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Imperial Library
HOLIDAY FROLICS; OR, ENDLESS AMUSEMENT FOR THE CHRISTMAS FIRESIDE. CONTAINING, The most Astonishing Feats of Legerdemain, AND ASTOUNDING CONJURINGS; Entertaining Experiments IN VARIOUS BRANCHES OF SCIENCE; TRICKS with CARDS & DICE. ART OF MAKING FIREWORKS; TOGETHER WITH AN EXCELLENT COLLECTION OF Puzzles, Conundrums, Riddles, Charades, &c. &c. The whole admirably calculated to beguile the leisure hours of our Holiday Friends. Embellished with a Copper-plate Engraving.
HOLIDAY FROLICS, OR, ENDLESS AMUSEMENT For the Christmas Fireside, &c. &c.
An Enigma.
Solutions to the Conundrums.
To make an Egg Tumble.
To make Fire Flash from Water.
To suspend a Ring by a Thread which has been Burnt.
To take the impression of Butterflies upon paper.
To Gild the edges of Writing Paper or leaves of Books.
To clean Gilt Buckles, Chains, &c.
To make Liquid Gold and Silver, for Vellum Painting, Fans, &c.
How to produce Fire from a Cane.
To Gild Silk or Ivory by the action of Hydrogen.
Glass broken by Air.
To make luminous writing in the dark.
Incombustible Paper.
The Animated Sixpence.
Wine upon Water.
To cast figures in imitation of Ivory.
To make a bird appear as if it was dead.
The manner of making Water freeze by the Fireside.
Engraving in Relief upon an Egg-shell.
To make a party appear ghastly.
To fill a glass with water in such a manner, that it cannot be removed without spilling it all.
How to make your cup draw your tea out of the saucer.
To make Touch-Paper.
To make a Report like that of a gun with a Tobacco-Pipe.
To make a sound similar to St. Paul’s Bell.
How to restore a dead fly to life.
To melt a piece of steel as if it was lead, without requiring a large fire.
How to procure laughter.
To tell any number thought of by another person.
To make Alum Baskets.
Silver Tree on Glass.
A person having written an odd number on one card, and an even on another, to tell which is the even and which is the odd.
A Metal which bursts into flame when thrown upon cold water.
The Artificial Spider.
To make waves of fire on the surface of water.
Spoons which melt in hot water.
To prepare Phosphorized Ether.
How to extract sixpence from under a glass without touching it.
To prepare a luminous Bottle.
An excellent feat to win a wager.
How to make Squibs and Serpents.
To produce an Electric Spark from a piece of Brown Paper.
Magic Squares.
To make Waterloo Crackers.
A person privately fixing on any Number to tell him that Number.
The Camelion Spirit.
Three Dice being thrown on a Table, to tell the Number of each of them, and the order in which they stand.
Easy method of Constructing paper Balloons.
A Lead Tree.
To place a Lighted Candle under Water without extinguishing it.
To make Detonating Balls.
Invisible Ink.
Blue Ink.
Scarlet Ink.
A pair of Dice being thrown, to find the number of points on each Dice, without seeing them.
To make any number divisible by Nine by adding a figure to it.
To extract Silver out of a Ring, that is thick Gilded, so that the gold may remain entire.
Light produced by Sugar.
Singular Experiment with the Snuff of a Candle.
Artificial Lightning.
To cause a brilliant explosion under water.
The Fiery Flash.
To split a piece of money into two parts.
Sympathetic Ink.
A very easy method of gilding ivory.
How to make the Constable catch the Knave.
To tell the amount of the Numbers of any two Cards drawn from a common Pack.
To tell the number of Cards by their weight.
To hold four Knaves, or four Kings, in your hand, and to change them suddenly into Blank Cards, and then into four Aces.
Cards in couples.
Method of receiving the Electric Shock from a Cat.
A Brilliant Combustion.
To Tell the Number thought of by a person.
How to lift up a Flint Glass Bottle with a Straw.
How to produce Flashes of Light resembling the Will O’ Wisp.
Imitative Medallions.
Method of cleaning Playing Cards.
To Detonate Fulminating Copper by Friction.
To make a Stone Float.
The Fiery Fountain.
To make an Exploding Bubble.
The Changeable Rose.
To Write upon Glass by the rays of the Sun.
To take a Shilling out of a Handkerchief.
To prepare Gold Powder for Gilding.
To melt Lead in a piece of Paper.
To make a Room seem on Fire.
To make Artificial Fire Balls.
To break a Staff placed upon two Glass Goblets full of water, without Injuring the Glasses or Spilling the Water.
To observe an Eclipse of the Sun without injury to the Eye.
Invisible Ink.
Bronze for casting Busts, &c.
To put a Ring through your Cheek and then to bring it on a Stick.
To tell, by a Watch Dial, the hour when a person intends to rise.
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