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Title Page
Part One: Physical Training
10 Ways to Train Alone
1. Shadowboxing
Cardiovascular Benefits
Improve your Timing with Music
Coordinating Footwork with Combinations
You Always get to Win
2. Environmental Training
Cluttered Room
Small Room
3. Reps
1000 Punches
4. Work Weak Techniques
5. Karate between Weights Sets
6. Heavy Bag
7. Train to Your Favorite Music
8. Train While Watching the Tube
9. Train Outdoors
10. Training in Water
10 Ways to Improve Your Hand Techniques
1. Shoulders
An Exception to the Rule
2. Rotating Your Body
Rotating While Exercising in Horse Stance
Rotating in your Fighting Stance
3. Tricky-Knee Punch
4. Boxer’s Jab
Historically Speaking
How to Jab
Jab to Make your Opponent Nervous
To Disrupt your Opponent’s Setpoint
Jab to Set up your Opponent
Jabbing the Body
5. Hook Punches
Front Hook
Rear Hook
6. Using Double Hand Pads
7. Goofy Bag
Your First Workout
Your Second Workout
8. Push-Ups
Push-up Jumps and Drops
9. Strengthening Your Abs for Better Punches
The Ab/Fist Connection
10. Hand Toughening
Knuckle Push-ups
Rub a Brick
Punch a Canvas Bag
Salt Water Torture
10 Ways to Improve Your Kicks
1. Stretching
Take it Easy Before Training
Stretching to Increase Flexibility
You are not “Naturally” Stiff
Be Careful with Partner Stretching
Stretching for Strength
Can you Warm-up for a Street Fight?
Flexibility is Not Just for Kicking High
2. Squats
Moving Horse
Work only the Bottom Half
One-legged Squats
Variation 1
Variation 2
3. Elastic Cord Kicking
4. Climbing the Tree
5. Sticky Foot
A Variation
6. 1000-Rep Drill
7. Roundhouse Kick - Muay Thai Style
Breaking the Rules
Using the Rear Leg
The Mechanics of the Kick
Free Advice
8. Sidekick
Slow Motion Kicking
Push with the Toes
Thrust with Momentum
9. Front Kick
Standing Slow Kicks
Kneeling Slow Kicks
Leg Extensions
10. Back Kick
Before the Actual Kick
Elastic Cord
Slow Kicks
Horse Stance Squats
Bag Work
Air Kicking
10 Ways to Improve Your Speed
1. Maintain Relaxed Tension
2. Faster Kicks
Bring it Back Fast
Hot Potato Drill
3. Kiss
4. Design a Speed Combination
5. Believe You Are Fast
You Perform as You Think
6. Reps in the Air Versus Reps on a Bag
7. Reacting to an Exposed Target
Offensive Reflexes
One-sided Sparring
8. Blitz Drill
Lead-leg Lunge
9. Blitz Against a Target
10. Miscellaneous Reflex/Speed Drills
Let’s Play Catch
Jerk Away
20 Ways to Improve Your Sparring
1. Don’t Stop to Discuss What Happened
One Instructor’s Approach
2. Finishing off Your Opponent
Killer Instinct
3. Use Your Specialty
4. Deception Training
5. Broken Limb Sparring
Real Injury
6. Environmental Training
One Other Way
7. Grappling Techniques
90% of Fights go to the Ground. Oh Really?
The Four Ranges
8. Merry Christmas
9. No-Tag Sparring
Should it be Four or Five?
Working through the Ranges
This Works even Better with Pain
10. Begin with One Fighter Down
11. Don’t Telegraph
A Bad Habit
12. How to Think Before Your Tournament
Mental Imagery
Cue Words and Positive Self-Talk
Putting them all Together for a Pre-competition Routine
13. Train to Get Hit
14. Don’t Emphasize Scoring
A New Sparring Experience
15. High/Low
Kick Low/Punch High
Punch Middle/ Backfist High
16. I Can Hit You but You Can’t Hit Me
17. Spar with a Variety of People
18. Diagonal Stepping
Stepping for Defense
Stepping Offensively
19. Five Elements That Will Make You a Better Puncher
Your Feet should be Fast and Mobile
Keep your Upper Body Moving
Keep your Guard Up
Thrust your Feet Forward
Total Commitment
20. Clinching
Both Hands Behind his Neck
One Hand Behind the Opponent’s Neck
Clinch his Arms
10 Ways to Score Almost Every Time
1. Drawing
Yoo hoo! Come Here
2. Create an Illusion of Distance
3. Fighting Rabbits
Tests How He Reacts
Now Get Him
4. The Three Stooges Technique
Out of a Clinch
Off a Block
On the Ground
5. Invisible Kicks
You Can Do Them from Any Position
6. The Initial Move
Use a Mobile Foot Stance
Stay Moving
Throw a Few Fakes
Your Hands Move First
A Revealing Study
Keep Your Hands Up
Maintain a Poker Face
Don’t Hesitate
7. Always Hit When in Range
8. Foot Sweeps
9. Pushing and Jamming
How to Set it Up
You have to be Quick
Jam vs. Push
10. The Half Step and Sucker Punch
The Set Up
5 Ways to Improve Your Blocking
1. Limit the Choices
2. Study the Origin of the Attack
Make use of your “Dummy” Time
Partial Rep Drill
3. Simultaneous Block/Counter
4. Blocks only Drill
5. Where to Look
Look at his Triangle
10 Ways to Improve Your Kata
1. Soft Practice
2. Hard Practice
3. Sectional Training
Breaking it Down
4. Understand What You Are Doing
5. Mental Intent
6. The Dramatic Pause
Their Importance
7. No Hands Practice
Forget your Arms
8. Use Your Eyes
Warrior Eyes
9. Flashy Kicks
Street vs. Competition Kicks
Mixing High and Low Kicks
Training for High Kicks can Make you a Better Fighter
10. On Not Winning
You Learn More when you Lose
5 Ways to Increase Your Power
1. Six Important Elements
Reactionary Force
2. Mental/Physical Power Link
First the Physical
Now the Mental
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
3. Reps
Pushing to go Faster and Harder
4. Heavy Bag
Train Systematically
Train Regularly on the Same Techniques
5. Weight Training
When all Things are Equal
Stronger is Better
The Four Tiers of Training
Physical Preparation
Technical Preparation
Psychological Preparation
Bench Press
One-Arm benches
Weight Training for Legs
Barbell Squats
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls
Barbell Squats
Leg Curls
Thigh Extensions
10 Ways to Train for Self-defense
1. Side Stepping Drill
Move Out of the Path
A Good Drill
2. Train to Hit First
Do it Legally
Train to Beat your Partner to the Punch
3. Reflex Training
Random Attack Drill
Pause-Attack Drill
4. Move to Your Opponent’s Weak Side
Outside of his Lead Hand
Working against his Injured Side
Free Tip
5. Keep Hitting
Free Tip
6. Defending against a Big Guy
Stay out of Reach
Attack his Weapons
Go to his Vulnerable Areas
7. Giving Acute Pain
There is no 100 Percent Guarantee
My List
Adam’s Apple
Elbow Joint
Fingers and Back of Hand
Solar Plexus
Ankle Bone
Top of the Foot and Toes
8. Chop-Kicking
9. The Front Kick Offense/Defense
Kicking with the Front Leg
Rear Leg Front Kick
Choosing the Best Leg
More on Excessive Leaning
10. Knocking Out the Attacker
Play with his Brain
Jar his Brain
Some Important Things to Think About
5 Ways to Prepare for a Belt Test
1. Know Your Material
2. Plan for Errors
3. Know What Your Instructor Wants
Look at the Bright Side
Train Hard on Everything
4. Increase Training Gradually
5. Mental Rehearsal and Affirmation
10 Ways to Improve Your Heath & Fitness
Normalize your Weight
Great for Women
Condition your Heart and Lungs
A Good Cross-training Activity
1. How to Drop a few Pounds
Rule 1
Rule 2
Rule 3
Rule 4
Rule 5
2. A Fast Way to Aerobic Conditioning
Burn Fat
Get Faster
Do this Progressively
3. Should You Take Creatine?
A Shot of Energy
4. Water
Drink, Drink and Drink Some More
Are Sports Drinks Better than Water?
5. Vitamins C and E
Little Warriors
6. Coffee: Yes or No?
More is not Better
7. Sleep
Late Evening Training
8. Take a Break from Training
When you Can’t Take Time Off
9. Overtraining
Stimulate not Annihilate
Leg day/Hand day
Hard day/Easy day
You are only Flesh and Bones
10. Moderation in all Things
Part Two: Mental Training
5 Ways to Alleviate Stress
1. Train Hard
2. Work Out Early
3. Work Your Big Muscles
4. Put on Some Good Sounds
5. Train with a Partner
10 Ways to Use Mental Imagery
What Happens when you use Mental Imagery
Use all your Senses
1. Improving Technique
2. Emotional Preparation
Write Down how you Felt on a Good Day
3. Affirmations
4. Visualize Your Hero
Swapping Heads
5. Visualize a High-Risk Moment
Know the Turf
Visualize your Response
6. Visualize a Real Confrontation
7. Visualize Winning
8. Visualize Your Goal
9. Visualize a Good Class
Seeing a Great Class
10. Visualize Being Better Looking
Even the Old Street Fighters Visualize
10 Ways to Eat Pain
1. Get Used to It
In the Street
In Competition
Three-person Drill
Three-Person Drill
2. Physical
3. Emotional
4. Psychological
5. Spiritual
10 Ways to Learn Quickly
1. Reps
2. Mental Imagery
3. Verbalize the Technique to Someone
Teach a Friend
4. Verbalize to Yourself
5. Training with a Partner
6. Unstructured Practice
7. Shorter Training Sessions
A Poor Example
Do a Test
8. Listen to the Slow Learners
Don’t Follow Blindly
Look Hard at a New Program
9. Don’t Do the Same Thing Everyday
10. Have a Training Objective
When Solo Training
Partner Training
Class Training
Stay Motivated
Surviving the Dumps
5 Ways to Conquer Fear
1. Understand the Symptoms
2. Turn Butterflies into Energy
Butterflies are your Friends
3. Develop Your Fighting Skill
Learn Systematically
4. Stay in Shape
5. Find a Mantra
10 Ways to Be Safe in Your Daily Life
1. Stay Informed
2. Always Stay Alert and Aware
White Zone
Yellow Zone
Orange Zone
The Red Zone
3. Confidence
4. Trust that Voice in Your Head That Says “Danger! Danger!”
5. Carry a Cell Phone in Your Car
6. Keep Your Home, Auto and Office Secure
7. Carry Protection in Your Car
8. Avoid Gang Members and Other Undesirables
9. Don’t Get Involved in Road Rage
10. Stay in Shape and Train Hard in Your Chosen Martial Art
About the Author
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