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Imperial Library
1 . The Purpose of Man’s Existence
Why am I here?
What must I do?
Who will tell me?
2 . God and His Perfections
Who is God?
3 . The Unity and Trinity of God
How are there three?
4 . Creation and the Angels
How did creation begin?
Is the devil real?
5 . The Creation and the Fall of Man
What is man?
How did God make us?
What is original sin?
After Adam, what?
6 . Actual Sin
Can my soul die?
What are the roots of sin?
7 . The Incarnation
Who is Mary?
Who is Jesus Christ?
8 . The Redemption
How does it end?
9 . The Holy Spirit and Grace
The unknown Person
What is grace?
The grace that comes and goes
Wellsprings of life
What is merit?
10 . The Virtues and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
What is virtue?
Hope and love
Wonders within us
The moral virtues
11 . The Catholic Church
The Holy Spirit and the Church
We are the Church
12 . The Marks and Attributes of the Church
Where do we find it?
Holy and Catholic
Reason and faith—and myself
13 . The Communion of Saints and the Forgiveness of Sins
The end of the road
14 . The Resurrection and Life Everlasting
The end of the world
15 . The Two Great Commandments
Faith proven by deeds
Accenting the positive
16 . The First Commandments of God
Our first duty
Sins against faith
Hope and love
Sacrilege and superstition
17 . The Second and Third Commandments of God
Holy is his name
“Bless and do not curse”
Why Sunday Mass?
18 . The Fourth and Fifth Commandments of God
Parents, children and citizens
Life belongs to God
19 . The Sixth and Ninth Commandments of God
Commandments six and nine
20 . The Seventh and Tenth Commandments of God
Mine and thine
21 . The Eighth Commandment of God
Nothing but the truth
22 . The Commandments of the Church
Laws of the Church
23 . The Sacraments
We begin the sacraments
Why seven sacraments?
24 . Baptism
The beginning of life
The mark of a Christian
Getting baby baptized
Before childbirth—and after
The birth of a soul
Who can baptize?
25 . Confirmation
The sacrament of Confirmation
The meaning of Confirmation
26 . The Eucharist
The greatest sacrament
The promise is kept
Bread no longer
Bread and wine and priest
27 . The Mass
We begin the Mass
What makes a sacrifice?
Every Mass is our Mass
The Mass has a history
The Mass of the Faithful
Why have vestments?
The Roman Missal
Participating in the Mass
28 . Holy Communion
So close to Christ
Who may receive?
The Eucharistic fast
Practical pointers for communicants
29 . Penance
The sacrament of Penance
Preparing for confession
30 . Contrition
When is sorrow real?
Thank God for confession!
31 . Confession
Telling our sins
Sin and punishment
32 . Temporal Punishment and Indulgences
Plenary indulgences
33 . Anointing of the Sick
Sacrament of the sick
When to call a priest
34 . Holy Orders
What is a priest?
What is Holy Orders?
Bishop—and others
35 . Matrimony
God made marriage
Matrimony has special graces
Foresight makes happy marriages
Responsible parenthood
36 . The Sacramentals
Agents of grace
37 . Prayer
The what and why of prayer
Prayer that reaches God
For whom shall I pray?
38 . The Our Father
The best prayer
39 . The Bible
Do you read the Bible?
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