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Imperial Library
Title Page
Acknowledgements to the New Edition
1 ‘Extraordinary Changes’
2 Three Weeks in the New World
3 The Fall of Singapore
4 ‘Nothing But Disaster to Show’
5 Towards a Second Front
6 ‘We Shall Drive on to the End’
7 War on Many Fronts
8 June 1942, Return to Washington
9 ‘Torch’: ‘A Turning Point in the Whole War’
10 Cairo, August 1942: ‘Singleness of Aim’
11 Moscow, August 1942: ‘The Ogre in his Den’
12 Return to Cairo
13 Fighting for ‘Torch’
14 ‘Ties of… Self Preservation’
15 Towards Alamein and Beyond
16 Planning for 1943
17 The Tunisian Disappointment
18 January 1943: Casablanca
19 ‘…It Wouldn’t be A Bad Moment to Leave’
20 Temporary Setbacks
21 Tunisia, ‘The Hunt is On’
22 Victory in the Gulf of Tunis
23 Washington, May 1943: The Search for the Way Forward
24 ‘Trident’ in Africa
25 Stalin’s Disappointment
26 ‘We All Go the Same Way Home’
27 From Sicily to Italy
28 August 1943: The Quebec Conference
29 The War in the Mediterranean, ‘Improvise and Dare’
30 September 1943, Returning Home
31 Rhodes, ‘An Immense But Fleeting Opportunity’
32 The Channel Versus the Mediterranean
33 Prelude to Teheran
34 The Teheran Conference: ‘Impending Doom for Germany’
35 ‘Stranded Amid the Ruins of Carthage’
36 Plans for Anzio
37 Convalescence at Marrakesh: ‘Full Steam Ahead’
38 Anzio: ‘The Hun is Still Very Tough’
39 The Polish and Italian Stalemates
40 ‘The War Weighs Very Heavy on us All’
41 April 1944: A Multitude of Problems
42 ‘Events Which no One Could Foretell’
43 ‘Overlord’ and Beyond
44 ‘The First Major Strategic and Political Error’
45 ‘Heavy Burdens’
46 July 1944: Dangerous Times
47 August 1944; ‘These Thorny Matters’
48 Italian Journey
49 The Wartime Uprising, ‘A Black Cloud’
50 Preparing for Quebec
51 Quebec, September 1944
52 Between Quebec and Moscow
53 Moscow, October 1944: ‘Powerless in the Face of Russia’
54 ‘Hunter With Bow Against a Bear’
55 The Aftermath of ‘Tolstoy’
56 ‘My Relations with Stalin are so Good…’
57 December 1944: Disputes Over Greece, Italy, Poland…
58 Christmas 1944: Athens Amid Gunfire
59 1945: ‘This “New, Disgusting Year”…’
60 Maltese Prelude
61 Yalta: ‘The Only Bond of the Victors is Their Common Hate’
62 Yalta: ‘The Weight of Responsibility’
63 ‘The Shadows of Victory’
64 Yalta Betrayed
65 Worsening Relations with Russia
66 ‘An Enviable Death’
67 ‘Intense Horror’
68 ‘Beneath these Triumphs’
69 Ve Day
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