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Imperial Library
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Title Page
c. 10,000 BCE Shamanism
c. 6500 BCE Trephination
c. 5000 BCE Palmistry
c. 700 BCE Astropsychology
528 BCE Buddha’s Four Noble Truths
c. 500 BCE Confucian Psychology
c. 350 BCE Aristotle’s De anima
c. 350 BCE Asclepius and the Art of Healing
c. 200 BCE Bhagavad Gita
c. 160 CE Humoral Theory
c. 900 CE Sustenance for Body and Soul
1025 Canon of Medicine
1357 Bedlam
1489 Da Vinci on Neuroscience
1506 Psychology as a Term
1517 The Protestant Self
1538 De Anima et Vita
1580 Montaigne’s Essays
1621 The Anatomy of Melancholy
1637 Mind-Body Dualism
1651 Leviathan
1664 Cerebri Anatome
1690 Tabula Rasa
1719 The Familiar and the Novel
1747 L’homme machine
1759 The Theory of Moral Sentiments
1762 Rousseau’s Natural Child
1766 Mesmerism
1775 Physiognomy
1781 Kant: Is Psychology a Science?
1788 Moral Treatment
1801 Victor, the Wild Boy of Aveyron
1811 Bell-Magendie Law
1832 Phrenology Comes to America
1834 Just-Noticeable Difference (JND)
1835 Moral Insanity (Psychopathy)
1838 Munchausen Syndrome
1840 Kindergarten
1843 Can Machines Think?
1848 The Curious Case of Phineas Gage
1851 Circular Insanity
1859 Mind-Cure
1859 On the Origin of Species
1861 Localization of Brain Function
1866 Down Syndrome
1867 Prosopagnosia
1867 Sensory Physiology
1871 Synesthesia
1872 Phantom Limb Pain
1874 Nature versus Nurture
1874 Experimental Psychology
1877 Baby Biographies
1879 Mental Chronometry
1880 Anna O.
1885 Tourette Syndrome
1885 Multiple Personality Disorder
1886 Hysteria
1886 Experimental Hypnosis
1886 Psychopathia Sexualis
1890 The Principles of Psychology
1890 Psychological Tests
1892 American Psychological Association
1896 Functional Psychology
1897 Oedipus Complex
1898 Torres Straits Expedition
1898 The Puzzle Box
1899 Pelmanism
1899 Psychoanalysis
1900 The Interpretation of Dreams
1902 Psychology of Testimony
1903 Psychotechnics
1903 Classical Conditioning
1904 Adolescence
1904 Culture-Bound Syndromes
1905 Psychosexual Development
1905 Binet-Simon Test of Mental Levels
1906 The Emmanuel Movement
1907 Birth Order
1907 Inferiority Complex
1907 Casa dei Bambini
1908 Yerkes-Dodson Law
1908 The Schizophrenias
1909 Apes and Language
1911 Psychology of Music
1912 Gestalt Psychology
1912 Experimental Neurosis
1912 Eugenics and Intelligence
1913 Jungian Psychology
1913 The Lie Detector
1913 Behaviorism
1914 Variability Hypothesis
1915 Shell Shock
1915 Modern Psychology in India
1918 American Classification of Mental Disorders (DSM)
1921 Army Intelligence Tests and Racism
1921 Projective Tests (Rorschach Inkblots)
1921 Neurotransmission
1922 Feminine Psychology
1923 Capgras Syndrome
1924 Cheaper by the Dozen
1924 Brain Imaging
1925 Somatotypes
1926 Genetic Epistemology
1927 Growth Studies
1927 Hawthorne Effect
1927 Zeigarnik Effect
1928 Cultural Relativism
1929 Rattus norvegicus var. albinus (Neobehaviorism)
1930 Operant Chamber (Skinner Box)
1931 Supertasters
1932 Remembering and Forgetting
1933 Marienthal Study
1934 Archetypes
1934 Zone of Proximal Development
1935 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
1935 Psychosurgery
1935 Psychological Lifespace
1936 Defense Mechanisms
1936 [B = f(P, E)] = The Lifespace
1937 Sensory Deprivation
1937 Turing Machine
1938 The Ames Room
1938 Electroshock Therapy
1939 Psychosomatic Medicine
1939 The Organism (Mind and Body)
1939 Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale
1939 Frustration and Aggression
1940 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
1941 Psychical Discharges (Cortical Stimulation)
1942 Behavior Genetics
1943 Cybernetics
1943 The Doll Studies
1943 Hierarchy of Needs
1943 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
1943 Autism
1944 Personality and the Behavior Disorders
1944 Sex Roles
1945 Failure to Thrive
1946 Logotherapy
1947 Client-Centered Therapy
1948 Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
1948 Neuroplasticity
1948–1953 The Kinsey Reports
1949 Big Five Personality Factors
1949 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
1950 Stress
1950 Antianxiety Medications
1950 Identity Crisis
1950 The Authoritarian Personality
1950 Family Therapy
1950 Brainwashing
1951 Gestalt Therapy
1951 Conformity and Independence
1952 King Solomon’s Ring
1952 Antipsychotic Medications
1952 Lives in Progress
1953 The Case of H. M.
1953 Cocktail Party Effect
1953 REM Sleep
1954 Pleasure and Pain Centers
1954 Contact Hypothesis
1954 Robbers Cave (Intergroup Conflict)
1954 Teaching Machine
1955 Cognitive Therapy
1955 Placebo Effect
1956 Short-Term Memory
1956 Double Bind Theory
1956 Logic Theorist
1957 Antidepressant Medications
1957 Cognitive Dissonance
1957 The Age of Psychology
1957 Subliminal Perception
1957 Homosexuality Is Not an Illness
1958 Fundamental Attribution Error
1958 (Surrogate) Mother Love
1958 Moral Development
1958 Choosing the Right Stuff
1958 Systematic Desensitization
1959 Type A Personality
1959 The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
1960 Burnout
1960 The Visual Cliff
1960 Center for Cognitive Studies
1961 Enriched Environments
1961 Token Economy
1961 Biofeedback
1961 Bobo Doll (Observational Learning)
1961 Humanistic Psychology
1962 Split-Brain Studies
1963 The Feminine Mystique
1963 Gender Identity
1963 Obedience
1964 Bystander Effect
1965 Head Start
1965 Language Acquisition Device
1966 Human Sexual Response
1967 Psychology and Social Justice
1968 Transpersonal Psychology
1969 Attachment Theory
1969 The Strange Situation
1969 Five Stages of Grief
1969 Fear of Success
1970 Black Psychology
1970 The BITCH Test
1970 Discovery of the Unconscious
1971 Stanford Prison Experiment
1971 Universal Expression of Emotions
1971 Beyond Freedom and Dignity
1972 Levels-of-Processing Model of Memory
1972 Women and Madness
1972 “On Being Sane in Insane Places”
1973 Resilience
1974 Judgment under Uncertainty
1974 Measuring Androgyny
1975 Psychoneuroimmunology
1975 Learned Helplessness
1975 Sikolohiyang Pilipino
1977 Biopsychosocial Model of Health
1977 Stages of Adult Cognition
1978 Seasons of Life
1978 The Golden Cage
1978 Theory of Mind
1979 Ecological Systems Theory
1979 Social Identity Theory
1979 Hardiness
1980 Nurturant-Task Model of Leadership
1980 DSM-III
1980 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
1981 Stages of Faith
1982 In a Different Voice
1983 Multiple Intelligences
1984 The Flynn Effect
1986 Touch Therapy
1986 Triangular Theory of Love
1989 Liberation Psychology
1990 Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT)
1990 Flow
1992 Mirror Neurons
1992 Social Ontogenesis
1993 Mind-Body Medicine
1994 Misinformation Effect
1995 Looping Effects of Human Kinds
1995 Stereotype Threat
1996 Autonomous-Relational Self
1996 The Emotional Brain
2000 Tend and Befriend
2000 Positive Psychology
2004 Emerging Adulthood
2008 Sexual Fluidity
2013 The BRAIN Initiative
Notes and Further Reading
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