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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
1 - The Military Orders
Missionaries and Armed Missions
Lessons of the Early Crusades
Other Crusades
2 - The Foundation of the Teutonic Order
The Third Crusade
The Foundation Era 1190-8
Laws and Customs
Religious Life
Warrior Monks
3 - War in the Holy Land
The Holy Land
Hermann von Salza
The Holy Land
4 - The Transylvanian Experiment
Defending Hungary against Pagan Attack
The Mongol Storm blows in from the East
The Mongol Impact on East Central Europe
Conflict between the Pope and the Emperor
5 - The War against Paganism in Prussia
Pagan Prussia
Prussian Disunity
Prussian Military Traditions
Efforts to bring Christianity to Prussia
The Teutonic Knights enter Prussia
William of Modena
Hermann Balk
Pagan and Orthodox Enemies
War along the Frontier
The Third Prussian Insurrection 1275-83
Problems in Poland and Pomerellia
Guerrilla Warfare
The End of the Crusade in Prussia
6 - The Crusade in Livonia
Paganism and Orthodoxy
Missionaries and Crusaders
The End of the Swordbrothers
The Teutonic Knights
Conflict with Novgorod
The Battle on the Ice
Dorpat and Novgorod
Native Life at the End of the Thirteenth Century
7 - Territorial Rivalries with Poland
Pomerellia and Danzig
The Unification of Poland
Pomerellia Up for Grabs
The Teutonic Knights take Danzig and Pomerellia
King Ladislas of Poland
King Ladislas and the Pagans
Wars on Several Fronts
John of Bohemia joins the Conflict
Papal Intervention
Victory in Livonia
War with Ladislas
Werner’s Assassination
Luther von Braunschweig
The Battle of Plowce, 1331
Peace Talks
Samogitian Operations
More Papal Investigations
Peace with King Casimir
The Cult of Chivalry in Prussia
The Age of Chivalry
Chivalry in Prussian Literature
Lady Mary
Castles and Chivalry
Chivalry and the Decorative Arts
Periodisation of Art and Architecture
Coinage an Expression of Chivalry
The Decline of Chivalry
The International Crusade
International Popularity
8 - The Lithuanian Challenge
Lithuanian Expansion
Crusader Efforts to Revitalise Holy War
Vytenis of Lithuania
Karl von Trier targets Samogitia for attack
Brutal Warfare
Principles of Frontier Warfare
The Death of King Vytenis
Western Crusaders Arrive
Prince Gediminas
The Crusader Response
Hopes of Lithuanian Conversion
9 - The Conversion of Lithuania
The Feud Among the Lithuanian Dukes
Lithuania Becomes a Christian State
Civil War in Lithuania
More Civil War in Lithuania
The Tatar Complication
Crusader Sieges of Vilnius
10 - The Battle of Tannenberg
The Changing Balance of Power
Political Manoeuvring
The Raising of Armies
The Invasion of Prussia
The Combat
11 - The Long Decline and the End in the Baltic
The Aftermath of Tannenberg
Heinrich von Plauen
Significance of the Battle of Tannenberg
A Century of Decline
The Thirteen Years’ War
The War
The Second Peace of Thorn 1466
Dissolution and Rebirth
12 - The End in Livonia
The Turkish Wars
13 - Summary
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