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Title Page
Introduction: You Can Do—and Be—So Much More Than You Think
How Successful People Approach Motivation
The Relationship Between Happiness and Success
Chapter 1: Motivation Is Not the Spark
How to Start When You’re 0 Percent Motivated
Shortcuts Never Get You Where You Really Want to Go
Routine Is Not the Last Resort of the Less Talented (or the Boring)
You Don’t Need Other People to Support You
Other People Were Not Born with Greater Willpower
You Absolutely Don’t Need to Find Your Passion First
Winning Medals Doesn’t Feel That Good
Chapter 2: The Greater Your Focus, the Lower Your Chances of Success
To Reach a Goal, Don’t Focus on the Goal
So for Gosh Sakes, Don’t Always Keep Your Goal in Mind
And Definitely Don’t Worry About Smart Goals
Successful People Forget About the Goal
Forgetting Your Goal Unleashes the Power of Feedback (and Motivation)
How I Got More Than Just My Mom to Read My Inc. Posts
Believe It or Not, There Is a Process for Building Great Relationships
1. Don’t talk a lot.
2. Don’t blame.
3. Don’t try to impress.
4. Don’t interrupt.
5. Don’t control.
6. Don’t preach.
7. Don’t dwell on the past.
The Power of Forgetting a Huge Goal: How Jerry Seinfeld Became the Jerry Seinfeld
Chapter 3: Your Goal Must Always Choose Your Process
How to Create a Successful Process
1. Set your goal.
2. Set aside decision anxiety and choose a reasonably promising routine.
3. If necessary, customize your process to be extremely specific.
4. Rework your schedule.
5. Map out your daily plan.
6. Work the process.
7. Fix your schedule problems.
8. Your results may vary, so adapt accordingly.
Want to Lose Ten Pounds In Thirty Days? You Can!
1. Start with a fast day.
2. Exercise first thing every morning.
3. Eat four almonds fifteen minutes before every meal.
4. Drink a glass of water right before every meal.
5. Always stop eating the moment you start to feel full.
6. Don’t eat anything white.
7. Make sure every meal is healthy.
8. Toss in a snack.
9. Burn about five hundred extra calories a day.
10. Cheat wisely.
11. Keep a food journal.
12. Check off each step in the process.
Want to Get Rich? You Can!
But You Say You Don’t Trust the IRS?
“I Don’t” Are the Magic Words for Staying on Track
Chapter 4: Happiness Comes to Serial Achievers
How Good Is Good Enough?
It’s Okay to Be a Tortoise
Why You Must Be a Professional Serial Achiever
Why You Must Also Be a Personal Serial Achiever
The Best Goals Eliminate the Pain of Regret
Serial Achievement Makes You Uncontainable, Unpredictable, and Undefinable
Here’s the Key Question: Are You Happy?
Maslow Really Did Have His Shit Together
1. The best goals make Maslow (and therefore you) happy.
2. Your goal must benefit you on multiple levels.
3. Your goal must be unquestionably measurable.
Now Let’s Choose Your Goal
Chapter 4.5: Wishing and Hoping Is the Most Unrealistic Approach of All
Chapter 5: To Gain Incredible Willpower . . . Need Less Willpower
How to Have Your Most Productive Day Ever
Step 1: Let everyone know you won’t be available.
Step 2: Decide how long you will work.
Step 3: Totally commit to how long you decided to work.
Step 4: Start your EPD at an unusual time.
Step 5: Delay and space out your rewards.
Step 6: Refuel before you think you need to refuel.
Step 7: Take productive breaks, not relaxation breaks.
Step 8: Take your breaks at a counterintuitive moment.
Step 9: Don’t stop until you’re done—even if finishing takes longer than expected.
How to Have Your Most Productive Week Ever
Step 1: Every Sunday, map out your week.
Step 2: Actively block out task time.
Step 3: Follow a realistic to-do list.
Step 4: Default to thirty-minute meetings.
Step 5: Stop multitasking.
Step 6: Obsess about leveraging “edge” time.
Step 7: Track your time.
Step 8: Be thoughtful about lunch.
Step 9: Protect your family time.
Step 10: Start every day right.
Quick Sidetrack: How to Have the Most Productive Mind-Set Ever
Step 1: Stop making excuses for doing less.
Step 2: Stop letting disapproval, or even scorn, stand in your way.
Step 3: Stop letting fear hold you back.
Step 4: Stop waiting for inspiration.
Step 5: Stop turning down the help you need.
Step 6: Stop stopping.
How to Go the True Extra Mile, Seinfeld Style
How to Have Willpower . . . Without Needing Willpower
Step 1: Eliminate as many choices as possible.
Step 2: Make decisions tonight so you won’t need to make them tomorrow.
Step 3: Do the hardest things you need to do first.
Step 4: Refuel often.
Step 5: Create reminders of your long-term goals.
Step 6: Remove temptation altogether.
Want to Go Beyond Practical Tricks? Learn the Philosophy of Willpower
Let Your Past Inform Your Future—but Don’t Let It Define Your Future
See Your Life—and Future—as Within Your Control
Learn to Ignore the Things You Have No Control Over
Don’t Just Aim for Tenacity; Aim for Adaptability
Don’t Resent; Celebrate the Success of Others
Resist the Temptation to Complain, Criticize, or Whine
Count Your Blessings
Chapter 5.5: One Question Provides Nearly Every Answer
The Fewer the Goals, the Greater the Resolve
Chapter 6: Why Work Smarter When You Can Work Your Number?
Yes, I Did 100,000 Push-Ups (and What That Means to You)
Reps Are Repetitive but Must Never Be Mindless
How to Do a Lot of REPS (Although Not the Kind We’ve Talked About)
What If You Find Yourself in a Rep Rut?
What If the Ideal Number of Reps Is “As Many As Possible”?
The Second-Most-Rewarding Number to Work: The One You Own
Step 1: Get over the company-name thing.
Step 2: Get Your Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Step 3: Register your trade name.
Step 4: Get your business license.
Step 5: Complete a business personal property tax form (if necessary).
Step 6: Ask your locality about other permits.
Step 7: Get a certificate of resale (if necessary).
Step 8: Open a business bank account.
Step 9: Set up a simple accounting spreadsheet.
The Most Rewarding Number to Work
Give Greater Autonomy and Independence
Give Clearer Expectations
Give More Meaningful Objectives
Give a Better Sense of Purpose
Give More Opportunities to Provide Significant Input
Give a Better Sense of Connection
Give Greater Consistency
Give Private Criticism
Give Public Praise
Give Everyone a Chance for a Meaningful Future
While We’re at It . . . Working Your Number Can Also Be Fun
My Rules
My Takeaways
Chapter 7: You Don’t Need a Coach; You Need a Pro
That Sinking Feeling Means You’re on the Right Track
How to Pick Your Pro
The Difference Between Pros and Motivational Coaches
How to Connect With Your Pro
Start Quietly and Just Do the Work
Volunteer for the Worst Jobs
Ask for Help That Requires Only Words
Offer to Help in Ways That Require More Than Words
Help Other People Feel They Belong
Your Biggest Limits Are Self-Imposed—But Those Limits Are the Easiest to Overcome
Chapter 8: Do More by Doing Less
Be the Biggest Fish
The Antidrug Commercials Are Right: Just Say No
“Will Doing This Benefit Me in Some Way?”
“Is This More Important Than What I’m Currently Doing?”
To Achieve a Lot More, Start By Doing a Lot Less
Eliminate One “Permission”
Kill One Report
Kill One Sign-off
Fire One Customer
Prune Your To-Do List
Cut One Expense
Drop One Personal Commitment
Streamline Your Lunch
Create a Window of Reflection
Eliminate an Entire Category of Decisions
The 1 Percent Advantage
If You’re In a Relationship, 1 Percent Improvements Are Visible
If It Improves a Relationship, Imagine How the 1 Percent Advantage Will Work Everywhere Else
You Can Do Anything 1 Percent Better
Chapter 9: The Bottom Line
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