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Routledge studies in the modern world economy
1 Introduction
1 A highly competitive playing field
2 Overview of contributions
2 The future air transport sector
1 Introduction
2 Trends from the past
3 Towards a new business model?
4 An outline of the future market
4.1 A total split between global network carriers and niche players
4.2 More privatisation
4.3 Alliances influenced by cross-border mergers and acquisitions
4.4 Survival of the Southwest model?
4.5 More bankruptcies
4.6 Increasing aggressiveness
4.7 Decreasing influence of government
4.8 Air freight: from by-product to success factor
4.9 Increased foreign capital
5 Conclusion
3 Airlines and their focus on cost control and productivity
1 Introduction
2 The European air transport deregulation
3 Airlines’ business models
4 Legacy carriers’ strategies in competitive markets
4.1 Focusing on costs and productivity
4.2 Network reconfiguration
4.3 Yield management
4.4 No-frills service
5 The role of other sectors
5.1 Airports
5.2 Aircraft manufacturers
5.3 Air Traffic Control and National Airspace System
6 Conclusions
4 Low-cost airlines
1 Introduction
2 Concept and philosophy
3 Evolution and forecast
4 Impacts of the growth of the LCA segment
4.1 Full service airlines
4.2 Travel Distribution Agents and Global Distribution Systems
4.3 Impact in other modes of transport
4.4 Airports
4.5 Regions
5 Conclusions
5 Airline performance prediction
1 Introduction
2 Overview of performance measurement
3 Distress prediction: prior research
3.1 Univariate analysis
3.2 Multivariate linear discriminant analysis
3.3 Conditional probability models
3.4 Neural networks
3.5 Airline performance and distress prediction
4 Methodology
4.1 Data description
4.2 The choice of variables
4.3 Variable description
5 Results
6 Discussion
6 World air cargo and merchandise trade
1 Rationale and setting
2 Trends in the air freight market
2.1 Evolution of worldwide air freight traffic
2.2 Share of all-cargo and combi traffic
2.3 Air freight imbalances
2.4 Commodities shipped by air freight
3 World air freight and merchandise trade
7 Integrators in a changing world
1 Introduction
2 Business positioning of integrators within the air cargo industry
3 Cost structure of integrators
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Data collection
3.3 Operating expenses
3.3.1 Total operating expenses
3.3.2 Direct/aircraft operating expenses
4 Challenges and opportunities for integrators
4.1 Cost control in a fixed cost environment
4.2 Concentration, consolidation and convergence
4.3 Competition from other transport modes
4.4 Continued growth of e-commerce
4.5 Regulations and trade barriers
5 Conclusions
8 Airports of the future
1 Looking back
2 Drivers of the industry evolution
3 Interaction between airlines and airports
4 New paradigm I: quality management
5 New paradigm II: process management
6 Conclusions and recommendation for a renewed business model
9 The airport city
1 Introduction
2 The airport city in context
3 Airport cities
4 Airport land development
5 Case studies
5.1 Brisbane Airport
5.2 Athens Airport
5.3 Discussion
6 Conclusion
10 The economics of airline alliances
1 Introduction
2 The impact on airfares and traffic from airline alliances in complementary networks
3 The impact on airfares and traffic of airline alliances in parallel markets
4 Other impacts from alliances
5 Airline alliances in the U.S. domestic market
6 Conclusions
11 The transmogrification of hub-and-spoke airline networks
1 Introduction
2 The economics of the hub-and-spoke concept
2.1 The emergence of competitive markets
2.2 The pot-pourri of economies
2.3 The downside of hub-and-spoke economics
3 The changing model
3.1 The global air services market
3.2 Competition between hubs with strategic airline alliances
3.3 The non-aviation elements of hub economics
4 The economic challenge of keeping airlines
5 Hubs and the low-cost airlines
5.1 Competition through cost
5.2 The failure of the low-cost model
6 Other factors
6.1 Air traffic control
6.2 The environment
7 Conclusions
12 The impact of airline network strategies for service quality of airports
1 Introduction
2 Effects of the Air France/KLM merger
3 Consumer benefits of network changes
3.1 Network integration
3.2 Developments between 2003 and 2008
3.3 Potential merger effects
3.4 Overall consumer effects between 2003 and 2008
4 Concluding remarks
13 Congestion and air transport
1 Introduction
2 Airport congestion
2.1 Capacity
2.2 Surface management
2.3 Homogeneous traffic and wake turbulence
2.4 Adverse weather management
2.5 Noise abatement management
3 En route congestion
4 Conclusion
14 Towards a more efficient use of airport capacity at Europe’s hubs
1 The airport congestion problem
2 The current EU slot allocation system
2.1 The IATA scheduling guidelines
2.2 The EC slot regulation
2.3 Slot mobility under the regulation
3 The need to change the current slot allocation system
3.1 Inefficiencies
3.2 Market-based efficiency
4 Towards an amended allocation system
4.1 Primary auctioning and/or secondary trading
4.2 The choice of a market-based option and the issue of the slot property rights
4.3 Secondary trading and downstream market concentration concerns
5 Secondary slot trading and hubbing: the Amsterdam airport case
5.1 Scarce airport capacity at London Heathrow and Amsterdam
5.2 Hubbing and secondary trading at Amsterdam
5.3 Optimizing the wave system
6 Concluding remarks
15 Assessing the impact of Open Skies agreements
1 Introduction
2 The need to assess Open Skies agreements
3 The approach to assessment
4 An overview of ARIMA modelling and goodness-of-fit
5 Empirical studies
5.1 Supply side changes
5.2 The passenger data
5.3 The results of the assessment
6 Conclusions
16 The impact of North Atlantic passenger services on airports
1 Introduction
2 Traffic overview
3 New route development
4 The impact of specialist airline services
4.1 Premium traffic
4.2 Low-fare services
5 The EU–US Open Skies Agreement
6 Conclusions and future prospects
17 Effects of emission trading schemes
1 Introduction
2 Methods to assess the direct impacts
2.1 Design elements of emission trading schemes
2.2 Impacts of various allowance allocation methods
2.3 Steps in assessing the direct impacts
3 Direct impacts on airfare, demand and emission
3.1 Compare business models: LCCs vs. FSCs
3.2 Compare business and leisure passengers
3.3 Emission reduction in the aviation sector
4 Effects on airline competition
5 Effects on tourist destinations and transport modes
5.1 Tourist destination choices
5.2 Transport mode choices
6 Indirect impacts
6.1 Aircraft size, frequency, load factor and flight distance
6.2 Network structure
6.3 Technology improvement
7 Concluding remarks
18 Competition between airlines and high-speed rail
1 Introduction
2 Air transport dynamics
2.1 Growth and market share
2.2 The success of low-cost carriers (LCC)
3 European experience with high-speed rail
3.1 HSR network and planned extensions
3.2 Planned HSR network in Europe
3.3 Performance of HSR in Europe
4 Competition between HSR and air transport
4.1 Dimensions of competition
Coverage of spatially distributed demand
Quality of service in densely populated corridors
4.2 The impacts of low-cost carriers
4.3 Impact of the HSR line Madrid–Barcelona
5 Possibilities for increasing the competitiveness of HSR
5.1 Removing market distortions
External costs
Taxation and charging
Infrastructure investments and public sector contributions
5.2 Improving on competitiveness of the railway organisations
5.2.1 Liberalisation process
5.2.2 New forms of organisation
6 Conclusions
19 Consolidation in the air transport industry and antitrust enforcement in Europe
1 Introduction
2 The institutional framework of civil aviation in EU and emerging market forces
2.1 Internal market
2.2 Slot allocation
2.3 Reduced public intervention
2.4 Emergent market forces and reaction strategies
3 Consolidation in the air transport sector and the intervention by competition authorities at EU level
4 Merger control in the airline industry: (a) the definition of the relevant market
4.1 The product
4.2 The origin and destination approach and the issue of airport substitutability
4.3 Segmentation of the demand
4.4 Substitutability with indirect flights and alternative transport modes
4.5 Market definition and supply-side effects
5 Merger control in the airline industry: (b) the competitive assessment
5.1 Market shares as the basic criteria
5.2 Barriers to entry
5.3 The role for “hub” or “base” airport economies and the minimum efficient scale
5.4 Existing competition
5.5 Potential competition
5.6 The role for efficiencies
6 Merger control in the airline industry: (c) decisions with remedies
6.1 Surrender of slots
7 Considerations on the likely need to update the antitrust toolbox
7.1 Definition of the relevant markets
7.2 Competition assessment
7.3 Remedies design
European antitrust cases:
20 Regulatory constraints in Europe or “how free are you?”
1 Governmental intervention: a forced choice?
2 Developments in Europe – the legal framework
3 Safeguarding the common aviation market
4 Regulation no. 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 2008 on the common rules for the operation of air services in the community16
4.1 Operating licence
Leasing of aircraft
4.2 Access to routes
4.2.1 Public service obligation
4.3 Provisions on pricing
5 How free are you?
21 Essential airline marketing strategies
1 Airline marketing strategies – what you really need to know
2 Market segmentation and product differentiation
3 Service quality vs. air fare
4 Effective promotion
5 Future marketing issues
6 Concluding remarks: there is always something new with marketing
22 Major challenges for the future of the air transport sector
1 A highly competitive playing field
2 Uncertainties with transformed business models
4 The renewed regulatory mission
5 A research agenda for a changing industry
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