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Starting Up
About the Flash Professional CS6 Digital Classroom
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Starting Adobe Flash Professional CS6
Resetting the Flash workspace
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Working with the video tutorials
Hosting Your Flash content and websites
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Lesson 1: Flash CS6 Jumpstart
Starting up
What is Flash?
About Flash Player
Flash file types
Creating a new document
Setting up your new document
Saving your Flash document
Opening documents
The Flash workspace
The Stage and work area
The Flash Tools panel
The Property Inspector
Panels and panel groups
The Timeline
Practicing with the Flash tools
The drawing and selection tools in action
Using gradient and color tools
Animation in action
Getting help
Support forums
Moving forward
Self study
Lesson 2: Getting Started with the Drawing Tools
Starting up
Drawing in Flash
Using the Merge Drawing mode
Creating artwork in Merged Drawing mode
Working with Drawing Objects
Putting it all together
Using the Line tool
Using the Pen tool
Using the Add and Delete Anchor Point tools
Using the Combine Objects menu
Using the Primitive tools (Smart Shapes)
Using the Oval Primitive tool
The Rectangle Primitive tool
Adding text to your artwork
Flash Text: TLF & Classic Text
Working with Threaded and Multi-Column Text
Adding filters
Working with colors
Getting set up
Creating gradients
Using opacity with gradient colors
Creating custom colors
Saving a custom color set
Organizing and layering graphics
Working with layers
Arranging, locking, and hiding layers
Creating layer folders
Transforming graphics
The Transform menu and Free Transform tool
The Transform panel
Transforming gradients
Self study
Lesson 3: Using Symbols and the Library
Starting up
The project
What are symbols?
A look at the Library panel
Creating symbols
Converting a graphic to a symbol
Creating blank symbols
Building artwork with symbol instances
Positioning and snapping in symbol instances
Editing and duplicating symbols
Editing symbols in place
Modifying individual symbol instances
Modifying instance color
Fine-tuning your background
Duplicating symbols
Adding graphics and text to your banner
Swapping symbols
Managing the Library
Organizing symbols with folders
The Move To command
Deleting items from the library
Controlling library views
Wrapping up
Self study
Lesson 4: Advanced Tools
Starting up
Working with gradients
Adjusting gradients with the Gradient Transform tool
Flash CS6 tools for advanced drawing
Spraying symbols
Introducing the Deco tool
Advanced Deco tool techniques
The Deco Tool’s new options
Introduction to IK tools
Self study
Lesson 5: Creating Basic Animation
Starting up
Introducing keyframes and the Timeline
Frames and keyframes
Building animation: Enter the tween
Tween layers and automatic keyframing
Tweening multiple objects
Previewing animation with Test Movie
Moving and transforming tween paths
Incorporating color effects and scaling
Introducing the Motion Editor
Modifying the animation using the Motion Editor
Tweening rotation
Controlling animation paths
Where did Motion Guide layers go?
What happens to my existing Flash files that use Motion Guide layers?
How do I create a motion guide if I still want to?
Morphing graphics and colors with shape tweens
Shape tween basics
Legacy techniques: Creating classic tweens
Classic tween rules
Adding color effects and scaling to a classic tween
(Re)creating motion guides for classic tweens
Troubleshooting Motion Guides
Adjusting animation with onion skinning
Looking ahead
Self study
Lesson 6: Advanced Animation
Starting up
Copying, pasting, and saving animation
Using Copy and Paste Motion
Creating Motion Presets
Applying Advanced Easing Behavior
Animating Masks
Creating Animation with IK Poses
Sequencing Animation
Shifting, Moving, and Extending Tween Spans
Rendering and Animating in 3D
The 3D Rotation tool
The 3D Translation tool
Fine-Tuning tweens with the Motion Editor
Adding shape tweens and shape hints
Creating Shape Hints
Self study
Lesson 7: Customizing Your Workflow
Starting up
Customizing workspace layouts
Opening the completed file
Working with panels
Collapsing and storing panels
Managing workspaces
Setting preferences
Keyboard shortcuts
Visual aids for alignment
Rulers and guides
Guide layers
Advanced alignment
Refining your aligned objects
Self study
Lesson 8: Working with Imported Files
Starting up
Import formats
Importing still images
Viewing the completed lesson file
Import a bitmap image
Adding text
Swapping out an imported file
Modifying imported artwork
Updating imported files
Importing Photoshop files
Importing a layered Photoshop file
Importing Illustrator artwork
Animating the bat
Self study
Lesson 9: Introducing ActionScript
Starting up
Exploring the lesson file
What is ActionScript?
Which version of ActionScript should you use?
Where Do I Place ActionScript?
The Code Snippets Panel
An important note about Publish settings
The Actions panel at work
Standard (default) script editing mode
Using Script Assist
Adding and removing actions
Adding actions to frames with the Code Snippets Panel
Adding a stop() action
Placing a goto action using the Actions Panel
Controlling Movie Clip Timelines
Wrapping up
Self study
Lesson 10: Creating Navigation Controls
Starting up
Working with button symbols
Building buttons
Adding text to a button
Duplicating and modifying buttons
Creating text-based buttons
Creating frame labels for ActionScript
Adding ActionScript: Events and event handlers
Understanding events
Responding to events with event handlers
Tying it all together with event listeners
Linking buttons to specific frames
Adding an event listener to a button
Linking buttons to a website
Introducing navigateToURL() and URLRequest()
Self study
Lesson 11: Adding Sound to Your Movies
Starting up
The project
Preparing sound files for Flash
Sample rate and bit depth
Editing your audio
Mono or stereo
Audio file formats
Importing sounds
Placing sounds on the Timeline
Adding sound to your slide show project
Adding the remaining narration
Adding sound effects to buttons
Placing Event sounds on button frames
Editing sounds
Trimming sound
Controlling sounds
Repeating and looping sounds
Looping sounds
Introducing the SoundMixer and stopAll()
More sync menu controls: stop and start
Start sounds
Stop sounds
Sound publishing options
Wrapping up
Self study
Lesson 12: Introducing Movie Clips
Starting up
About movie clips
Creating movie clips
Laying the foundation: Your first movie clip
Previewing movie clip animation from the main Timeline
Creating the landing gear
Combining movie clips and main Timeline animation
Nesting movie clips
Adding ActionScript to movie clip Timelines
Controlling movie clip playback
Adding some variation to the propellers
Tweening movie clips
Adding a second tween
Combining movie clips for complex animation
Adding filter effects to movie clips
Using the Filters panel
Creating a filter effect
Wrapping up
Self study
Lesson 13: Working with Video
Starting up
Video in Flash: formats and fundamentals
Understanding video
Embedded versus linked video
Flash Video formats: FLV and F4V
Understanding codecs
Understanding Adobe Media Encoder CS6
Converting video with the Adobe Media Encoder
Working with embedded video
Adding embedded video to the Timeline
Building controls for embedded video
The Bandwidth Profiler
Working with linked video
Adding cue points in the Adobe Media Encoder
Adding linked video to the Timeline
Live Preview
Adding Cue Points in the Property Inspector
Working with the FLVPlayback component
Self study
Lesson 14: Delivering Your Final Movie
Starting up
The publishing process
Publishing to the Web
Customizing the Publish settings
Publishing for the Desktop with Adobe AIR
About Digital Certificates
Installing Your New AIR Application
Publishing for Mobile Devices
Publishing for iOS
Publishing for Android OS
Using Export Movie
New: Export PNG Sequence
An overview of FTP
Self study
What’s New in Adobe Flash CS6?
Starting up
Expanded Publishing and Support for iOS and Android Devices
A little ruler goes a long way: Integrated Ruler on TLF text boxes
New AIR and Mobile Code Snippets
Convenience Features: Auto-Save and File Recovery plus Scale Content with Stage
PNG Sequence Export
Bitmap Editing with Adobe Photoshop CS6
About the Authors
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