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Imperial Library
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Notes on contributors
Part I Geography and the environment
1 Geography in history and history in geography
2 Climate and environment in history
3 Classical Japan and the continent
Part II Political events and institutions
4 Jōmon and Yayoi: premodern to hypermodern
5 The Kofun era and early state formation
6 The ritsuryō state
7 From classical to medieval? Ōchō kokka, kenmon taisei, and the Heian court
8 The court and its provinces: producing and distributing wealth in classical society, 700-1200
9 Court and countryside 1200-1600: the articulation of local autonomy
10 The imperial court in medieval Japan
11 The sixteenth century: identifying a new group of "uniflers" and reevaluating the myth of "reuniflcation"
Part III Society and culture
12 Religion in archaic Japan
13 Gender and family in the archaic and classical ages
14 Heian-kyō: from royal center to metropole
15 Religion in Nara and Heian Japan
16 The historical demography of Japan to 1700
17 Village and rurallife in medieval Japan
18 Family, women, and gender in medieval society
19 Outcasts and marginals in medieval Japan
20 Medieval warriors and warfare
21 Religion in medieval Japan
Part IV Economy and technology
22 Coins and commerce in classical Japan
23 Knowledge of nature and craft: researching the history of science, mathematics, and technology in Japan before 1600
24 Agriculture and food production
25 Commerce and towns in medievalJapan
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