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Table of Contents
Author Bio
Chapter 1: The Mind Body Connection
Sphinx Pose
Activities for Opening The Heart
Opening the Front of the Body: The Cobra
The Heart Flashlight: Illuminate your World
Reclining Angle Pose
Activities and Mudras for Mood Management
The Tulip: Lotus Padma Mudra
Activities for Children with Sensory Processing Issues
Back-to-Back Partner Breathing
Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa and Restorative Yoga for Sensory Issues
Hatha Yoga Poses and Sensory Seeking Children
Hatha Yoga and Over-Responsive Children
Hatha Yoga and Under-Responsive Children
Simple Restorative Poses for the Classroom, Home or Therapy Session
Legs up on the Wall
The Belly Elevator: Practicing the Three-part Breath
Resting on Stacked Fists on Desk
Child’s Pose
Sponge Pose
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 2: Yoga for the Classroom: Pre-school, therapy sessions and with the profoundly handicapped
Seated Vinyasa Sequence for a classroom
Yoga for Toddlers (18 months-3 years)
Toddler Poses: Standing and Hands and Knees
Seated Floor Vinyasa for any age
Sensory and Yoga Circle Time for Preschoolers
Sensory Yoga Group (3-5 years old)
Preschool Poses
Adaptive Yoga for Classroom or Clinic
Mountain Pose and Grounding Pole
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 3: Guided Somatic Imagery in the Classroom and Clinic
Guided Imagery and Trauma
Breathing with the Body Systems
Somatic Exercises for Trauma
Moving Warm-Ups
The Floating Raft
The Steps
Seeing an Old Friend
The Journey Home
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 4: Nature and Somatic Learning
Reconnecting Children to Nature
Open-eyed Meditation in Nature: Allowing Joy to Emerge
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 5: Pranayama Fills the Gap
Breathing into Stillness
Breathing into Stillness
Understanding Breathing
The Three-Part Breath
Belly Down Breathing
Ujjayi Breath-Ocean Sounding Breath
Humming Bee Vibration Breath
Breathing with Embodied Cueing
Chapter 6: Embodied Learning
Sensory Yoga Feeling Wheel
The Ha Breath
Same Side Brain and Hand
Cross Crawl Opposite Side Brain and Hand
Warrior Series and Happy Warrior
Equal Breath
Therapeutic Interventions for Equal Breath
Therapist Tips for Sensory Yoga Feeling Wheel
Somatic Exercises for Trauma
Tick Tock how Slow is your Clock
Mirroring: Moving Mindful Meditation
Noticing and Tracing Bones
What do I Notice
Mindful of my Reactions 1: Moving Towards and Away
Mindful of my Reactions 2: Moving Towards and Away
Cat Pose
Cow Pose
The Golden Ray Somatization
Mindful of my Reactions 3: Body Cues and Feelings
Where in my body is my reaction?
Trace the bones of the foot
Shifting Weight
Tap the Bones for Quick Focus
The Thymus and Boundaries
Tapping the Thymus
Backbends, the Heart and Thymus
Upward Facing Dog
Tapping for a Sensory-Challenging Transition
Mountain Pose
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 7: Meditation- Tools for Stilling the Mind
Meditation with Ease
Mind Body Practices
Gentle Breeze Meditation
The Flag Pole
Home Plate and Please Don’t Run the Bases Meditation
The Flying Car
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 8: Yoga and Contemplation in Everyday Life
Yamas and Niyamas
Team Building and Yoga Values
Partner Activity: Suspension Bridge
Partner Activity: The Arch
Values Index Cards: Yamas and Niyamas
What is Attunement?
Drop into the heart Contemplation
Three-Step Contemplation
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 9: Mindfulness
The Camera Lens of Developing Awareness
The Camera Lens
Contemplating Mindfulness Qualities
Mindfulness Cards
Mindful Walking
Magic Walking: Walking with the Breath
Mindful Walking Dance
The Witness and Intuition
Who is Watching
Intuitive Exercise: I Have a Hunch
You get my Vote: Develop the Skill of Listening
When Something Pulls on your Attention
Intuitive Spiderman Game
How does my Body and Mind Know and Feel
Quiet Time
Creating “Quiet Time” Activity: Break in the Day
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 10: Working Through Trauma with Yoga
Body Memories and Trauma
Calming Hand Mudra
Tools using Yoga for Trauma
Embodied Parenting: Parenting with the Mind Body Connection
Techniques for Finding Boundaries and Structure
Paint the Sky: Pelvic Floor Warm up, Shoulder and Hip Rotation
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 11: Mantra
Using Breath and Positive Thoughts
Silent Walking with So Ham Mantra: Open Eyed Meditation
Creating a Personal Mantra
The Ego
Thought Bubbles: I’m the Boss of my thoughts, body and feelings
Mantra and Yoga Breaks for the Classroom
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 12: Honoring Silence
Mindfulness and Silence in Daily Life
Breathing and Silent Walking
A Silent Meal
Silent Retreat for a Parent
Quiet Time Indoors for Single Parents
Quiet Outside Time
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 13: Sounding
Benefits of Sounding
Sounding and Somatic Meditation for Special Needs
Instructor Techniques for Sounding
The Orchestra
Listening from the Cells into the Organs
Warm ups, Paintbrush, Balloon and Anchor
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 14: Our Digital Lives- Finding Balance in the On Demand Culture
Having an Uninterrupted Check-In Time
Help Teens with Anxiety Transition to Homework
Please Park Your Phone Here
A Digital Day Off
Finding Non-Digital Fun Ways to Spend Time
Family Nature Activities in Cities
Being More Active with Technology
Maximize Physical Activity Use the Smartboard with Yoga
Revolved Triangle Prep (Moderate-Advanced)
Forward Bends
Chair Pose
Tips and Take Aways
Chapter 15 Yoga of Daily Life
Bringing Yoga Interventions into the Classroom
Squeeze Yoga and Exercise into your Day
Creating a Time for Meditation
Heart Meditation
Practice Pausing
A Yoga and Family Retreat
Model for a Community Meditation Group
Tips and Take Aways
Further Reading
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