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1. Basics About Tinnitus
1. Introduction
2. Different Forms of Tinnitus
3. Hyperacusis and Disorders of Loudness Perception
4. Misophonia, Phonophobia, and “Exploding Head” Syndrome
5. Epidemiology of Tinnitus in Adults
6. Epidemiology of Tinnitus in Children
7. Genetic Risk Factors in Chronic Tinnitus
8. Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory System
9. Interaction Between Somatosensory and Auditory Systems
10. Pathology of the Auditory System that Can Cause Tinnitus
11. The Role of Auditory Deprivation
12. The Role of Neural Plasticity in Tinnitus
13. Neural Synchrony and Neural Plasticity in Tinnitus
14. Similarities Between Tinnitus and Pain
15. Anatomy and Physiology of Pain
16. Behavioral Animal Models of Tinnitus, Pharmacology, and Treatment
17. Objective Signs of Tinnitus in Humans
18. Functional Neuroimaging
19. Findings from Structural Neuroimaging
20. A Global Brain Model of Tinnitus
21. A Heuristic Pathophysiological Model of Tinnitus
22. Methodology of Clinical Trials for Tinnitus
2. Tinnitus Seen by Different Specialties
23. The Otolaryngologist
24. The Role of the Audiologist in Tinnitus Practice
25. Tinnitus from the Perspective of the Psychologist
26. The Neurologist
27. The Psychiatrist
28. The Neurosurgeon
29. The Dentist
30. The Pharmacologist
31. The Neuroscientist
32. Tinnitus from the Perspective of a Patient
3. Causes of Tinnitus
33. Introduction
34. Conductive and Cochlear Hearing Loss
35. Tinnitus and Hearing Loss
36. Cochlear and Non-cochlear Age-Related Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
37. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Implication for Tinnitus
38. Tinnitus and Ménière’s Disease
39. Tinnitus and Vestibular Schwannoma: Overview and Clinical Correlations
40. Microvascular Compression of the Vestibulocochlear Nerve
41. Causes of Tinnitus: Cerebrovascular Diseases
42. Complications to Medical Treatment
43. Tinnitus Caused and Influenced by the Somatosensory System
44. Tinnitus and the Masticatory System
4. Differential Diagnosis of Tinnitus
45. Introduction
46. Algorithm for the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Tinnitus
47. History and Questionnaires
48. Clinical Otologic Assessment
49. Audiologic Clinical Assessment
50. Clinical Otoneurological Examination
51. Diagnosis of Tinnitus: Neurological Examination
52. Diagnosis of Somatosensory Tinnitus
53. Differential Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory Muscle Disorders in Patients with Tinnitus
54. Psychologic/Psychiatric Assessment
5. Clinical Characteristics of Different Forms of Tinnitus
55. Introduction
56. Sudden Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
57. Tinnitus and Hyperacusis/Phonophobia
58. Clinical Description of a Different Form of Tinnitus: Intermittent Tinnitus
59. Pulsatile Tinnitus
60. Ménière’s Disease and Tinnitus
61. Tinnitus with Headaches
62. Tinnitus and Psychiatric Co-morbidity
63. Tinnitus and Depression
64. Tinnitus and Anxiety
65. Tinnitus and Sleep
66. Posttraumatic Tinnitus
67. Traumatic Brain Injury and Blast Exposures: Auditory and Vestibular Pathology
6. Management of Tinnitus
68. Introduction
69. The Prevention of Tinnitus and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
70. Counseling and Psycho-Education for Tinnitus Management
71. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT)
72. Auditory Training in Tinnitus
73. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
74. Sound Stimulation
75. Rehabilitation of Tinnitus Patients Using the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment
76. Middle Ear Implantable Devices in Tinnitus Treatment
77. Cochlear Implants and Tinnitus
78. Pharmacological Approaches to Tinnitus Treatment
79. The Endocannabinoid System in the Cochlear Nucleus and Its Implications for Tinnitus Treatment
80. Treatment of Somatosensory Tinnitus
81. Tinnitus Treatment: Botulinum Toxin
7. Surgical Treatments
82. Surgical Treatments: Introduction
83. Surgical Treatment: The Ear
84. Long-Term Follow-Up of Microvascular Decompression for Tinnitus
85. Vestibular Schwannoma
86. Neuromodulation: Introduction
87. Neurobiofeedback
88. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
89. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): A New Tool for the Treatment of Tinnitus?
90. Auditory Cortex Stimulation for Tinnitus
91. Cutaneous Stimulation
92. Complementary Tinnitus Therapies
93. Low-Level Laser Therapy
94. Similarities Between Treatments of Tinnitus and Central Pain
95. Treatment Strategies of Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory Muscle Disorders in Patients with Tinnitus
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