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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
List of Illustrations
Prologue: Lessons of Liberation: Iraq, 1915–1921
Chapter 1: Three Crises and an Outcome
The Choice among Alternatives
Beyond “The National Ideology of American Exceptionalism”
Empire: “A Rose by Any Other Name…”?
Globalization and Empires
Time and Motion
“The Growing Labours of the Lengthen’d Way”
Part I: Decolonization and Dependence, 1756–1865
Chapter 2: The Advance and Retreat of the Military-Fiscal State
Cause and Chronology
A Great Convergence?
The Glorious Revolution, and the Exceptional Military-Fiscal State
The Evolution of Britain’s Military-Fiscal State
The New Global Order
War, Reconstruction, and Reform
Britain: “The Union of Permanence and Change”
“A Vast Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets”
“The Image of the Past Projected on the Mist of the Unknown”
Chapter 3: From Revolution to Constitution
Harry Washington and the Emerging Global Order
Toward “The New Colony-System”
John Company at Work
A Revolution of Declining Expectations
“An Indissoluble Union of the States under One Federal Head”
“Spectacles of Turbulence and Contention”
“Not an Empire, but the Project of an Empire”
Chapter 4: The Struggle for Independence
Midnight’s Children
The Rhetoric and the Reality of Revolution
Dilemmas of Dependent Development
Cultural Continuities
“Converting the Forests of a Wilderness into the Favourite Mansion of Liberty”
Chapter 5: Wars of Incorporation
“The Great Nation of Futurity”
“The Bright Idea of Property, of Exclusive Right”
1812: The Second War of Independence?
“America Knows How to Crush as Well as How to Expand”
“An Irrepressible Conflict between Opposing and Enduring Forces”
“For God’s Sake, Let Us If Possible Keep Out Of It”
War and Peace Revisited
Part II: Modernity and Imperialism, 1865–1914
Chapter 6: Uneven Development and Imperial Expansion
“The Earth, Restive, Confronts a New Era”
“Via Pecunia”: The Road to Modern Globalization
“O, My Brothers, Love Your Country”
The Great Deflation
Globalization and “New” Imperialism
Lions, Jackals, and the Scramble for Empire
“This Is a New Age; The Age of Social Advancement Not of Feudal Sports”
Chapter 7: Achieving Effective Independence
“In the Midst of Confusion and Distress”
“All Has Been Lost, Except Office or the Hope of It”
“Beautiful Credit! The Foundation of Modern Society”
The Culture of Cosmopolitan Nationalism
From “Union” to “America”
Chapter 8: Acquiring an Unexceptional Empire
“Our World Opportunity, World Duty, and World Glory”
The Battle Over the Wars of 1898
Don Quixote’s Last Ride
Mobilizing the Means of Destruction
“The Irresistible Tendency to Expansion … Seems Again in Operation”
“We Come as Ministering Angels, Not as Despots”
“Destiny, Divinity and Dollars”
Chapter 9: Insular Perspectives on an Intrusive World
“The Wheels of the Modern Political Juggernaut”
Sugaring the Pill
Cuba: “A Lot of Degenerates Absolutely Devoid of Honor and Gratitude”
Puerto Rico: “Into History as a Picnic”
The Philippines: “Land that I Idolise, Sorrow of my Sorrow”
Hawai‘i: “A People Fast Passing Away”
Wars of Choice
Intermission: Tarzan’s Mirror to Modernity
Part III: Empires and International Disorder, 1914–1959
Chapter 10: The Modern Imperial System: From Conquest to Collapse
The “American Century”?
Isolation or Integration?
World War I and the Return to Normality
“One of the Greatest Economic Catastrophes of Modern History”
The War to Break and Re-Make Empires
The Second Colonial Occupation
Liberation—Colonial Style
The End of the Affair
Chapter 11: Ruling the Forgotten Empire
Buyers’ Remorse
“A Greater England with a Nobler Destiny”
The Modernizing Mission
Owning an Empire: Congress and the Constitution
Lobbies and Liberties
“A Course of Tuition under a Strong and Guiding Hand”
“Hardly a Ripple of Failure upon the Stream of Our Success”
Chapter 12: Caribbean Carnival
Pleasure Islands
Puerto Rico: “An Example of the Best Methods of Administering Our Insular Possessions”
Cuba: “That Infernal Little Republic”
“Now, No Longer Can We Be Unmoved”
Chapter 13: Paradise in the Pacific
“Where Skies of Blue Are Calling Me”
“Hawai‘i: A World of Happiness in an Island of Peace”
The Philippines: “Substituting the Mild Sway of Justice and Right for Arbitrary Rule”
“Ours Not to Rest Till Our Banner Wave”
The Insular Empire in Retrospect
Chapter 14: “The Twilight of Confused Colonialism”
“Surrendering Authority and Retaining Responsibility”
The Global Setting
Holding On
Protection in the Pacific
Coercion and Collaboration in the Caribbean
Moving On
Progress in the Pacific?
Contrasts in the Caribbean
Conclusion: “A Shining Example of the American Way for the Entire Earth”
Part IV: The Outcome: Postcolonial Globalization
Chapter 15: Dominance and Decline in the Postcolonial Age
“The One Duty We Owe to History Is to Rewrite It”
Globalization and Empires
Postcolonial Globalization
The United States: The Aspiring Hegemon
Captain America: To Be Continued?
Epilogue: Lessons of Liberation: Iraq, 2003–2011
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