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Table of Contents
1. Constructive Design Research
1.1. Beyond Research Through Design
1.2. Constructive Research in Design Research
1.3. What Is “Design”?
1.4. Industrial Design and Interaction Design
1.5. Design Research in Second Modernity
2. The Coming of Age of Constructive Design Research
2.1. The User-Centered Turn: Searching the Middle Way
2.2. Beyond the User
2.3. Between Engineering, Science, Design, and Art
3. Research Programs
3.1. Some Features of Constructive Research Programs
3.2. Imagination as a Step to Preferred Situations
3.3. Making Imagination Tangible: Workshops and Studios in Research
3.4. How Constructive Design Research Produces Meaning
3.5. Toward Socially Robust Knowledge
4. Lab
4.1. Rich Interaction: Building a Tangible Camera
4.2. Laboratory as a Site of Knowledge
4.3. Experimental Control
4.4. Physical Hypotheses and Design
4.5. Design, Theory, and Real-World Relevance
4.6. From Lab to Society: The Price of Decontextualization
4.7. Program at the Junction
5. Field
5.1. Vila Rosário: Reframing Public Health in a Favela
5.2. Understanding as the Basis of Design
5.3. Exploring Context with Props
5.4. Generating Concepts as Analysis
5.5. Evaluation Turns into Research: Following Imaginations in the Field
5.6. Interpretations as Precedents
5.7. Co-Design and New Objects
6. Showroom
6.1. The Origins of Showroom
6.2. Agnostic Science
6.3. Reworking Research
6.4. Beyond Knowledge: Design for Debate
6.5. Enriching Communication: Exhibitions
6.6. Curators and Researchers
6.7. How Not to Be an Artist
6.8. Toward Post-Critical Design
7. How to Work with Theory
7.1. Acting in the World
7.2. Lab: From Semantic Perception to Direct Action
7.3. Field: You Cannot Live Alone
7.4. Showroom: Design and Culture Under Attack
7.5. Frameworks and Theories
8. Design Things
8.1. User Research with Imagination
8.2. Gaining Firsthand Insights in the Studio
8.3. Concept Design with Moodboards, Mock-ups, and Sketches
8.4. Prototyping
8.5. Platforms: Taking Design into the Field
8.6. Design Things in Research
9. Constructive Design Research in Society
9.1. Luotain
9.2. Researchers as Peers
9.3. Research Faces Design Traditions
9.4. New Bauhauses: Digital and Electronic
9.5. Meet the Business
9.6. Embracing the Public Good
9.7. Constructive Design Research in Society
10. Building Research Programs
10.1. Beyond Rationalism
10.2. Contribution and Knowledge
10.3. How to Build Research Programs
10.4. Inspirations and Programs
10.5. Research Programs and Methodologies
10.6. The Quest for a Big Context
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