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Imperial Library
Chapter 1: Seven Billionaires and One Big Problem
Chapter 2: Big Telescopes, Hot Rodders, and Librarians
Chapter 3: Gateses, Jobses, and the Laureates' Lemma
Chapter 4: Build Big, Build Many, or Use it Again
Chapter 5 : Small Market, Small Payload, but not Toy
Chapter 6 : Myths, Mistrust, and Trust
Chapter 7 : The Pitch
Chapter 8 : Mazes, Stop Cords, and Skunk Workers
Chapter 9 : Fuel Tanks, Heat Shields, and Fire Walls
Chapter 10 : Balloon Tanks, Fracture Mechanics, and Friction Stir Welding
Chapter 11 : Enthusiasm Bubbles, Ejections, and Topping Cycles
Chapter 12 : Gasoline, Alchol, Kerosene, or Liquid Methane
Chapter 13: Design Reviews, Prototypes, and Parawings
Chapter 14: Guidance, Navigation, and Control
Chapter 15: Webb Suit, Hard Suit, Space Suit
Chapter 16: Markets, Philosophy, Techniques, and Approaches
Chapter 17: Rockets, Jets, and Soft Landings
Chapter 18: Pilots, Payloads, and Passengers
Chapter 19: Mooncars, Monks, and Monasteries
Chapter 20: Aliens, Cheetahs, and Archea
Chapter 21: Halfway to Everywhere
Chapter 22: First Stage, First Flight
Chapter 23: Stop the Production Line!
Chapter 24: Earth Below Us
Chapter 25: Money, Manufacturing, and Marketing
Chapter 26: Always Room for Improvement
Epilogue 1: Space is Finally a Place
Epilogue 2: Mars for the Many
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