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Imperial Library
Bibliographical Note
Chapter I
1. The Aims of the Book
2. Mental Dualism
3. The Central Role of the Meditations
Chapter II
Who is Descartes’ Meditator?
1. The Meditator as a Beginner
2. The Beginner and the Natural Inclination to Empiricism
3. The Maxim of Concept Empiricism: Nihil est in intellectu
4. ‘This Piece of Wax’
5. The Unstated Strategy
6. The Meditations and a Process of Conversion
Chapter III
Empiricism and Natural Philosophy
1. Empiricism and the Neo-Epicureans
2. Aristotelianism and Epicureanism: A Single Obstacle to Natural Philosophy
3. Descartes and Heliocentrism
4. The New Physics and the Supremacy of the Intellect
5. The Rejection of Atoms and the Void
Chapter IV
The Method of Doubt
1. Leading the Mind Away from the Senses
2. Notions of the Pure Intellect
3. The Withdrawal of Assent from the Images of Sense
4. The Argument from Origin
5. The Exercise of the Intellect and Will
6. Dreaming and Lucid Dreaming
7. Doubt as Reflection of a Higher-Order
8. Is Cartesian Doubt Really Universal?
Chapter V
Res Cogitans
1. The Intellectual Nature
2. Doubting as the Paradigm of Thought
3. Sense and Imagination
4. The Outward and Inward Turns
5. Intellect as Faculty and Substance
Chapter VI
The Active Self
1. Self-Knowledge and Empiricism
2. From Cogito to Res Cogitans
3. The Self Perceived by Pure Intellect
4. Innate Ideas
5. Res Cogitans as ‘Pure Activity’
6. Res Cogitans and the ‘First Person’
Chapter VII
Sense, Sensation and Animal Minds
1. Sense
2. The Account of Vision
3. The Question of Sense Data
4. ‘This Piece of Wax’ Again
5. The Internal Senses
6. The Three Quasi-Grades of Sense
7. The Intermingling Thesis
8. Animal Sensation
9. Bête Machine as a Wider Problem
Chapter VIII
Conscientia and Consciousness
1. Thought as a Simple Notion
2. Descartes’ Definition of Thought
3. The Phenomenalist and Intellectualist Readings
4. The Shortcomings of the Phenomenalist Reading
5. The Method of Doubt and Consciousness
6. Conscientia and Consciousness
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