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Imperial Library
1. General Introduction
1. Violent Origins
2. Introduction
3. An Essay on Hominization: Current Theories, Girardian–Darwinian Approaches
4. The Emergence of Human Consciousness in a Religious Context
5. Freud, Moses and Monotheism, and the Conversation Between Mimetic Theory and Psychoanalysis
6. Kristeva and the Question of Origins
7. Girard and Burkert: Hunting, Homo Necans, Guilt
8. Vengeance and the Gift
9. Mesoamerican Civilizations and Sacrifice
10. Çatalhöyük, Archaeology, Violence
2. From Rites to Writing
11. Introduction
12. Lévi-Strauss and Girard on Mythology and Ritual
13. The Axial Moment and Its Critics: Jaspers, Bellah, and Voegelin
14. Monotheism and the Abrahamic Revolution: Moving Out of the Archaic Sacred
15. The Eastern Revolution: From the Vedas to Buddhism, Jainism, and the Upanishads
16. The Classical World: Sacrifice, Philosophy, and Religion
17. The Transition from Orality to Writing: Mimetic Theory and Religion
18. Biblical Interpretation: Old and New Testaments, a New Hermeneutic(s)?
19. Theological Inversions: Raymund Schwager, Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, and James G. Williams
20. Oedipus and Greek Tragedy
21. Nietzsche, Dionysos, and the Crucified
3. Theological Anthropology
22. Introduction
23. An Epistemology of Revelation
24. Approaches to Atonement: How Girard Changes the Debate
25. Original Sin, Positive Mimesis
26. Embodiment and Incarnation
27. Eucharist and Sacrifice: The Transformation of the Meaning of Sacrifice Through Revelation
28. Girard and Augustine
29. Raymund Schwager: Dramatic Theology
30. American Protestant Reception of Mimetic Theory: 1986–2015
31. James Alison’s Theological Appropriation of Girard
32. Levinas and the Prophetic Current
33. Mysticism, Girard, and Simone Weil
34. From the Sacred to the Holy in the World’s Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism
4. Secularization and Modernity
35. Introduction
36. Secularization
37. The Barren Sacrifice
38. The Economy as the Opium of the People
39. “The Carnal Mind Rebels”: The Unravelling Logic of the Salem Witch Hunt
40. Mimetic Theory, Religion, and Literature as Secular Scripture
41. The Development of the Self
42. Modern Pathologies and the Displacement of the Sacred
43. Ressentiment and the Turn to the Victim: Nietzsche, Weber, Scheler
44. René Girard and Charles Taylor: Complementary Engagements with the Crisis of Modernity
45. Secularization Revisited: Tocqueville, Asad, Bonhoeffer, Habermas
5. Apocalypse, Post-Modernity, and the Return of Religion
46. Introduction
47. The Return of Religion
48. Mimetic Theory and the Katēchon
49. Hӧlderlin and Heidegger: Which God Will Save Us?
50. “The Apocalypse Has Begun”: Ivan Illich and René Girard on Anti-christ
51. Weak Faith
52. Terrorism and Religion
53. Apocalypse: Hope Against All Hope
54. Enlightened Doomsaying
6. Alternative Paradigms
55. Introduction
56. The New Atheism: Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens
57. Scientific Evidence for the Foundational Role of Psychological Mimesis
58. Cognitive Neuroscience and Religion
59. Generative Anthropology
60. Critiques of Girard’s Mimetic Theory
61. A Theory of Everything? A Methodological Tale
62. Mimetic Theory and Self-criticism
7. Approaching the Contemporary
63. Introduction
64. Scandal
65. Terrorism and the Escalation of Violence
66. Religious Conflicts in the Contemporary World
67. Modern Confessional Movements
68. Mimetic Insights into the Sacred in Film
69. Resurgent Religious Themes in Contemporary Film
70. Pastoral Outreach and Community Living
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