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Title Page
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Introduction to the Dover Edition
In Tausig’s Conservatory
Chapter I: A German Interior in Berlin. A German Party. Joachim. Tausis’s Conservatory
Chapter II: Clara Schumann and Joachim. The American Minister’s. The Museum. The Conservatory. Opera. Tausig. Christmas
Chapter III: Tausig and Rubinstein. Tausig’s Pupils. The Bancrofts. A German Radical
Chapter IV: Opera and Oratorio in Berlin. A Typical American. Prussian Rudeness Conservatory Changes. Easter
Chapter V: The Thier-Garten. A Military Review. Charlottenburg. Tausig. Berlin in Summer. Potsdam and Babelsberg
Chapter VI: The War. German Meals. Women and Men. Tausig’s Teaching. Tausig Abandons his Conservatory. Dresden. Kullak
With Kullak
Chapter VIL: Moving. German Houses and Dinners. The War. Capture of Napoleon. Kullak’s and Tausig’s Teaching. Joachim. Wagner. Tausig’s Playing. German Etiquette
Chapter VIII: Concerts. Joachim Again. The Siege of Paris. Peace Declared. Wagner. A Woman’s Symphony. Ovation to Wagner in Berlin
Chapter IX: Difficulties of the Piano. Triumphal Entry of the Troops. Paris
Chapter X: A Rhine Journey. Frankfort. Mainz. Sail down the Rhine. Cologne. Bonn. The Seven Mountains. Worms. Spire. Heidelberg. Tausig’s Death
Chapter XL: Eisenach. Gotha. Erfurt. Andernach. Weimar. Tausig
Chapter XII: Dinner-Party and Reception at Mr. Bancroft’s. Auction at Tausig’s House. A German Christmas. The Joachims
Chapter XIII: Visit to Dresden. The Wiecks. Von Bulow. A Child Prodigy. Grantzow, the Dancer
Chapter XIV: A Rising Organist. Kullak. Von Bulow’s Playing. A Princely Funeral Wilhblmj’s Concert. A Court Beauty
Chapter XV: The Boston Fire. Aggravations of Music Study. Kullak. Sherwood. Hoch Schule. Natalie Janotha. A Brilliant American
Chapter XVI: A German Professor. Sherwood. The Baroness von S. Von Bulow. A German Party. Joachim. The Baroness at Home
With Liszt
Chapter XVII: Arrives in Wiemar. Liszt at the Theatre.—At a Party. At his own House
Chapter XVIII: Liszt’s Drawing-room. An Artist’s Walking Party. Liszt’s Teaching
Chapter XIX: Liszt’s Expression in Playing. Liszt on Conservatories. Or deal of Liszt’s Lessons. Liszt’s Kindness
Chapter XX: Liszt’s Compositions. His Playing and Teaching of Beethoven. His “Effects” in Piano-playing. Excursion to Jena. A New Music Master
Chapter XXI: Liszt’s Playing. Tausig. Excursion to Sondershausen
Chapter XXII: Farewell to Liszt ! German Conservatories and their Methods. Berlin again. Liszt and Joachim
Chapter XXIII: Kullak as a Teacher. The Four Great Virtuosi, Clara Schumann, Rubinstein, Von Bulow and Tausig
With Deppe
Chapter XXIV: Gives up Kullak for Deppe. Deppe’s Method in Touch and in Scale-playing. Fraulein Steiniger. Pedal Study
Chapter XXV: Chord-playing. Deppe no mere “Pedagogue.” Sherwood. Mozart’s Concertos. Practicing Slowly. The Opera Ball
Chapter XXVI: A Set of Beethoven Variations. Fannie Warburg. Deppe”s Inventions. His Room. His Afternoon Coffee. Pyrmont
Chapter XXVII: The Brussels Conservatoire. Steiniger. Excursion to Kleinberg. Giving a Concert. Fraulein Timm
Chapter XXVIII: Music in Hamburg. Studying Chamber Music. Absence of Religion in Germany. South Americans. Deppe Once More A Concert Debut. Postscript
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