art of Duke LaGrange
Marcus Muller
Vojislav Vasiljević
Christian Colbert
Nathan Anderson
Ben Nuñez
About the Author
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