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Imperial Library
Publisher’s Preface
How to Use This Book
General Introduction
Lord Came to Me,” What Do They Mean?
1–2 Elohim or Yahweh?
1–2 Poetic? Figurative? Historical?
1:28 Exploiting Nature?
2:16–17 An Unfair Test?
2:17 Why Didn’t Adam and Eve Die at Once?
2:18 A Helper for Man?
2:20–23 Why from a Rib?
3:5 Become like God?
3:16 Is Childbearing a Curse or a Blessing?
3:16 How Was the Woman Punished?
4:3–4 Did God Favor Abel over Cain?
4:17 Where Did Cain Get His Wife?
5:3–5 How Could Adam Live 930 Years?
5:4 Where Did the Wives of the Antediluvians Come From?
5:23–24 What Happened to Enoch?
6:1–4 Who Married the Daughters of Men?
6:6 Does God Change His Mind?
6:9 Was Noah Perfect?
6:19–20; 7:2–3 How Many Animals Went into the Ark?
7:19 A Worldwide Flood?
9:6 Capital Punishment Mandated by God?
9:24–25 What Was the Curse on Canaan?
11:1–9 One Language Before Babel?
12:11–13 Sarai Is My Sister?
14:18–19 Who Was Melchizedek?
16:1–4 Was It Right for Abraham to Sleep with Hagar?
16:7–12 Who Is the Angel of the Lord?
17:17; 18:12–15 Discriminatory Treatment of Abraham and Sarah?
18:19 Covenant Blessings Conditional or Unconditional?
18:20; 19:1–29 Homosexuality Condemned?
20:1–3 Sarah Is My Sister?
21:14 Was It Wrong for Abraham to Send Hagar Away?
22:1 Why Did God Test Abraham?
22:2 Sacrifice Your Son?
25:8 What Does “Gathered to His People” Imply?
26:3–5 Obedience the Way to Blessing?
26:7–11 Rebekah Is My Sister?
29:25–28 Is Polygamy Approved by God?
31:11–13 Who Is the Angel of God?
31:34 Why Did Rachel Have Household Gods?
32:20 Is Bribery Permitted?
32:23–32 With Whom Did Jacob Wrestle?
35:29 Gathered to His People?
38:26 Was Tamar Righteous?
42:7 Was Joseph Cruel to His Brothers?
46:27 How Many Went to Egypt?
48:20 How Many Tribes?
49:10 Who or What Is Shiloh?
49:29, 33 What Does “Gathered to His People” Imply?
50:19–20 Human Intentions Versus God’s Intentions
1:5 How Many Went to Egypt?
1:15–21 Were the Midwives Right to Lie?
3:2–6 Who Is the Angel of the Lord?
3:13–15 Elohim or Yahweh?
3:18 Is Deception Ever Justifiable?
4:21 The Lord Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart?
4:24–26 Why Was the Lord About to Kill Moses?
6:3 Elohim or Yahweh?
6:16–20 How Many Generations in Egypt?
7:3, 13 The Lord Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart?
7:11, 22; 8:7 Did the Egyptian Magicians Perform Magic?
9:12 The Lord Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart?
10:1, 20, 27 The Lord Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart?
11:10 The Lord Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart?
12:35–36 Plundering the Egyptians?
12:40 430 Years for Four Generations?
14:4, 8, 17 The Lord Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart?
14:21 What Happened to the Red Sea?
20:4–6 Is Art Forbidden?
20:5 Should Children Die for Their Fathers’ Sins?
20:7 Do Not Take God’s Name in Vain?
20:8–11 Should We “Remember the Sabbath Day”?
20:13 You Shall Not Take Life?
21:2–11 Does God Approve of Slavery?
21:7–11 Is Polygamy Approved by God?
21:23–25 Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth?
21:28–36 Capital Punishment Mandated by God?
22:25 Is Charging Interest Permitted?
23:20–23 Who Is the Angel of the Lord?
24:9–11 Did Moses and the Elders See God?
31:18 How Were the Tablets Inscribed with the Finger of God?
33:18–23 Did Moses See God’s Back?
34:7 Should Children Be Punished for Their Parents’ Sins?
1:2 Are Animal Sacrifices Repulsive?
10:1–3 Why Did God Destroy Nadab and Abihu?
11:3–6 Do the Camel, the Coney and the Rabbit Chew the Cud?
16:7–10 What Was the Purpose of the Scapegoat?
18:5 The One Who Obeys My Laws Will Live?
18:18 Was Polygamy Permitted in the Old Testament?
18:22 Homosexuality Condemned?
20:1–27; 24:10–23 Is the Death Penalty Justified for All the Crimes Listed?
24:19–20 Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth?
25:35–38 Is Charging Interest Permitted?
25:39–55 Does God Approve of Slavery?
4:3; 8:24 Why the Discrepancy in Ages for Levitical Service?
11:31–34 Why the Punishment of God After This Complaint?
12:3 Moses Was More Humble than Anyone Else?
13:3 Where Did the Spies Start Out?
14:18 Should Children Be Punished for Their Parents’ Sins?
20:24 Gathered to His People?
20:28 Where Did Aaron Die?
22:20–22 God Said Go but Was Very Angry Because He Went
23:19 God Does Not Change His Mind?
25:7–13 Why Was Phinehas Praised?
25:9 Twenty-three Thousand or Twenty-four Thousand?
27:13; 31:2 Gathered to His People?
32:8 Where Did the Spies Start Out?
33:30, 38–39 Where Did Aaron Die?
35:21 No Ransom for a Murderer?
33:38–39 Where Did Aaron Die?
2:30 God Made His Spirit Stubborn?
2:34; 3:6 Completely Destroy Them!
5:12–15 Should We “Remember the Sabbath Day”?
5:12–16, 21 A Different Ten Commandments?
7:1–2 Completely Destroy Them!
10:6 Where Did Aaron Die?
10:12 How to Obtain Salvation?
10:22 How Many Went to Egypt?
15:4, 7, 11 Will the Poor Always Be Present?
15:12–18 Does God Approve of Slavery?
19:21 Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth?
21:15–17 Was Polygamy Permitted in the Old Testament?
21:18–21 Stone a Stubborn and Rebellious Son?
23:19–20 Is Charging Interest Permitted?
24:1–4 Is Divorce Permitted?
24:16 Should Children Be Punished for Their Parents’ Sins?
29:4 The Lord Is Responsible?
31:16 What Does “Rest with Your Fathers” Imply?
32:50 Gathered to Your People?
34:5–8 Prewritten Posthumous Writing?
2:4–6 Was Rahab Right to Lie?
6:20 Did Jericho’s Walls Really Collapse?
5:13–6:5 Whom Did Joshua See?
7:1, 10–11 Was It Achan or All Israel That Sinned?
9:8–9, 16, 18–19 Why Did Joshua Spare the Gibeonites?
10:12–14 The Sun Stood Still?
11:20 God Hardened Their Hearts?
18:8 Casting Lots Encouraged?
5:24–27 A Murderer Praised?
6:22–23 Who Is the Angel of the Lord?
6:36–40 Was Gideon Right to Test God?
9:23 God Sent an Evil Spirit?
11:30–39 Jephthah Sacrificed His Daughter?
13:21–22 Who Is the Angel of the Lord?
13:21–22 Seeing God?
14:2–4 Samson’s Marriage Was from the Lord?
17:1–2 A Thief Cursed and Then Blessed?
3:7–9 What Happened on the Threshing Floor?
1 Samuel
1:1 Was Samuel a Levite or an Ephraimite?
1:11 Was Hannah Right to Bargain with God?
2:25 Did God Prevent Eli’s Sons from Repenting?
6:19 Death for Just Looking into the Ark?
8–12 Did God Want Israel to Have a King?
13:13–14 Would God Have Established Saul’s Kingdom?
15:11 Does God Change His Mind?
15:18 Completely Destroy Them!
15:22 Does the Lord Delight in Sacrifices?
15:29 God Does Not Change His Mind?
16:1–3 Does God Authorize Deception?
16:10–11 Did Jesse Have Seven or Eight Sons?
16:14 An Evil Spirit from the Lord?
17:12–14 Did Jesse Have Seven or Eight Sons?
17:49 Who Killed Goliath?
17:55–58 Why Did Saul Ask David’s Identity?
18:10; 19:9 An Evil Spirit from the Lord?
19:13 David’s House Has an Idol?
19:19–24 How Did Saul Prophesy?
24:5 Why Was David Upset That He Had Cut Saul’s Clothing?
28:7–8, 14–16 What Did the Witch of Endor Do?
31:4 How Did Saul Die?
2 Samuel
1:6–10 How Did Saul Die?
6:6–7 Why Did God Destroy Uzzah?
6:20 Was David’s Public Dancing Indecent?
10:18 How Many Charioteers?
12:7–8 Was David Right to Take Concubines?
12:14–18 Should Children Die for Their Parents’ Sins?
12:21–23 What Happened to David and Bathsheba’s Son?
14:27; 18:18 Did Absalom Have Three Sons or None?
20:3 Was David Right to Take Concubines?
21:1–9 Why Were Saul’s Descendants Killed?
24:1 Why Was the Census a Sin?
24:9 What Was Israel’s Population?
24:24 How Many Shekels for the Altar Site?
1 Kings
2:10 What Does “Rested with His Fathers” Imply?
2:23–25 What Was So Wrong with Adonijah’s Request?
11:1–2 Why Did Solomon Take So Many Foreign Wives?
12:24 This Is the Lord’s Doing?
18:40 Why Did Elijah Kill All 450 Prophets of Baal?
22:20–22 Is God the Author of Falsehood?
2 Kings
2:11 What Happened to Elijah?
2:23–24 A Cruel Punishment for Childhood Pranks?
3:27 Human Sacrifice Worked?
6:19 Did Elisha Lie to the Syrians?
6:21–23 Why Were the Syrians Spared?
9:6–10 Jehu Punished for Doing As He Was Commanded?
14:6 Should Children Die for Their Parents’ Sins?
22:20 Gathered to His People?
23:26 Why Did the Lord Not Turn from His Anger?
24:6 A Failed Prophecy?
1 Chronicles
1:1–9:44 Why So Many Long Genealogies?
2:13–15 Did Jesse Have Seven or Eight Sons?
3:1–9 Why So Many Wives?
6:16, 22–23, 25–26 Was Samuel a Levite or an Ephraimite?
13:9–10 Why Did God Destroy Uzzah?
15:29 Was David’s Public Dancing Indecent?
19:18 How Many Charioteers?
21:1–2, 8 Why Was the Census a Sin?
21:5 What Was Israel’s Population?
21:25 How Many Shekels for the Altar Site?
22:14 Too Much Gold and Silver?
2 Chronicles
11:2–4 This Is the Lord’s Doing?
11:20 Who Was Absalom’s Daughter?
18:18–22 Is God the Author of Falsehood?
35:22 Pharaoh Neco Spoke at God’s Command?
36:22–23 Did the Pagan King Cyrus Believe in the God of Israel?
1:1–2 Did the Pagan King Cyrus Believe in the God of Israel?
3:8 Why the Discrepancy in Ages for Levitical Service?
4:2 Why Refuse Help to Build the Temple?
10:2–3 Let Us Send Away All These Women and Their Children!
8:8 Making Clear the Book of the Law?
4:13–14 Esther—For Such a Time as This
8:11 Approval of Slaughter?
1:1 Was Job Perfect?
1:6–12 Satan in Heaven?
2:1–6 Does God Put People into Satan’s Hands?
13:15 Job—Defiant or Trusting?
14:7–14 Bodily Resurrection?
19:23–27 Bodily Resurrection?
25:4–6 Man Is But a Maggot?
31:1 New Testament Morality or Old?
40:15; 41:1 Mythological Creatures?
5:5 The Lord Hates All Who Do Wrong?
8:3 Poetic? Figurative? Historical?
8:6–8 Exploiting Nature?
11:5 The Lord Hates All Who Do Wrong?
15:5 Is Charging Interest Permitted?
16:8–10 Who Is “Your Holy One”?
18:26 Does God Practice Deception?
22:1 A Prophecy of Christ’s Passion?
37:25–26 The Psalmist Has Never Seen the Righteous Forsaken?
44:23–26 Does God Sleep?
45:6 The Throne of God or Man?
49:12–20 Man Is Like the Beasts That Perish?
49:15 Life After Death in the Old Testament?
51:5 A Sinner at Birth?
51:11–12 Who Is the Old Testament Holy Spirit?
51:16–17, 19 Does God Desire Sacrifices?
55:15 Hate Your Enemies?
59:5, 10–13 Hate Your Enemies?
68:11 Who Proclaimed the Word?
69:22–28 Hate Your Enemies?
73:2–12 Do the Wicked Prosper?
73:20 Does God Sleep?
73:24 Life After Death in the Old Testament?
74:13–14 Mythological Cosmic Conflicts?
78:13 What Happened to the Red Sea?
78:18–31 Punishment for Requesting Food?
78:58 A Jealous God?
79:6, 12 A Prayer for Vengeance?
82:1 God Presides Among the Gods?
102:25 Poetic? Figurative? Historical?
105:23–25 Is God the Author of Evil?
106:28–31 Why Was Phinehas Praised?
106:34 Completely Destroy Them!
109:6–12 A Prayer for Vengeance?
137:8–9 A Call for Revenge?
138:1 Before the Gods?
139:20 Are We to Hate Our Enemies?
1:7 Love God or Fear Him?
5:15–21 Drink Water from Your Own Cistern?
16:33 Casting Lots Encouraged?
17:8 Is Bribery Permitted?
21:14 Is Bribery Permitted?
22:6 Train a Child
24:11–12 Whom Are We to Rescue?
25:21–22 Burning Coals?
29:18 What Vision?
31:6–7 Give Them Beer?
1:1 Is “The Teacher” Solomon?
2:24–26 Eat, Drink and Be Merry?
3:19–21 Man’s Fate Like the Animals?
7:16–18 Don’t Be Too Righteous or Too Wise?
12:13–14 What Does Ecclesiastes Teach?
Song of Songs
8:6–7 Love Is As Strong As Death?
1:11–15 Does God Desire Sacrifices?
6:1, 5 Did Isaiah See God?
6:9–10 Is God the Author of Evil?
7:14 A Virgin Shall Conceive?
10:5–6 Assyria Punished for Obedience?
14:12–14 Lucifer: Satan or the King of Babylon?
24:21–23 Millennium in the Old Testament?
25:8; 26:19 Life After Death in the Old Testament?
28:13 Do and Do, Rule on Rule?
45:1 Did the Pagan King Cyrus Believe in the God of Israel?
45:7 Is God the Author of Evil?
45:17 Israel Will Be Saved?
63:10–11 The Indwelling Holy Spirit?
63:17 God Hardens Israel’s Heart?
65:20 Death in the New Earth?
6:20; 7:21–23 Does God Desire Sacrifices?
20:7 Is God the Author of Falsehood?
22:24, 30 None of Jehoiachin’s Line to Rule?
23:6 Israel Will Be Saved?
31:29–30 Children Pay for Their Parents’ Sins?
36:30 A Failed Prophecy?
3:38–39 Calamities Come from God?
14:9 Is God the Author of Falsehood?
18:1–20 Should Children Die for Their Fathers’ Sins?
20:25 Statutes That Were Not Good?
21:4 Judgment for Both the Righteous and the Wicked?
28:11–19 The King of Tyre or Satan?
37:1–14 Who Is the Old Testament Holy Spirit?
38:1 Who Are Gog and Magog?
1:17–2:23 Is Astrology Biblical?
7:9 Did Daniel See God?
9:24–27 A Prophecy of Christ?
11:29–35 Antiochus or Antichrist?
12:8–10 Clarity of Prophecy?
1:2–3 Marry an Adulteress?
1:4 Jehu Punished for Doing as He Was Commanded?
6:6 Does God Desire Sacrifices?
11:8–9 Ephraim Pitied
12:3–4 With Whom Did Jacob Wrestle?
13:14 Is Death Conquered?
1:15 The Day of the Lord
3:6 Is God the Author of Evil?
4:4 Does God Encourage Sinning?
1:4–5, 7 Casting Lots Encouraged?
1:17 Myth or History?
3:10; 4:1–2 A God Who Relents?
5:2 A Ruler from Bethlehem?
6:6–8 Salvation Through Righteousness?
1:2–3 A Jealous God?
1:5–6 Why Does God Use Pagan Nations to Judge His People?
3:16–18 Joy in All Circumstances?
2:6–7 The Desired of All Nations?
3:1–2 Satan in Heaven?
6:12–13 Who Is This Branch?
11:12–13 Thirty Pieces of Silver—A Confused Prophecy?
12:10 They Will Look on Me, the One They Have Pierced?
1:2–3 I Have Hated Esau?
1:11 The Worship of Gentiles?
2:16 God Hates Divorce
3:6 I the Lord Do Not Change?
3:10 Does Tithing Always Pay Off?
2:1–2 Is Astrology Biblical?
4:5–10 Order of the Temptations?
4:5–10 Tempted in Every Way Like Us?
5:11–12 Rejoice in Persecution?
5:13 Saltless Salt?
5:17–20 Eternal Law?
5:22 “You Fool!” Merits Hell?
5:28 Adultery in the Heart?
5:29 Gouge Out Your Right Eye?
5:34 Do Not Swear at All?
5:39 Turn the Other Cheek?
5:44 Love Your Enemies?
5:48 You Must Be Perfect?
6:13 Lead Us Not into Temptation?
6:14–15 No Forgiveness for the Unforgiving?
6:24 You Cannot Serve Both God and Mammon?
7:6 Pearls Before Swine?
7:23 I Never Knew You?
8:5 Did the Centurion Come to Meet Jesus?
8:13 How Much Faith Do We Need?
8:20 The Son of Man Has No Place to Lay His Head?
8:22 Let the Dead Bury Their Dead?
8:28–34 Two Demoniacs or One?
8:31–32 Why No Concern for the Pigs?
9:22 How Much Faith Do We Need?
9:24 Not Dead but Sleeping?
10:5–6 Not to the Gentiles?
10:9–10 Were the Twelve to Take a Staff?
10:23 Unfulfilled Expectation?
10:28 Whom Should We Fear?
10:34 Not Peace but a Sword?
11:11 Who Is Greater Than John the Baptist?
11:12 Violently into the Kingdom?
11:27 The Father and the Son
12:30 For or Against Christ?
12:31–32 An Unpardonable Sin?
12:39 No Sign?
12:40 How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?
13:13 Why in Parables?
13:32 How Small Is a Mustard Seed?
15:21–28 The Children First?
16:4 No Sign?
16:18–19 Peter the Rock?
16:28 What Is This Coming?
17:20 Faith Moves Mountains?
18:8–9 Pluck Out Your Eye?
18:10 Guardian Angels?
18:35 No Forgiveness for the Unforgiving?
19:9 No Divorce and Remarriage?
19:12 Eunuchs for the Kingdom’s Sake?
19:17 Why Do You Ask Me About What Is Good?
19:21 Sell Your Possessions?
19:24 Easier for a Camel?
19:30 The First Will Be Last?
20:14–15 The Rate for the Job?
20:16 The First Will Be Last?
20:20 Who Asked for the Seats of Honor?
20:30 Two Blind Men or One?
21:2 How Many Donkeys?
21:19 Why Was the Fig Tree Cursed?
21:21 Faith Moves Mountains?
21:27 Neither Will I Tell You?
22:12 What Is the Wedding Garment?
22:14 Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen?
22:21 Render to Caesar?
23:9 Call No Man Father?
23:33 You Brood of Vipers!
24:28 There the Eagles Will Be Gathered Together?
24:34 This Generation Will Not Pass Away?
25:11–12 Why Were the Virgins Shut Out?
25:26 Salvation by Works?
26:26–28 This Is My Body and Blood?
26:63–64 You Will See the Son of Man?
27:5 How Did Judas Die?
27:9–10 Wrong Prophet?
27:37 What Was the Crime?
27:46 Why Have You Forsaken Me?
27:53 What Resurrection Happened at the Cross?
28:1–8 What Really Happened at the Resurrection?
1:2 Wrong Prophet?
1:4 What Was John’s Baptism of Repentance?
1:34, 44 Why the Secret?
2:10 The Son of Man Forgives Sins?
2:17 Not the Righteous but Sinners?
2:26 Who Was the High Priest?
2:27–28 The Sabbath for Man?
3:28–29 An Unpardonable Sin?
4:11–12 Why in Parables?
4:31 How Small Is a Mustard Seed?
5:1–20 Two Demoniacs or One?
5:11–13 Why No Concern for the Pigs?
5:34 How Much Faith Do We Need?
5:39 Not Dead but Sleeping?
5:43 Why the Secret?
6:8 Were the Twelve to Take a Staff?
6:23–27 Inviolable Vow?
7:27 The Children First?
8:12 No Sign?
8:30 Why the Secret?
8:33 Get Behind Me, Satan!
8:34 Taking Up the Cross?
9:1 What Is the Coming of the Kingdom?
9:9 Why the Secret?
9:40 For or Against?
9:43–47 Plucking Out the Eye?
9:50 Saltless Salt?
10:11–12 No Divorce and Remarriage?
10:18 Why Do You Call Me Good?
10:21 Sell Everything You Have?
10:25 Easier for a Camel?
10:31 The First Will Be Last?
10:35 Who Asked for the Seats of Honor?
10:46 Two Blind Men or One?
10:52 How Much Faith Do We Need?
11:2 How Many Mounts for Jesus?
11:14 Why Was the Fig Tree Cursed?
11:23 Faith Moves Mountains?
11:33 Neither Will I Tell You?
12:17 Render to Caesar?
13:30 This Generation Will Not Pass Away?
14:22–24 This Is My Body and Blood?
14:61–62 You Will See the Son of Man?
15:26 What Was the Crime?
15:34 Why Have You Forsaken Me?
16:1–8 What Really Happened at the Resurrection?
4:1–13 Order of the Temptations?
5:39 The Old Is Better?
6:24 Woe to the Rich?
6:29 Turn the Other Cheek?
6:35 Love Your Enemies?
7:6 Did the Centurion Come to Meet Jesus?
7:28 Who Is Greater Than John the Baptist?
7:47 Faith or Love?
8:10 Why in Parables?
8:26–39 Two Demoniacs or One?
8:32–33 Why No Concern for the Pigs?
8:48 How Much Faith Do We Need?
8:52 Not Dead but Sleeping?
9:3 Were the Twelve to Take a Staff?
9:27 The Coming of the Kingdom?
9:50 For or Against Christ?
9:58 The Son of Man Has No Place to Lay His Head?
9:60 Let the Dead Bury Their Dead?
9:62 No Looking Back?
10:18 What Is the Fall of Satan?
10:22 The Father and the Son
11:4 Lead Us Not into Temptation?
11:23 For or Against Christ?
11:29–30 No Sign?
11:41 Give What Is Inside the Dish to the Poor?
12:4–5 Whom Should We Fear?
12:10 An Unpardonable Sin?
12:33–34 Sell Your Possessions?
12:49 Bringing Fire to Earth?
12:50 Distressed Until Baptism Completed?
13:6–8 What Is the Fig Tree?
13:27 Why Shut Out?
13:30 The First Will Be Last?
14:26 Hate Your Parents?
14:34 Saltless Salt?
15:25–28 Is the Elder Brother Unreasonable?
16:9 Use Money to Make Friends?
16:13 You Cannot Serve Both God and Mammon?
16:16 Forcefully into the Kingdom?
16:17 Eternal Law?
16:18 No Divorce and Remarriage?
16:25 Woe to the Rich?
16:26 What Is the Great Gulf?
17:6 How Much Faith Do We Need?
17:19 How Much Faith Do We Need?
17:37 There the Eagles?
18:8 Will the Son of Man Find Faith on Earth?
18:19 Why Do You Call Me Good?
18:25 Easier for a Camel?
18:42 How Much Faith Do We Need?
19:30 How Many Mounts?
20:8 Neither Will I Tell You?
20:25 Render to Caesar?
21:32 This Generation Will Not Pass Away?
22:19–20 This Is My Body and Blood?
22:36 Buy a Sword?
22:67–70 You Will See the Son of Man?
23:38 What Was the Crime?
23:43 Today in Paradise?
24:10 What Happened at the Resurrection?
1:1 One God or Three?
1:18 No One Has Ever Seen God?
1:25 What Was John’s Baptism?
1:51 Angels Ascending and Descending?
3:5 Born of Water and the Spirit?
5:28–29 Salvation by Works?
6:53 Eating the Flesh, Drinking the Blood?
10:34–35 You Are Gods?
12:39–40 God Blinded Their Eyes?
14:6 No One Saved Without Jesus?
14:12 What Greater Things?
14:28 The Father Is Greater?
19:19 What Was the Crime?
20:1–8 What Happened at the Resurrection?
20:22 Receive the Holy Spirit?
1:18 How Did Judas Die?
1:26 Casting Lots?
2:38 Baptism for the Forgiveness of Sins?
4:12 Salvation in No One Else?
4:19 Submitting to Government?
4:32 They Shared Everything?
5:9 Testing the Holy Spirit?
7:14–15 How Many Went to Egypt?
8:1 All Were Scattered?
8:16 Baptized but Without the Holy Spirit?
12:15 His Angel?
15:29 How Kosher Should Christians Live?
16:3 Why Did Paul Circumcise Timothy?
19:2 Did You Receive the Holy Spirit?
20:23 Ignoring Prophetic Warnings?
20:35 Missing Words of Jesus?
21:21 Should Christian Jews Live like Jews?
22:16 Baptism to Wash Away Sins?
1:16 First for the Jew?
1:18 Is God Wrathful?
1:24–28 God Gave Them Over to Sin?
1:27 Homosexuality Condemned?
2:5 Is God Wrathful?
2:7 Salvation by Works?
2:12 Is God Fair to Condemn Those Who Have Never Heard?
4:9–12 Is the Church Israel?
5:3 Rejoice in Suffering?
5:9–10 Salvation: Past, Present or Future?
5:12 One Man’s Sin Means My Death?
5:20 The Law Increases Sin?
6:2, 7 Dead to Sin?
7:4 Freed from the Law?
7:14–19 A Slave to Sin?
8:28 All Things for Good?
8:29 Predestination?
9:13–15 Is God Unjust?
9:18 God Hardens Whom He Wants to Harden?
9:22 Is God Wrathful?
10:4 The End of the Law?
11:26 All Israel Will Be Saved?
11:32 God Has Bound All to Disobedience?
12:20 Burning Coals?
13:1–7 Submitting to Government?
14:15 To Eat or Not to Eat?
1 Corinthians
1:18 Salvation: Past, Present or Future?
3:17 Destroying God’s Temple?
5:5 Hand Him Over to Satan?
6:9–10 Who Inherits the Kingdom?
7:1 Is It Good to Marry?
7:10, 12 Not I, but the Lord?
7:17, 20 Remain in Slavery?
7:29 Live as Though You Had No Spouse?
8:5–6 Many Gods and Lords?
8:1–13 To Eat or Not to Eat?
10:8 Twenty-three Thousand or Twenty-four Thousand?
10:14–33 To Eat or Not to Eat?
11:3 Head of Woman Is Man?
11:7 Woman the Glory of Man?
11:10 What Is the Sign of Authority?
11:29 Discerning the Body?
11:31–32 Believers Judged by the Lord?
14:5 Should All Speak in Tongues?
14:33–34 Women to Keep Silence?
15:2 Salvation: Past, Present or Future?
15:29 Baptism for the Dead?
2 Corinthians
1:21–22 What Is the Anointing?
3:14 A Veil over Their Minds?
4:4 Who Is “The God of This Age”?
5:17 All the Old Has Gone?
6:14 Yoked with Unbelievers?
12:2 Caught Up to the Third Heaven?
12:7 What Is the Thorn in the Flesh?
1:9 Condemning Opponents?
3:23–25 The End of the Law?
3:24–26 Is the Church Israel?
5:2 Christ of No Value?
5:12 Hate Your Enemies?
5:19–21 Who Inherits the Kingdom?
6:16 Who Is the Israel of God?
1:10 Universalism?
1:11 Predestination?
2:15 Abolishing the Law?
4:9–10 Christ Ascending and Descending?
5:3–5 Who Inherits the Kingdom?
5:22 Wives, Submit?
6:5–8 Did Paul Approve of Slavery?
6:12 Many Gods and Lords?
2:6 Is Jesus God?
2:10–11 Universalism?
2:12–13 Work Out Your Salvation?
3:3 Is the Church Israel?
3:4–6 Faultless Before the Law?
3:10 Somehow Attain the Resurrection?
4:4 Joy in All Circumstances?
1:15 Christ the Firstborn?
1:19 Universalism?
1:24 Lacking in Christ’s Afflictions?
2:18 The Worship of Angels?
3:22–25 Did Paul Approve of Slavery?
4:6 Seasoned with Salt?
1 Thessalonians
2:14–15 Anti-Semitism?
2 Thessalonians
2:3 Who Is the Man of Lawlessness?
2:7 Who Is the One Who Holds Back Lawlessness?
1–2 Timothy
1 Timothy1:17 Invisible God?
2:11–12 No Women Teachers?
2:13–15 Salvation Through Childbirth?
5:8 Worse Than an Unbeliever?
5:23 Wine for the Stomach?
6:16 Whom No One Has Seen?
2 Timothy4:14 A Call for Revenge?
Titus, Philemon
Titus1:12–13 Cretans Are Always Liars?
3:5 Salvation: Past, Present or Future?
Philemon12 Did Paul Approve of Slavery?
1:3 What Is the Trinity?
2:10 Make the Author of Their Salvation Perfect?
4:15 Tempted in Every Way?
5:7–9 Jesus Learned Obedience?
6:4–6 Is Repentance Ever Impossible?
7:1 Who Was Melchizedek?
8:5 A Copy of What Is in Heaven?
10:14 Made Perfect?
10:26 No Forgiveness for Deliberate Sin?
11:30 Did Jericho’s Walls Really Collapse?
11:31 Was Rahab Right to Lie?
12:15 What Is the Bitter Root?
1:2 Are Christians Masochists?
1:13 God Does Not Tempt Anyone?
1:17 Does God Change?
2:5–7 God Chose the Poor?
2:24 Justified by What You Do?
2:25 Was Rahab Right to Lie?
4:4 Friendship with the World Is Hatred Toward God?
5:1 Woe to the Rich?
5:12 Do Not Swear?
5:14–16 Prayer Makes the Sick Well?
5:20 Saved from Death?
1 Peter
1:9 Salvation: Past, Present or Future?
2:13–14 Submitting to Government?
2:18 Slavery Approved?
3:6 Call Your Husband Master?
3:7 The Weaker Partner?
3:19 Who Are the Spirits in Prison?
3:21 Baptism Saves You?
4:1 Done with Sin?
4:14 The Spirit of Glory and of God?
4:17 Judgment to Begin with the Family of God?
2 Peter
1:4 Participate in the Divine Nature?
1:10 Make Your Calling and Election Sure?
1:19 The Word of the Prophets Made More Certain?
2:1–22 Condemning Opponents?
2:10–11 Which Celestial Beings?
2:20 Worse Off at the End?
3:10, 12 The Earth Renewed or Destroyed?
3:11–12 Speeding Up Its Coming?
1 John
2:15 Love Either the World or the Father?
2:18–22 Who Is the Antichrist?
2:27 What Is the Anointing?
2:29 Everyone Who Does Right Is Born of God?
3:9 No One Born of God Will Continue to Sin?
4:2 Confessing Christ Come in the Flesh?
4:7 Everyone Who Loves Has Been Born of God?
5:6–8 By Water and Blood?
5:14 Praying According to His Will?
5:16–17 A Sin That Leads to Death?
2 John
1 Who Is the Chosen Lady?
7 Who Are the Heretics?
10 Do Not Practice Hospitality?
3 John
7 Receiving No Help from Pagans?
11 Anyone Who Does Good Is from God?
3–16 Condemning Opponents?
7 Homosexuality Condemned?
9, 14–15 Are the Pseudepigrapha Authoritative?
24 Possibility of Falling?
2:6 Who Were the Nicolaitans?
2:13 Where Does Satan Live?
2:15 Who Were the Nicolaitans?
6:10 A Call for Revenge?
7:4 Who Are the 144,000?
9:1 What Is the Abyss?
11:2–3 Symbolic Numbers?
12:1–3 Who Are the Woman and the Dragon?
12:7–8 Satan in Heaven?
12:11 Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb?
13:1 Who Is the Beast from the Sea?
13:18 His Number Is 666?
16:15 Blessed Is He Who Keeps His Clothes?
19:10 The Testimony of Jesus Is the Spirit of Prophecy?
20:2 Bound for a Thousand Years?
21:1 The Earth Renewed or Destroyed?
22:18–19 Protecting the Canon?
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