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List of figures
1 Language and literary narratives
1.1 Where does narrative meaning come from?
1.2 Literary analysis and linguistic analysis
1.3 Literature, language, and human nature
1.4 Literary texts and communication
1.5 Why is fiction special?
1.6 Narrative and grounding
1.7 Approaching narratives
2 Blending, narrative spaces, and the emergent story
2.1 Applying blending to fictional narratives
2.2 Narrative spaces as mental spaces
2.3 Narrative spaces – an example
2.4 Emergent story
3 Stories and their tellers
3.1 Narrators, narrative spaces, and viewpoint
3.2 Types of teller and epistemic viewpoint
3.3 Second-person narratives
3.4 The teller, the author, and the character
3.5 Multiple tellers
3.6 Narrative space embedding
3.7 Narrative viewpoint and narrative spaces
4 Viewpoint: representation and compression
4.1 Viewpoint and representation
4.2 Viewpoint compression
4.3 Decompression for viewpoint
4.4 Fictive vision, causation, and change
4.5 The micro level, the macro level, and viewpoint compression
4.6 Speech, thought, and multiple levels of representation
4.7 Narrative thought and intersubjectivity
5 Referential expressions and narrative spaces
5.1 Compression, decompression, and cross-space mappings
5.2 Proper names, frame metonymy, and the status of a character
5.3 Role-value mappings as cross-space connectors
5.4 Common nouns
5.5 Personal pronouns, viewpoint, and the narrator
5.6 Deictic I and the construal of subjectivity
6 Fictional minds and embodiment in drama and fiction
6.1 Deictic ground in literary discourse
6.2 Mental spaces, physical spaces, and dramatic narratives
6.3 Materiality of the stage and fictional minds
6.4 From dramatic narratives to novelistic narratives
6.5 Fictional minds, bodies, and brains
7 Speech and thought in the narrative
7.1 Types of discourse spaces in the narrative
7.2 Speaking for thinking
7.3 Levels of embedding in thought representation
7.4 Viewpoint compression and constructional compositionality
8 Stories in the mind
8.1 The linguistics of literature
8.2 The storyworld reality
8.3 Blending and narrative analysis
8.4 A bridge to the truth
Notes to the text
Literary works cited
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