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Title Page
Table of Contents
Part 1: Introduction to Subtle Energy and the Chakras
Chapter 1: Understanding Subtle Energy
My First Experience of Subtle Energy
Exploring Subtle Energy with a Partner
Other Ways of Detecting Subtle Energy
Energy Blockages
Energy Blocks
Chapter 2: Energy Balancing in the Chakras and Meridians
Anatomy of a Chakra
The Pairings of the Chakras
The Seven Major Chakras
Chakra Imbalances
Opening and Balancing a Chakra
Balancing All the Chakras
Balancing the Energy of a Meridian
Balancing Yin and Yang
Part 2: Types of Subtle Energy and Their Release through Yoga and Massage
Chapter 3: Emotional Energy
Eight Emotional Energies
The Healing Energy of Love
The Cycle of Emotional Release in Yoga and Massage
The Three Levels of Understanding
Emotional Release and the Five Koshas
Letting Go and Finding Balance
Chapter 4: Sexual and Karmic Energies
Sexual Energy
The Natural Characteristics and Uses of Sexual Energy
Ancestral Patterns in Sexual Energy
Sexual Energy and Karmic Energy
Karmic Energy
How Sexual Energy Gets Hurt
Sexual Energy as Healing Energy
Hidden Forms of Hurt to Women’s Sexual Energy
The Physiological Locations of Hurt Sexual Energy
A Body Map of Sexual Energy
Chapter 5: Spiritual Energy
Awakening Spiritual Energy
What Spiritual Energy Feels Like
Spiritual Orgies
The Myth of Achieving Enlightenment through Sex
The Relationship between Sexual Energy and Spiritual Energy
Chapter 6: Interpersonal, Ancestral, and Environmental Energies
Interpersonal Connections
Energetic Connections in Intimate Relationships
Breaking Free from a Pattern of Hurtful Relationships
Familial Connections
Aligning with the Energy of a Yoga or Massage System or Teacher
The Energy of Cults
Spells, Hexes, and Curses
Part 3: Healing Emotional Blockages
Chapter 7: Reading the Colors of Energy
Sky Blue
Three-Color Energy Blockage Combinations
Chapter 8: Releasing Blockages in the Body
1. Tight Ankles
2. Weak Knees
3. Tight Quadriceps
4. Tightness along the Outside of the Thigh
5. Tight Hamstrings
6. Tight AIIS
7. Tightness in the Inside of the Thigh (Liver Meridian, Iliopsoas/Adductor Muscles)
8. Tightness at the Tops of the Adductor Magnus and Gracilis Muscles Close to the Perineum
9. Tight or Closed Hips
10. Compression below the Sacroiliac Joint
11. Weakness or Pain at the Top of the Sacrum
12. Asymmetry
13. Pain in the Outside of the Hip
14. Tight Psoas
15. Weak Lower Back
16. Tightness in the Midback
17. Tightness between the Shoulder Blades
18. Stiffness in the Area of the Shoulder Blades
19. Pain in the Center or Bottom Edge of the Scapula
20. Upper-Arm Pain
21. Pain or Weakness inside the Elbow
22. Forearm Tightness
23. Weak Wrists
24. Pain in the Right Arm
25. Coldness between the Upper Chest and the Clavicle
26. Pain in the Trapezius
27. Inflammation at the Sides of the Neck
28. Tightness at the Back of the Neck
29. Ear, Head, and Neck Pain
30. The Crown
Appendix: The Esoteric
“Past Life” Dreams
Being Suffocated by a Big Black Blob
Dreams of Being Strangled
The Alchemist
“I Am a Ray of Light”
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