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Imperial Library
Chapter One: In which the heroine (me!) practices the power of positive thinking
Chapter Two: In which I make a momentulous decision
Chapter Three: In which several important questions are answered and asked
Chapter Four: Where I keep a secret and maybe discover one, too
Chapter Five: In which our heroine (still me) remembers that most secrets are bad
Chapter Six: In which a character makes an unexpected reappearance, and our heroine is like whaa??
Chapter Number Whatever We’re Up to Now: In which Cassius makes my grandmother cry
Chapter Okay I Went Back and Counted and It’s Eight: In which our heroine experiences a memory
Chapter Nine: In which the heroine’s friends come to her aid (sort of)
Chapter Ten: In which the heroine eats some soup, which only leads to questions
Chapter Eleven: In which I realize my evil geniusness
Interlude: In which there is talking on the phone
Chapter Twelve: In which I learn to critique art stuffs
Chapter Thirteen: In which some stuff happens that I barely even understand
Chapter Fourteen: In which: bullies; ugh!
Chapter Fifteen: In which I make a mess
Chapter Whatever: In which blah, blah, blah. I can’t even think of a synopsis right now—just read it yourself, okay?
Chapter Seventeen, I Think?: In which I wonder, “Who Let in the Rain”
Chapter Eighteen: Frick
Chapter Nineteen: In which . . . enlightenmentation
Chapter Twenty: In which our heroine makes a decision
Chapter Five Thousand, Four Hundred, and Seventy-Six, or That’s What It Feels Like: In which someone goes to beat-down school
Chapter Twenty-Two: In which our heroine learns to prioritize
Chapter Twenty-Three: In which the heroine reaches for the sky, but ends up in space
Chapter Twenty-Four: In which the heroine realizes that she really doesn’t know anything at all
Chapter Twenty-Five: In which I am a SUPERSLEUTH
Chapter Twenty-Six: In which everything goes bananas
Chapter Twenty-Seven: In which: soup
Chapter Twenty-Eight: In which my dad comes clean
Excerpt from A Tale of Highly Unusual Magic
About the Author
Books by Lisa Papademetriou
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